Excerpt from report by London-based Zimbabwe independent Short Wave [sic] Radio Africa website on 8 July
SW Radio Africa is a trusted lifeline of accurate and informative news, including vital HIV/AIDS awareness, and is available to even the poorest and most remote communities. But SW's funding is remains uncertain. Mugabe's jamming of the airwaves has forced the station to suspend its transmission on shortwave and drained its funds because of the high cost of using extra shortwave frequencies to counteract the jamming.
The station can now only broadcast on mediumwave. If there is no new funding, this may also be silenced. If there was additional funding it could go back onto multiple shortwave frequencies. If we could get 4,000 people to give10 pounds a month, we could ensure that SWRA has a long term future!
Donations from individuals might seem like a long shot, but if you do it, get your friends to do the same, use the 'Send to a friend' option to forward on the ad you've just seen, use your powers of persuasion and we might just keep the station alive. We might be able to help continuing giving a voice to Zimbabweans and continue to help promote democracy. [Passage omitted]
Source: SW Radio Africa website
引用:Voice of America=美国之音(voa)
原文由 yayf5468 发表于 2005-8-10 18:17:34 :小声问一句:VOA的标准说法是什么意思?
引用:你是新手吧 ?
原文由 yayf5468 发表于 2005-8-10 18:17:34 :小声问一句:VOA的标准说法是什么意思?
原文由 ekaeross1233 发表于 2005-8-19 17:44:52 :建议编辑老师今后尽量多刊登中文信息稿 ,本人对英格兰语懂得不多; 而您的文法有比较高深!
原文由 ekaeross1233 发表于 2005-8-19 22:46:15 :请您将显示用户IP地址的活动画面去掉, 很讨厌这功能!
引用:俺不想固定它,固定比较死,动了就活了! ,呵呵!
原文由 唳鹤 发表于 2005-8-20 0:24:30 :怎么不固定那个图标!~?~~@
原文由 唳鹤 发表于 2005-8-20 0:35:06 :
请您将显示用户IP地址的活动画面去掉, 很讨厌这功能!