Dear listeners,
Here's our B06 schedule for this winter season:
Time- and frequency scedule: transmitting during first Saturday of the month and on Christmas Day (=local time that is fr 22UTC to Sa 22 UTC)
MW 1602 kHz:
fr. 22- sa 22 UTC
48 mb:
Fr. 22-23 UTC 6170 kHz
Fr. 23-24 UTC 5980 kHz
Sa.00-04 UTC 5980 kHz
Sa.04-17 UTC 6170 kHz
Sa.17-19 UTC 5980 kHz
Sa.19-22 UTC 6170 kHz
25 mb:
Fr. 22-24 UTC 11720 kHz
Sa.00-07 UTC 11720 kHz
Sa.07-12 UTC 11690 kHz
Sa.12-20 UTC 11720 kHz
Sa 20-22 UTC 11690 kHz
Postal address for reports is SWR Reports, POBox 99, 34801 Virrat Finland. Do not forgot handlig cost of 2 Euro/ 2US$/2IRC (correctly stamped) for QSL's. More info can be found:
Alpo Heinonen
Scandinavian Weekend Radio