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8/6/2009 11:47:00 PM

山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)
  山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)是美国的绰号和拟人化形象,一般被描绘成身穿星条旗纹样的礼服,头戴星条旗纹样的高礼帽,身材高瘦,留着山羊胡子,鹰勾鼻,精神矍铄的老人形象。这个漫画形象是由著名画家詹姆斯·蒙哥马利·弗拉格(James Mentgomery Flagg) 依自己长相为公共资讯委员会而画。一般认为“山姆大叔”一名是源于1812年美英战争时期,一位名叫撒米尔·威尔逊(Samuel Wilson,1766年-1854年)的美国人,他在战争中向美军供应牛肉,桶上的牌子写的是‘EA-US’。EA为公司名,US为生产地美国,而Uncle Samuel(山姆大叔)的缩写恰好也是U.S.,于是在一次玩笑中,山姆大叔的说法很快传开,其后成了美国的绰号。
bear market与bull market
  “熊市”表示“下跌的行情”、“空头市场”,“牛市”是“行情看涨的市场”。英语中有句谚语Don't sell the bearskin before the bear was caught(不要在抓住熊之前就把熊皮卖掉),这正和人们在“熊市”的卖空头的做法有异曲同工之处。此外,从熊和公牛的习性分析,公牛更有蛮劲,更有攻击性;虽然熊也十分强壮,但和见人就顶的公牛比起来,它们善于沉思,并且易于撤退。

狗仔队 Paparazzi, dog packs
  Paparazzi is a plural term (paparazzo being the singular form) for photographers who take candid photographs of celebrities, usually by relentlessly shadowing them in their public and private activities. Celebrities claiming to have been hounded by such photographers often use "paparazzi" and even "stalkarazzi" as a pejorative term[3] while news agencies commonly use the word in a broader sense to describe all photographers who take pictures of people of note.

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