广播爱好者基地社区天南海北 → [社区·求助]帮俺看看,这封信考扑不????
7/14/2006 12:30:03 AM



Hello my name is Amy,

I am a fun loving, attractive, intelegent russian woman. I am writing from my friends emails. I will be in the USA for 12 months on business.
I really enjoy meeting new people it's so exciting. I hope you enjoy my photo.
 I am looking forward to your reply. Reply to my personal  email only please. By the way, I
saw your profile and luved it. My personal email is sunshine@mailwithoutwords.com
I will reply back with a picture, Promise. ttyl..,

7/14/2006 7:54:38 PM
7/17/2006 7:53:00 PM
7/18/2006 12:43:38 AM

回复此帖:原文由 唳鹤 发表于 2006-7-17 19:53:00



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