广播爱好者基地社区BCL讨论大区 → 布拉格电台关于QSL卡与停止短波广播相互矛盾的回复
12/9/2009 8:39:19 AM
Dear Zhang,

Thank you very much indeed for your interest and support. At the
moment, we still cannot provide you with any specific
information. Talks with the Foreign Ministry are still under way
but Radio Prague would like to maintain at least a limited
operation on shortwave. The question is the extent, that is how
often and on what frequencies.

Best regards,

Pavla Horakova

Radio Prague English Section
Vinohradska 12
120 99 Prague 2
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 22155 2900
fax: +420 22155 2903

Radio Prague Online: http://www.radio.cz
Listen now in MP3:www.radio.cz/mp3/english.pls
12/9/2009 9:40:33 AM
12/9/2009 10:11:12 AM



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