2/23/2012 7:11:48 PM
收到BVB圣经之声电台发来的邮件,告知由于目前使用的哈萨克斯坦境内阿拉木图短波发射站即将于2月底永久关闭,该台对中国短波广播将另寻新的合作伙伴。本周六、日将在北京时间22:00-22:30在6225千赫上进行发射测试。阿拉木图发射站目前代播Family Radio、Bible Voice Broadcasting、Voice of Orthodoxy、Dem.Voice of Burma节目。
The Alma Ata transmitter site that we are currently using to broadcast into China is being shut down permanently at the end of February. We are doing a test from another tranmsitter site this Saturday and Sunday from 1400-1430 utc on 6.225, 49 meter band . Could you kindly let us know right away how the signal is?
Thank you!!
3/17/2012 12:20:35 PM
Alma Ata短波发射台停播后,原先租用这座发射台的电台Family Radio、BVB等,将在A12广播季开始后租用前德国之声设在斯里兰卡的Trincomalee 短波发射台,其中Family Radio已于3月2日起率先播音。