广播爱好者基地社区BCL讨论大区 → 丘比特电台11月7日对澳大利亚广播,也许这是我们能听到
11/2/2009 8:43:57 AM

Cupid go's DX again saturday 7 november!!! 15.070 mhz AM mode

Hello radio friends !!
Saturday 7 november i have planned a DX broadcast towards australia
There are some DX people in australia who loved to catch a europirate, together with a
member from the australian DX magazine ,we have make a scedule for the best time to broadcast towards down under !!
I will start at 09:00 utc till 11:00 utc
freq 15.070 MHZ AM mode
for this special broadcast I will use my big AMP, power will be then around 400 watts
It have been to long ago since the last time my signal came down into down under
a report from any country is welcom
for this event I will send out my special 19 mtr band QSL card
I only ask a report and a photo card from the city were my signal cames down
return funds is not neccesary
p.o.box 9
8096 ZG

11/2/2009 9:14:00 AM
11/2/2009 7:26:50 PM



11/6/2009 8:19:11 AM
Hi there friends
Just to make shure you will remember it !!
Saturday 7 november Cupid planned to go dx , antenna will be aimed at central australian 80 degrees!!
Good change for you, if you are lisening at the east side of the world
Signal is straight over afganistan,pakistan,india,vietnam ,indonesia !!
Hopefully the propagation will help a hand, and the signal will land on your antenna !!
Saturday  7 november
freq 15.070 AM mode
TX 400 watts running into a 3 elements beam ,aimed at 80 degrees east from my qth !!!!
starting 09:00 utc till 11:00 utc
Also there will be simultaneously a signal running on the 48 mtr band some were 6205, 6210 or 6305 this freq is variable
so the europe liseners can lisen also to this broadcast.
We will be in the chatroom from mr iann in france,  come join this nice chatroom lots of pirate experience is there
you will find it here http://www.easyshopdiscountzone.com/radio/pirate/english/
verry usefull !!!!!!!!!!
For any report from any country there will be send out a special dx qsl card when you receive me on the 19 meterband
please inclose a nice photo card from your city ,no return funds is needed
wrhite to,
Cupid radio
p.o.box 9
8096 ZG
happy dx all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
11/7/2009 1:40:04 PM


11/7/2009 8:33:07 PM


11/7/2009 8:56:11 PM
11/7/2009 9:29:30 PM



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