广播爱好者基地社区BCL讨论大区 → [社区·原创]全球各国各短波广播电台A06版频率总表出炉(A06结束,请查阅B06)
3/21/2006 6:14:51 PM




3/21/2006 6:18:47 PM


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3/21/2006 10:36:30 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



意大利国家电台RAI International

1335-1355   9610

0435-0455  11900

0600-0620  11900
1330-1345    567
1330-1355   9670  11795  11915
1630-1655  11915
2025-2045   6110   7130
2135-2155   6000   7145

1540-1600   9780  11775

1810-1825   6130
2135-2155   5970

1435-1455   9570

2000-2020    6110   9780 (mar - gio - dom)

2000-2020    6110   9780 (sab)

0115-0130  11800
1530-1555   9670  11855
1630-1655   7275   9845  11855

1520-1540   9780  11775

0055-0115  11800
0445-0500   6015   6110   7235
1935-1955   5960   9845
2025-2045   6010  11875
2205-2230  11895

0130-0230   6110  11765
0130-0315   9840  11800
0435-0445   6015   6110   7235
0455-0530  11900
0700-1300   6195
1000-1100  11920
1400-1425  15280  17780        (lunedì->sabato)
1500-1525   9670  11660  11720 (lunedì->sabato)
1555-1625   9670  11855
1700-1800   5985   7175   9845  11970  15320 15385
1830-1905  15380  17780
2200-0400    657    900   6060
2240-0055   9840  11800

0505-0525   9670  11795

1840-1900   6130
2210-2225   5970

0115-0130   9840
2050-2110   6110   7130  11875  15240

0530-0550   9670  11795
2115-2135   5970

0345-0405   5970  9670  11830
0600-0620   9670 11795
1605-1625   9780 11700
2000-2020   6185  9565  11775

1910-1930   6130

1825-1840   6130
2155-2210   5970

1400-1415   9570

0530-0550  11900
1910-1930  11890

0055-0115   9840
0315-0335   9840  11800
2110-2130   6110   7130

2000-2020    6110   9780 (lun - mer - ven)

1415-1435   9570
1805-1825   6040   9845

1500-1520   9780  11775

0405-0425   5970   9670  11830

1935-1955   6130

On Sundays at 1245-1630, the following frequencies may be used for news or sports broadcasts in Italian:
9670  11885  17570  17780  21515

3/22/2006 2:11:52 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :




Site   Start Stop Language Target Area kHz m kW DaysSDA 0000 0030 Burmese    Myanmar          15510 19 100 1234567SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin   NE-China         12025 25 100 1234567SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin   C/N-China        15300 19 100 1234567SDA 0030 0100 Karen      Mnmr,Thlnd,China 15510 19 100 1234567SDA 0100 0200 Mandarin   S-China          15520 19 100 1234567TAI 0100 0200 Vietnamese Vietnam          15445 19 100       7MOS 0200 0230 Urdu       Pakistan         9895  31 300 1234567MDC 0230 0330 Malagasy   Madagascar       3215  90 50  1234567MOS 0230 0300 Panjabi    Pakistan         9895  31 300      67MOS 0230 0300 Pushto     Pakistan         9895  31 300 12345DHA 0300 0330 Tigrinya   Eritrea          11975 25 250 1234567SDA 0300 0330 Russian    E-Russia         17645 16 100 1234567DHA 0300 0330 Oromo      S-Ethiopia       11710 25 250 1234567MOS 0330 0400 Farsi      Iran             9895  31 300 1234567DHA 0330 0400 Amharic    Ethiopia         11975 25 250 1234567MOS 0400 0430 Arabic     Iraq,Arab P'sula 9770  31 300 1234567MOS 0430 0500 Arabic     Egypt,N-Sudan    9770  31 300 1234567WER 0500 0600 Bulgarian  Bulgaria         7295  41 100 1234567JUL 0700 0800 Arabic     Morocco,Algeria  15265 19 100 1234567JUL 0800 0830 Dial Ara   Morocco,Algeria  15265 19 100    4JUL 0800 0830 Tachelhit  Morocco,Algeria  15265 19 100     567JUL 0800 0900 French     Morocco,Algeria  15130 19 100 1234567JUL 0800 0830 Kabyle     Morocco,Algeria  15265 19 100 123JUL 0900 1000 Italian    Italy            11775 25 100 1SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin   S-China          15510 19 100 1234567SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin   C/N-China        15615 19 100 1234567SDA 1030 1100 Filipino   Philippines      11930 25 100 1234567SDA 1030 1100 Mongolian  N-China,Mongolia 11780 25 100 1234567SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin   C/N-China        12105 25 100 1234567SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin   S-China          11975 25 100 1234567SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin   NE-China         11770 25 100 1234567SDA 1100 1130 Indonesian W-Indonesia      15435 19 100 1234567SDA 1130 1200 English    Indonesia,M'sia  15435 19 100 1234567SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin   C/N-China        12105 25 100 1234567SDA 1200 1300 Korean     Korea            9685  31 100 1234567SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin   S-China          9720  31 100 1234567DHA 1200 1230 English    NE-India,B'desh  15365 19 250 1234567SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin   NE-China         9670  31 100 1234567DHA 1230 1300 Bengali    NE-India,B'desh  15365 19 250 1234567MDC 1300 1400 Vietnamese Vietnam          17670 16 250 1234567SDA 1300 1330 Japanese   Japan            11980 25 100 1234567SDA 1300 1330 Bengali    Bangladesh       15275 19 100 1234567SDA 1300 1330 Japanese   W-Japan          9805 31 100 1234567DHA 1300 1330 Uighur     W-China          15320 19 250 17DHA 1300 1330 Mandarin   W-China          15320 19 250 23456SDA 1300 1500 Mandarin   C/N-China        12105 25 100 1234567SDA 1330 1400 Khmer      Cambod,Viet,Thai 11880 25 100 14DHA 1330 1500 Mandarin   W-China          15320 19 250 1234567SDA 1330 1400 Assamese   NE-India         15275 19 100 14SDA 1330 1400 English    Bangladesh       15275 19 100 23567SDA 1330 1400 Russian    E-Russia         11795 25 100 1234567SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin   S-China          9695  31 100 1234567SDA 1400 1430 Karen      Mynmr,Thlnd,China 9385 31 100 1234567MOS 1400 1430 Urdu       Pakistan         15400 19 300 1234567TAI 1400 1500 Vietnamese Vietnam          11795 25 100 1234567SDA 1400 1430 Sinhalese  Sri Lanka        12045 25 100 1234567SDA 1430 1500 Chin       Myanmar          9725 31 100 1234567SDA 1430 1500 Burmese    Myanmar          11885 25 100 1234567MOS 1430 1500 Afar       Djibouti,NE-Ethiopia,Somalia 15225 19 300 1234567SDA 1500 1530 Telugu     S-India          11640 25 100 1234567SDA 1500 1530 Panjabi    N-India,Pakistan 11870 25 100 1234567SDA 1500 1530 Mizo       NE-India         11895 25 100 1234567DHA 1500 1530 Nepali     Nepal            15225 19 250 1234567MOS 1500 1530 German     Germany,Austria,Switzerland 6055 49 100 1234567DHA 1500 1530 Panjabi    N-India          15265 19 250 1234567MOS 1500 1530 Turkish    Turkey           15595 19 300 1234567SDA 1500 1530 Tamil      S-India          9600 31 100 1234567MDC 1530 1628 Malagasy   Madagascar       3215 90 50 1234567SDA 1530 1600 Hindi      C-India          11870 25 100 1234567SDA 1530 1600 Marathi    C-India          11895 25 100 1234567DHA 1530 1600 English    Nepal, Tibet     15225 19 250 1234567DHA 1530 1600 Hindi      N-India          15265 19 250 1234567SDA 1530 1600 Malayalam  S-India          9600 31 100 1234567SDA 1530 1600 Kannada    S-India          11640 25 100 1234567SDA 1600 1630 Urdu       N-India          11975 25 100 1234567SDA 1600 1630 English    S-India          11640 25 100 1234567SDA 1600 1630 English    C-India          11680 25 100 1234567MOS 1600 1630 Urdu       Pakistan         15225 19 300 1234567SDA 1630 1700 English    N-India          11975 25 100 1234567MOS 1630 1700 Farsi      Iran             15360 19 300 1234567DHA 1630 1700 Somali     Somalia          15460 19 250 1234567MEY 1700 1730 Kiswahili  Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda 9600 31 250 1234567SDA 1700 1730 Hindi      ME               11560 25 100 1234567MOS 1700 1730 Arabic     Iraq, Arab Pen   15265 19 300 1234567SDA 1700 1730 Filipino   ME               9385 31 100 1234567DHA 1730 1800 Oromo      S-Ethiopia       11710 25 250 1234567MEY 1730 1800 Masai      Tanzania, Kenya  9600 31 250 1234567SDA 1730 1800 English    ME               9385 31 100 1234567SDA 1730 1800 Tamil      ME               11560 25 100 1234567MOS 1730 1800 Arabic     Egypt, N-Sudan   15265 19 300 1234567MOS 1800 1830 Col        English S-Sudan  15315 19 300 46MEY 1800 1830 English    Botswana, S.-Africa,Zimbabwe 3345 90 100 1234567MOS 1800 1830 Dinka      S-Sudan          15315 19 300 5MOS 1800 1830 Moru       S-Sudan          15315 19 300 1MOS 1800 1830 JubaArabic S-Sudan          15315 19 300 37MOS 1800 1830 Bari       S-Sudan          15315 19 300 2MEY 1800 1830 English    E-Africa         9600 31 250 1234567MEY 1800 1830 English    SW-Africa        3215 90 100 1234567MOS 1830 1900 Arabic     Libya            11955 25 300 1234567JUL 1900 2000 Arabic     Morocco, Algeria 15130 19 100 1234567MOS 1900 1930 Hausa      Nigeria          11955 25 300 1234567JUL 1900 1930 Arabic     Morocco, Algeria 15265 19 100 1234567MEY 1900 1930 Fulfulde   Cameroon,Ghana,(Senegal) 11860 25 250 1234567JUL 1930 2000 Tachelhit  Morocco, Algeria 15265 19 100 567MOS 1930 2000 Ibo        E-Nigeria        11955 25 300 1234567JUL 1930 2000 Kabyle     Morocco, Algeria 15265 19 100 123JUL 1930 2000 Dial Ara   Morocco, Algeria 15265 19 100 4MEY 2000 2030 French     C-Africa         9735 31 500 1234567SDA 2000 2100 Korean     Korea            6115 49 100 1234567MEY 2000 2030 French     Cameroon, Niger  9390 31 250 1234567SDA 2000 2100 Korean     Korea            6005 49 100 1234567MOS 2000 2030 Dyula      Burk.Faso,Ivory Coast,Mali 11955 25 300 1234567MEY 2000 2030 English    C-Africa         7180 41 250 1234567WER 2000 2030 Farsi      Iran             9515 31 250 1234567JUL 2000 2030 French     Morocco, Algeria 15265 19 100 1234567MOS 2030 2100 French     W-Africa 11955 25 300 1234567MEY 2030 2100 Yoruba     Nigeria 7175 41 250 1234567JUL 2030 2100 French     Morocco, Algeria 15265 19 100 1234567SDA 2100 2130 Japanese   W-Japan 11850 25 100 1234567MOS 2100 2130 English    W-Africa 11955 25 300 1234567SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin   S-China 11895 25 100 1234567SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin   NE-China 11750 25 100 1234567SDA 2100 2130 Japanese   Japan 11980 25 100 1234567SDA 2130 2200 English    W-Japan, S-China 11850 25 100 1234567SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin   NE-China 12120 25 100 1234567SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin   C/N-China 15215 19 100 1234567SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia 11850 25 100 1234567SDA 2230 2300 English    W-Indonesia 15320 19 100 1234567SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin   C/N-China 15370 19 100 1234567SDA 2300 2400 Vietnamese S-Vietnam 15320 19 100 1234567SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin   NE-China 12120 25 100 1234567Site: DHA = Dhabayya MEY = Meyerton MOS = Moosbrunn SDA = AgatJUL = Jülich TAI = Taipei MDC = Madagascar WER = Wertachtal Days: 1 = Sunday 2 = Monday 3 = Tuesday 4 = Wednesday5 = Thursday6 = Friday7 = Saturday---------------RE  AF = Africa     Site:    DHA = Dhabayya   Days:      1 = Sunday
    AS = Asia                MOS = Moosbrunn             2 = Monday
    EU = Europe              JUL = Jülich                3 = Tuesday
                             MDC = Madagascar            4 = Wednesday
                             MEY = Meyerton              5 = Thursday
                             SDA = Agat                  6 = Friday
                             TAI = Taipei                7 = Saturday
3/22/2006 2:17:01 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :




0600-0700 13840  30 kW Sat-Sun English (1)
0600-1500 13840  30 kW Mon-Fri English (1)
0700-1200 13840  20 kW Sat-Sun English, German, Italian (1)
1200-1300 15750 100 kW Fri English (3)
1200-1400 15750 100 kW Sat-Sun English (2)
1300-1400 15750 100 kW Mon-Fri English (2)
1300-1600 13840  30 kW Sat-Sun English (1)
1500-1900  5785  30 kW Mon-Fri English (1)
1500-1900  5785  30 kW Sat-Sun English (1)
1700-2200  5775 100 kW Fri English, German, Italian (1)
1900-2030  5775  20 kW Mon-Thu English, German, Italian (1)
1900-2100  5785 100 kW Sat-Sun English (1)
1900-2200  5775  20 kW Sat English, German, Italian (1)
1900-2200  5775 100 kW Sun English, German, Italian (1)
2000-2100  5785 100 kW Mon-Fri English (1)

(1) to Europe, Middle East and North Africa
(2) to Middle and Far East
(3) to Europe, North and West Africa

3/22/2006 2:24:19 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:33 :




freq sttim sptim days   site     pwr brg lang target

6120  0000 0030 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Indonesian SE AS
21780 0400 0430 smtwtfs Dhabbaya  250 120 Indonesian SE AS
11920 0500 0530 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13  Khmer      SE AS
11920 0530 0600 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13  Vietnamese SE AS
11550 0900 0930 smtwtfs Taipei    250 205 Indonesian SE AS
12010 1300 1430 smtwtfs Singapore 100 13  Mandarin   CHN
9770  1430 1500 ......s Rampisham 40 95   English    W EUR
11550 2130 2330 smtwtfs Taipei    250 205 Indonesian SE AS
9720  2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 100 13  Khmer      SE AS
15110 2330 2400 smtwtfs Taipei    250 225 Vietnamese SE AS

15445 0100 0200 ......s Taipei   100 250 Vietnamese SE AS
11710 0300 0330 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 225 Orominya   E AF
11975 0300 0330 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 230 Tigrinya   E AF
11975 0330 0400 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 230 Amharic    E AF
15140 1200 1230 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85  English    S AS
15140 1230 1300 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85  Bangla     S AS
15320 1300 1500 .mtwtf. Dhabbaya 250 60  Mandarin   W CHN
15320 1300 1330 s.....s Dhabbaya 250 60  Uyghur     W CHN
15320 1330 1500 s.....s Dhabbaya 250 60  Mandarin   W CHN
11795 1400 1500 smtwtfs Taipei   100 250 Vietnamese SE AS
15265 1500 1530 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 75  Punjabi    S AS
15225 1500 1530 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 75  Nepali     S AS
15265 1530 1600 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 75  Hindi      S AS
15225 1530 1600 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 75  English    S AS
15460 1630 1700 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 225 Somali     E AF
11710 1730 1800 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 225 Orominya   E AF

9525  0000 0100 smtwtfs Ascension    250 235 Spanish S AM
6110  0000 0100 smtwtfs Ascension    250 235 Spanish S AM
11765 0000 0100 smtwtfs Ascension    250 250 Spanish S AM
9410  0000 0200 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 101 English ME
5875  0000 0100 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 260 Spanish C AM
5875  0000 0100 smtwtfs Skelton      300 230 Spanish S AM
5970  0000 0100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
9790  0000 0100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 80 English S AS
15360 0000 0300 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
9580  0000 0030 smtwtfs Singapore    100 330 Burmese SE AS
11850 0000 0030 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
15280 0000 0530 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 40 English FE
17615 0000 0030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
6065  0000 0030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 325 Burmese SE AS
15310 0000 0300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 290 English S AS
11955 0000 0100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 275 English S AS
6110  0000 0100 smtwtfs Montsinery   250 295 Spanish CARIB
9875  0030 0100 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Dari SW AS
7165  0030 0100 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
6065  0030 0100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 85 Bengali S AS
9580  0030 0100 smtwtfs Singapore    100 330 English S AS
11850 0030 0100 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Bengali S AS
15215 0030 0100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
9570  0030 0100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 325 Bengali S AS
9875  0100 0130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
7165  0100 0130 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
11955 0100 0300 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
6065  0100 0130 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 85 Hindi S AS
17790 0100 0300 smtwtfs Singapore    100 315 English S AS
11750 0100 0130 smtwtfs Singapore    250 315 Hindi S AS
13745 0100 0130 smtwtfs Tashkent     200 131 Hindi S AS
15215 0100 0130 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Pashto SW AS
15510 0100 0130 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
9875  0130 0200 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Dari SW AS
7165  0130 0200 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
11750 0130 0200 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 50 Urdu S AS
6065  0130 0200 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 50 Urdu S AS
15215 0130 0200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Dari SW AS
15510 0130 0200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Urdu S AS
5995  0200 0300 s...... Ascension    250 245 English S AM
5995  0200 0300 .mtwtfs Ascension    250 245 English S AM
11760 0200 0400 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
11760 0200 0330 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
9875  0200 0230 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
6105  0200 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 101 Arabic ME
9680  0200 0230 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 37 Russian RUSS
7165  0200 0230 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
9915  0200 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
6005  0200 0300 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
9510  0200 0230 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Russian RUSS
9640  0200 0300 .mtwtfs Skelton      300 230 English S AM
9640  0200 0300 s...... Skelton      300 230 English S AM
7140  0200 0300 smtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Arabic ME
11845 0200 0230 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 10 Russian RUSS
15215 0200 0230 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Pashto SW AS
5975  0200 0300 .mtwtfs Montsinery   250 260 English CARIB
5975  0200 0300 s...... Montsinery   250 260 English CARIB
9875  0230 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Dari SW AS
7320  0230 0330 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 89 Farsi ME
7165  0230 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
11965 0230 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
17710 0230 0300 smtwtfs Irkutsk      250 224 Hindi S AS
9565  0230 0300 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 95 Farsi ME
11855 0230 0330 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 335 Farsi ME
11995 0230 0300 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 100 Hindi S AS
15215 0230 0300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Hindi S AS
15405 0230 0300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
9610  0245 0300 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
6050  0300 0330 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 20 Swahili E AF
6035  0300 0400 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 328 English W AF
3255  0300 0600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 0 English S AF
6190  0300 0600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 15 English S AF
6005  0300 0400 smtwtfs Ascension    250 114 English S AF
7160  0300 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
9410  0300 0400 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 327 English EUR
12035 0300 0400 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 173 English E AF
9680  0300 0400 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 7 Russian RUSS
11965 0300 0330 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
11740 0300 0445 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 147 Arabic ME
7165  0300 0330 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
7140  0300 2300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 173 Arabic ME
9845  0300 0445 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
9515  0300 0400 smtwtfs Delano       250 125 Spanish C S AM
5995  0300 0400 smtwtfs Delano       250 125 Spanish C S AM
5975  0300 0400 smtwtfs Delano       250 121 English C AM
9750  0300 0400 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
9610  0300 0330 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 Swahili E AF
7210  0300 0330 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 140 Swahili E AF
9875  0300 0330 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Pashto SW AS
11845 0300 0400 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
9565  0300 0400 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 95 Farsi ME
5875  0300 0330 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
7325  0300 0400 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 285 Spanish C AM
7325  0300 0400 smtwtfs Skelton      300 260 Spanish C AM
9915  0300 0445 smtwtfs Skelton      300 150 Arabic N AF
6195  0300 0400 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
9915  0300 0445 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Arabic ME
15310 0300 0600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
15575 0300 0400 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
15575 0300 0330 s...... A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
17790 0300 0700 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 280 English S AS
21660 0300 1030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 45 English FE
15360 0300 0500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
17760 0300 0500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
9585  0300 0400 .mtwtf. Woofferton   300 75 Russian RUSS
6110  0300 0400 smtwtfs Montsinery   250 295 Spanish CARIB
11760 0330 0400 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
11855 0330 0430 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Farsi ME
13645 0330 0430 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 97 Farsi ME
13745 0330 0500 .mtwtf. Cyprus       300 359 Russian RUSS
15420 0330 0600 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
15180 0330 0600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 285 Arabic ME
15575 0330 0400 s...... A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
9835  0400 0430 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 19 Swahili E AF
7120  0400 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 328 English W AF
7185  0400 0430 smtwtfs Ascension    250 85 Swahili E AF
6005  0400 0706 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
11760 0400 0500 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
11760 0400 0600 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
6015  0400 0430 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 343 Turkish SE EUR
12035 0400 0500 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 173 English E AF
11770 0400 0500 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 7 Ukrainian UKR
15400 0400 0430 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 Swahili E AF
9680  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
9815  0400 0430 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 105 Turkish SE EUR
11845 0400 0500 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
9565  0400 0430 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 95 Farsi ME
6195  0400 0500 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 English W EUR
7325  0400 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
9410  0400 0500 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
9410  0400 0500 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
6195  0400 0600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
9560  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Skelton      300 90 Ukrainian UKR
15575 0400 0600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
9410  0400 0500 smtwtfs Woofferton   300 70 English RUSS
9585  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Woofferton   300 75 Russian RUSS
9895  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Woofferton   300 75 Ukrainian UKR
12095 0400 0500 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
7205  0430 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 335 Portuguese S AF
6135  0430 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 32 Portuguese S AF
3390  0430 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 76 Portuguese S AF
7105  0430 0500 smtwtfs Ascension    250 85 French W C AF
6035  0430 0500 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
6015  0430 0445 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 343 English C EUR
6015  0430 0445 s.....s Cyprus       250 343 English C EUR
17885 0430 0500 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 240 French E AF
9815  0430 0445 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 105 English EUR
13660 0445 1200 s...... Cyprus       250 117 Arabic ME
13660 0445 1200 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 117 Arabic ME
11740 0445 0600 s...... Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
11740 0445 0600 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
9915  0445 0730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 Arabic N AF
11765 0500 0700 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 328 English W AF
11760 0500 0600 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
17640 0500 0700 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 173 English E AF
9875  0500 0515 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 335 Romanian SE EUR
9770  0500 0700 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 315 Albanian SE EUR
15565 0500 0600 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 359 English RUSS
11820 0500 0501 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
17885 0500 0530 s.....s Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
17885 0500 0600 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
11840 0500 0700 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
9915  0500 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 140 Arabic N AF
6195  0500 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 English W EUR
9410  0500 0600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
9410  0500 0600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
17760 0500 1000 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
15360 0500 0900 smtwtfs Singapore    250 25 English SE AS
15360 0500 0900 smtwtfs Singapore    250 135 English SE AS
11955 0500 0900 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
12095 0500 0600 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
11820 0501 0506 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
11820 0506 0516 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
9875  0515 0530 s.....s Cyprus       250 335 Romanian SE EUR
15400 0530 0600 s.....s Meyerton     250 7 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
7105  0530 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
6135  0530 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
9610  0530 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 Hausa W AF
9875  0530 0545 s.....s Cyprus       250 335 English EUR
9770  0530 0600 s.....s Cyprus       250 315 Albanian SE EUR
17885 0530 0600 s.....s Seychelles   250 270 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
11840 0530 0600 s.....s Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
11940 0600 1600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 15 English S AF
6190  0600 1600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 0 English S AF
7105  0600 0630 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
6105  0600 0630 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
15575 0600 1400 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 0600 0730 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 0600 1400 ......s Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15405 0600 0630 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 280 French N AF
15180 0600 0900 s...... Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
15180 0600 0900 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
15565 0600 0700 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 359 English RUSS
11680 0600 0800 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
17885 0600 1400 s.....s Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
9470  0600 0800 smtwtfs Kvitsoy       40 190 English W EUR
6195  0600 0700 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 140 English W EUR
11680 0600 0900 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
13740 0600 0630 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 French N AF
7320  0600 1400 smtwtfs Rampisham     40 80 English EUR
9410  0600 0700 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
9530  0600 0700 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
15310 0600 1600 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 290 English S AS
12095 0600 0700 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
9610  0630 0700 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
17695 0700 0730 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 350 French C AF
15105 0700 0730 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 French W AF
15400 0700 1000 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 27 English W AF
15400 0700 1130 s.....s Ascension    250 27 English W AF
11765 0700 0800 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
17830 0700 0800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 169 English W EUR
17640 0700 1300 smtwtfs Skelton      300 140 English EUR
15485 0700 1800 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
17790 0700 1600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
11760 0700 1400 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 320 English ME
6005  0706 0721 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
17610 0730 1100 smtwtfs Skelton      300 150 Arabic N AF
17830 0800 1000 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
17830 0800 2100 s.....s Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
9410  0800 0900 s...... Cyprus       250 7 Turkish SE EUR
11820 0800 1600 s...... Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
11820 0800 1500 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
17885 0800 1400 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
21470 0800 1300 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 240 English S AF
9470  0800 1330 smtwtfs Kvitsoy       40 190 English W EUR
15565 0800 0900 s...... Rampisham    500 105 Turkish SE EUR
15360 0800 1030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
17870 0830 0900 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
15420 0830 0900 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Dari SW AS
15575 0900 1400 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15555 0900 1700 s...... Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
15555 0900 0930 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
9410  0900 0915 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 315 Albanian SE EUR
17870 0900 0930 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
13750 0900 0915 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
12010 0900 0915 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
15180 0900 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
15420 0900 0930 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Pashto SW AS
9740  0900 1600 smtwtfs Singapore    250 25 English SE AS
9740  0900 1600 smtwtfs Singapore    250 135 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 ......s Singapore    250 90 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 ......s Singapore    250 1 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 smtwtf. Singapore    250 1 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 smtwtf. Singapore    250 90 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 ......s Nakhon Sawan 250 0 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 s...... Nakhon Sawan 250 0 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 .mtwtf. Nakhon Sawan 250 0 English SE AS
9605  0900 1030 smtwtf. Yamata       300 290 English FE
9605  0900 1030 ......s Yamata       300 290 English FE
15555 0930 1400 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
12030 0930 1030 .....f. Cyprus       300 77 Farsi ME
12030 0930 1030 smtwt.s Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
17870 0930 1030 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
9540  0930 1130 .....f. Dhabbaya     250 0 Farsi ME
9540  0930 1030 smtwt.s Dhabbaya     250 0 Dari SW AS
15420 0930 1000 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Dari SW AS
15545 0930 1000 s...... Singapore    100 315 Burmese SE AS
12045 0930 1000 s...... Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
9760  0930 1000 s...... Nakhon Sawan 250 325 Burmese SE AS
15420 1000 1030 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Dari SW AS
17760 1000 1300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
6195  1000 1100 smtwtfs Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
12030 1030 1130 .....f. Cyprus       300 77 Farsi ME
17870 1030 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
15420 1030 1100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Pashto SW AS
15285 1030 1100 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
21660 1030 1100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
11945 1030 1100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 English FE
9605  1030 1100 smtwtfs Yamata       300 290 English FE
17830 1100 2100 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
15400 1100 1130 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 27 English W AF
15530 1100 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 160 Somali E AF
11680 1100 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 335 Romanian SE EUR
17850 1100 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 160 Somali E AF
17585 1100 1630 smtwtfs Skelton      300 150 Arabic N AF
15420 1100 1130 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Pashto SW AS
15285 1100 1530 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 Mandarin FE
7135  1100 1130 smtwtfs Singapore    100 140 Indonesian SE AS
9510  1100 1130 smtwtfs Singapore    250 90 Indonesian SE AS
6195  1100 1700 smtwtfs Singapore    250 1 English SE AS
6195  1100 1700 smtwtfs Singapore    250 90 English SE AS
21660 1100 1300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 Mandarin CHN
11945 1100 1300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 Mandarin CHN
11920 1100 1130 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 Indonesian SE AS
7330  1100 1530 smtwtfs Vladivostok  300 228 Mandarin FE
9605  1100 1530 smtwtfs Yamata       300 290 Mandarin CHN
11865 1100 1300 s.....s Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
11865 1100 1130 .mtwtf. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
7135  1130 1145 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
11920 1130 1145 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
11865 1130 1200 .mtwt.. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
11865 1130 1200 .....f. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
15190 1200 1300 smtwtfs Bonaire      250 170 English S AM
17780 1200 1230 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
21640 1200 1230 smtwtfs Ascension    250 85 French W C AF
15425 1200 1230 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 French N AF
13660 1200 1800 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 Arabic N AF
9605  1200 1300 smtwtfs Okeechobee   100 222 English C AM
11865 1200 1230 .mtwtf. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
13755 1230 1345 s...... Cyprus       250 295 Albanian SE EUR
12010 1230 1345 s...... Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
11865 1230 1300 .mtwtf. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
15190 1300 1400 smtwtfs Bonaire      250 320 English CARIB
21470 1300 1900 smtwtfs Ascension    250 114 English S AF
13605 1300 1330 s...... Cyprus       300 77 Uzbek C AS
13605 1300 1330 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Uzbek C AS
11795 1300 1330 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Uzbek C AS
15420 1300 1400 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
6090  1300 1530 smtwtfs Kimjae       250 290 Mandarin CHN
15390 1300 1330 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Uzbek C AS
15565 1300 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 62 English RUSS
17640 1300 1600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 140 English EUR
6030  1300 1330 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 290 Indonesian ME
7135  1300 1330 smtwtfs Singapore    100 140 Indonesian SE AS
11945 1300 1330 smtwtfs Singapore    250 90 Indonesian SE AS
9540  1300 1330 smtwtfs Singapore    250 140 Indonesian SE AS
11750 1300 1400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
7105  1300 1530 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 Mandarin CHN
6035  1300 1330 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 Indonesian SE AS
17640 1300 1600 smtwtfs Woofferton   300 70 English RUSS
12095 1300 1500 ......s Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
13755 1315 1345 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 295 Albanian SE EUR
12010 1315 1345 .mtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
15105 1330 1345 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 English W C AF
21640 1330 1345 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
7465  1330 1800 smtwtfs Kvitsoy      40 190 English W EUR
11835 1330 1400 smtwtfs Singapore    250 330 Bengali S AS
9865  1330 1400 smtwtfs Tashkent     200 131 Bengali S AS
7225  1330 1400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Bengali S AS
17810 1345 1415 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
15105 1345 1415 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
21640 1345 1415 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 Hausa W AF
17675 1345 1430 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Burmese SE AS
7135  1345 1430 smtwtfs Singapore    100 340 Burmese SE AS
9540  1345 1430 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
11945 1345 1430 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
15575 1400 1500 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 1400 1500 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 1400 1500 ......s Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15555 1400 1700 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
11845 1400 1700 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 7 Russian RUSS
21490 1400 1500 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 160 Somali E AF
21660 1400 1500 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 175 English E AF
21660 1400 1700 s...... Cyprus       250 175 English E AF
13610 1400 1500 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
9635  1400 1700 .mtwtf. Cyprus       300 359 Russian RUSS
9585  1400 1430 s.....s Cyprus       300 7 Ukrainian UKR
11690 1400 1500 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 300 Somali E AF
15420 1400 1500 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 295 Somali E AF
13645 1400 1430 s.....s Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
13745 1400 1700 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
11885 1400 1430 s.....s Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
7320  1400 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    40 80 English EUR
6195  1400 1500 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Dari W EUR
6140  1400 1500 s...... A'Seela      250 60 Hindi S AS
6140  1400 1445 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 60 Hindi S AS
15160 1400 1500 s...... A'Seela      250 100 Hindi S AS
15160 1400 1445 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 100 Hindi S AS
11920 1400 1445 smtwtfs Singapore    100 315 Hindi S AS
9865  1400 1445 smtwtfs Tashkent     200 131 Hindi S AS
11750 1400 1500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
7205  1400 1500 s...... Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
7205  1400 1445 .mtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
11665 1400 1500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Dari SW AS
12095 1400 1500 smtwtf. Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
15245 1400 1700 .mtwtf. Woofferton   250 70 Russian RUSS
17675 1430 1445 ......s Rampisham    500 76 Burmese SE AS
11945 1430 1445 ......s Singapore    100 340 Burmese SE AS
7135  1430 1500 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 Vietnamese SE AS
5990  1430 1500 smtwtfs Singapore    250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
9795  1430 1445 ......s Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
9540  1430 1500 smtwtfs Singapore    250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
6140  1445 1500 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 60 English S AS
15160 1445 1500 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 100 English SE AS
7205  1445 1500 .mtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 English S AS
11690 1500 1530 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 5 English E AF
15400 1500 2300 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
9915  1500 1600 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
11945 1500 1530 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Tajik C AS
5875  1500 1600 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 7 Turkish SE EUR
21660 1500 1700 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 175 English E AF
15160 1500 1600 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 97 Urdu SW AS
11820 1500 1600 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
9695  1500 1530 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
15420 1500 1530 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
15575 1500 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 80 Pashto SW AS
15300 1500 1530 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 76 Tajik C AS
11800 1500 1530 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 105 Romanian SE EUR
13610 1500 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 105 Turkish SE EUR
6195  1500 1600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Pashto W EUR
15335 1500 1600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Turkish SE EUR
5965 1500 1600 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 50 Urdu S AS
9510 1500 1600 smtwtfs Singapore     100 315 Urdu S AS
5975 1500 1600 smtwtfs Singapore     250 320 English S AS
11685 1500 1530 smtwtfs Singapore    250 320 Nepali S AS
7430 1500 1530 smtwtfs Tashkent      200 131 Nepali S AS
11750 1500 1600 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
7205 1500 1545 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Urdu S AS
9705 1500 1530 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Nepali S AS
12095 1500 1600 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
12095 1500 1600 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
6140 1515 1545 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 110 Sinhala S AS
9645 1515 1545 smtwtfs Singapore     100 270 Sinhala S AS
11690 1530 1630 .mtwtf. Meyerton     500 7 Swahili E AF
11690 1530 1615 s.....s Meyerton     500 7 Swahili E AF
9695 1530 1615 s.....s Seychelles    250 270 Swahili E AF
9695 1530 1630 .mtwtf. Seychelles    250 270 Swahili E AF
15420 1530 1615 s.....s Seychelles   250 280 Swahili E AF
15420 1530 1630 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 280 Swahili E AF
11685 1530 1545 smtwtfs Singapore    250 320 English S AS
9705 1530 1545 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 English S AS
6140 1545 1615 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 110 Tamil S AS
9645 1545 1615 smtwtfs Singapore     100 270 Tamil S AS
7205 1545 1615 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 255 Tamil S AS
3255 1600 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton      100 0 English S AF
6190 1600 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton      100 15 English S AF
9410 1600 1700 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 327 English EUR
11845 1600 1900 s.....s Cyprus       250 7 Russian RUSS
9915 1600 1615 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 77 Dari SW AS
9535 1600 1700 s.....s Cyprus        300 7 Ukrainian UKR
9635 1600 1900 s...... Cyprus        300 359 Russian RUSS
9635 1600 2000 ......s Cyprus        300 359 Russian RUSS
11820 1600 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
12090 1600 1630 smtwtfs Moscow       250 117 Uzbek C AS
17885 1600 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 189 English W EUR
13745 1600 1900 s.....s Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
13670 1600 1700 s.....s Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
17630 1600 1630 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 80 Uzbek C AS
15380 1600 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 92 Farsi ME
15180 1600 1700 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
6195 1600 1700 smtwtfs Skelton       300 110 Farsi W EUR
17790 1600 1700 smtwtfs Skelton      300 95 English EUR
11740 1600 1700 s.....s Skelton      300 95 Ukrainian UKR
11945 1600 1630 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 10 Uzbek C AS
6090 1600 2000 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 335 Farsi ME
9615 1600 1630 smtwtfs Singapore     100 320 Uzbek C AS
3915 1600 1800 smtwtfs Singapore     100 340 English S AS
9510 1600 1800 smtwtfs Singapore     250 315 English S AS
7160 1600 1800 smtwtfs Singapore     250 1 English SE AS
5975 1600 1830 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 290 English S AS
13610 1600 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Farsi ME
11955 1600 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 290 English S AS
7105 1600 1615 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Dari SW AS
9410 1600 1800 smtwtfs Woofferton    300 75 English RUSS
15105 1600 1800 smtwtfs Woofferton   300 170 English W EUR
12095 1600 1700 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
15245 1600 1800 s.....s Woofferton   250 70 Russian RUSS
12095 1600 1700 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
11690 1615 1700 s.....s Meyerton     500 5 English E AF
9915 1615 1700 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 77 Pashto SW AS
13685 1615 1630 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
9695 1615 1700 s.....s Seychelles    250 270 English E AF
15420 1615 1700 s.....s Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
11690 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Meyerton     500 7 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
13685 1630 1700 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
9535 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Cyprus        300 7 Ukrainian UKR
9695 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Seychelles    250 270 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
15420 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
12090 1630 1700 ......s Moscow       250 117 Russian C AS
12090 1630 1633 s...... Moscow       250 117 Russian C AS
13670 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
11680 1630 2000 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
11740 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Skelton      300 95 Ukrainian UKR
6030 1630 2000 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 305 Arabic ME
9605 1630 1700 smtwtfs Singapore     100 340 Bengali S AS
7205 1630 1700 smtwtfs Singapore     250 340 Bengali S AS
5990 1630 1700 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Bengali S AS
12090 1633 1700 s...... Moscow       250 117 Russian C AS
11945 1700 1900 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 19 English E AF
9410 1700 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 327 English EUR
6195 1700 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 343 English C EUR
9915 1700 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 147 Arabic ME
6050 1700 1730 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 295 Albanian SE EUR
9570 1700 1730 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 37 Azeri C AS
5875 1700 1730 smtwtfs Cyprus        300 47 Azeri C AS
6005 1700 1746 smtwtfs Seychelles    250 270 English E AF
9630 1700 1746 smtwtfs Seychelles    250 270 English E AF
15180 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
6195 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham     500 168 English W EUR
6195 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham     500 168 English W EUR
11920 1700 1730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
11855 1700 1730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 90 Azeri C AS
13650 1700 1730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
6065 1700 1730 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 60 Hindi S AS
7205 1700 1730 smtwtfs Singapore     250 315 Hindi S AS
11690 1700 1730 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 280 Hindi S AS
9605 1700 1730 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Hindi S AS
15220 1700 1701 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 128 Arabic ME
12095 1700 1800 smtwtfs Woofferton 250 78 English RUSS
15220 1701 1706 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 128 Arabic ME
15220 1706 1716 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 128 Arabic ME
9525 1730 1746 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 335 English W AF
7230 1730 1746 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 20 English E AF
3390 1730 1746 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 76 English S AF
6050 1730 1745 .m.w... Cyprus 250 295 English W EUR
11920 1730 1745 .m.w... Skelton 300 125 English EUR
13650 1730 1745 .m.w... Skelton 300 125 English EUR
6065 1730 1800 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 50 Urdu S AS
7205 1730 1800 smtwtfs Singapore 250 315 Urdu S AS
11690 1730 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 280 Urdu S AS
9605 1730 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Urdu S AS
7230 1746 1800 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 20 Swahili E AF
6005 1746 1800 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 Swahili E AF
9630 1746 1800 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 Swahili E AF
5985 1800 1830 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 76 French S AF
15105 1800 1830 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 French W AF
17885 1800 1830 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 French W AF
21630 1800 1830 smtwtfs Ascension 250 70 French W C AF
9410 1800 1900 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 English EUR
6195 1800 1900 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 343 English C EUR
9915 1800 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 147 Arabic ME
7325 1800 2000 ......s Cyprus 250 359 Russian RUSS
7325 1800 1900 s...... Cyprus 250 359 Russian RUSS
6050 1800 1830 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 335 Romanian SE EUR
9915 1800 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 300 280 Arabic N AF
6005 1800 1830 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 300 Somali E AF
9630 1800 1830 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 295 Somali E AF
15180 1800 1830 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 French N AF
6195 1800 1900 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 English W EUR
15380 1800 1830 smtwtfs Skelton 300 125 Somali E AF
17795 1800 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 English W EUR
13660 1800 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 Arabic N AF
9510 1800 1830 smtwtfs Singapore 250 315 English S AS
13610 1800 2000 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Farsi ME
11825 1800 2000 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Farsi ME
6005 1830 2100 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 English E AF
9630 1830 2100 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 English E AF
12045 1830 2000 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 325 English S AS
12095 1900 2100 smtwtfs Ascension 250 114 English S AF
9410 1900 2000 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 English EUR
6195 1900 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 295 English W EUR
5875 1900 2000 ......s Cyprus 250 359 Russian RUSS
9605 1900 2000 .mtwtf. Cyprus 250 7 Ukrainian UKR
13745 1900 2000 .mtwtf. Rampisham 500 76 Ukrainian UKR
11845 1900 2000 ......s Skelton 300 70 Russian RUSS
11990 1900 2000 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 95 Ukrainian UKR
15105 1915 1930 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 English W C AF
17885 1915 1930 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 English W AF
15105 1930 2000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 Hausa W AF
11855 1930 2000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 55 Hausa W AF
17885 1930 2000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 55 Hausa W AF
6050 1930 2000 .mtwtf. Cyprus 300 7 Turkish SE EUR
11720 1930 2000 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 110 Turkish SE EUR
9410 2000 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 English EUR
11680 2000 2100 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 Arabic N AF
13660 2000 2200 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 Arabic N AF
6030 2000 2200 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 305 Arabic ME
7205 2030 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 335 Portuguese S AF
6135 2030 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 32 Portuguese S AF
3390 2030 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 76 Portuguese S AF
11855 2030 2100 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 Portuguese W AF
13745 2030 2100 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 189 Portuguese W AF
15105 2030 2100 smtwtfs Skelton 300 195 Portuguese W AF
9915 2100 2300 smtwtfs Cyprus 300 280 Arabic N AF
11675 2100 2130 .mtwtf. Greenville 250 146 English C S AM
6005 2100 2200 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 240 English S AF
12095 2100 2300 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 180 English W EUR
5875 2100 2300 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 105 Arabic ME
11680 2100 2300 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 Arabic N AF
3915 2100 2200 smtwtfs Singapore 100 340 English S AS
5965 2100 2400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 45 English FE
6195 2100 2200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
11945 2100 2200 smtwtfs Yamata 300 290 English FE
15390 2100 2200 s.....s Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
15390 2100 2130 .mtwtf. Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
11720 2130 2145 ..t..f. Rampisham 500 209 English S AM
15390 2130 2200 .mtwtf. Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
9580 2200 2330 smtwtfs Kimjae 250 285 Mandarin CHN
13790 2200 2330 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 50 Mandarin CHN
7105 2200 2300 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 90 English S AS
5955 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 13 English SE AS
3915 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 160 Indonesian SE AS
7275 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 140 Indonesian SE AS
9740 2200 0100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 25 English SE AS
9740 2200 0100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 135 English SE AS
6080 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Indonesian SE AS
6195 2200 0200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 90 English SE AS
6195 2200 0200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 English SE AS
9610 2200 2300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 Mandarin CHN
7160 2200 2300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 40 Mandarin CHN
11980 2200 2330 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 Mandarin CHN
9730 2200 2300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 Indonesian SE AS
11945 2200 2300 smtwtfs Yamata 300 290 Mandarin CHN
5975 2200 0100 smtwtfs Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
9760 2215 2245 s....fs Cyprus 250 315 Greek SE EUR
7210 2215 2245 s....fs Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR
6180 2215 2245 s....fs Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR
3915 2300 0030 smtwtfs Singapore 100 160 English SE AS
11685 2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
6080 2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
11900 2300 2400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 45 English FE
7105 2300 2330 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 0 Vietnamese SE AS
11955 2300 2400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
11945 2300 0030 smtwtfs Yamata 300 290 English FE
9580 2330 2400 smtwtfs Kimjae 250 285 English FE


9745 0000 0100 smtwtfs Bonaire 250 290 Spanish C AM
17625 1100 1200 smtwtfs Santiago 100 45 Portuguese S Am
17625 1200 1300 smtwtfs Santiago 100 45 Chinese S Am
17625 1300 1400 smtwtfs Santiago 100 45 English S Am
6100 1500 1800 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 0 English S AF
6100 1800 1900 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 0 Chinese S AF
11690 2100 2200 smtwtfs Santiago 100 45 Portuguese S Am


7375 0030 0100 smtwtfs Tashkent 100 131 Bangla S AS
7365 0030 0130 smtwtfs Erevan 100 125 Tamil S AS
9855 0130 0200 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 105 Telegu S AS
12035 0200 0245 smtwtfs Novosibirsk 250 195 Urdu S AS
9855 0200 0300 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 45 Dari ME
6145 0215 0300 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 70 Sindhi SW AS
15530 0400 0530 s....fs Samara 250 188 Arabic ME
15530 0400 0500 .mtwt.. Samara 250 188 Arabic ME
6125 0445 0500 .....f. Dhabbaya 250 45 Baluchi W AS
6125 0500 0715 .....f. Dhabbaya 250 300 Sinhala ME
15355 1200 1230 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Tibetan S AS
12025 1300 1400 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 70 Punjabi S AS
9500 1400 1515 smtwtfs Novosibirsk 250 195 Urdu S AS
9530 1400 1500 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Hindi S AS
7320 1400 1500 smtwtfs Irkutsk 250 224 Telegu S AS
7320 1500 1545 smtwtfs Irkutsk 250 224 English S AS
9850 1530 1645 smtwtfs Armavir 100 147 Persian ME
11750 1600 1630 smtwtfs Kigali 250 30 Afar E AF
9865 1630 1800 smtwtfs Kigali 250 30 Somali E AF
6180 1700 1730 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 230 Orominya E AF
15130 1830 1900 smtwtfs Ascension 250 70 French C AF
9550 1902 2030 smtwtfs Kigali 250 30 Arabic ME
11985 2145 2215 ....tf. Ascension 250 27 Wolof W AF HCJB       
11760 1600 1630 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 70 Russian RUSS
12025 2100 2200 smtwtfs Skelton 250 165 Arabic N AF KBS       
9535 0700 0800 smtwtfs Skelton 300 110 Korean EUR
9770 1430 1500 .....f. Rampisham 40 95 English EUR
15360 1800 1900 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 62 Russian RUSS
6145 1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 150 French EUR
15365 1900 2000 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 170 Arabic
3955 2000 2100 smtwtfs Skelton 250 106 German EUR
3955 2100 2130 smtwtfs Skelton 250 106 English EUR


9290 0000 2400 smtwtfs  100 250 Unknown W EUR


6145  0000 0130 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Non-Specific S AS
9605  0015 0030 smtwtf. Dhabbaya 250 85 Hindi S AS
9605  0015 0030 ......s Dhabbaya 250 85 Hindi S AS
7210  0030 0045 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 90 Bengali SE AS
9605  0030 0045 ......s Dhabbaya 250 100 Telegu S AS
6010  0030 0100 s.....s Dhabbaya 250 85 English S AS
6010  0030 0100 .mtwtf. Dhabbaya 250 85 English S AS
15590 1230 1330 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Non-Specific S AS
15215 1400 1500 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 100 Non-Specific S AS
9770  1400 1500 s...... Rampisham 40 95 English W EUR
9770  1400 1500 ...w... Rampisham 40 95 English W EUR
9770  1500 1600 .....f. Rampisham 40 95 English W EUR
7380  1500 1530 smtwtfs Taipei 100 250 Vietnamese AS
11695 1600 1630 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Non-Specific S AS
11950 1800 1830 ....t.. Woofferton 300 180 French N AF
6045  1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 165 French W EUR
6185  1900 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 250 105 German W EUR
6040  2300 2400 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Non-Specific S AS

NEW ?       

17875 0700 0900 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 182 Unknown W AF
17875 0900 1100 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 182 Unknown W AF


5960  0100 0200 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 115 English W EUR
11860 0100 0200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 340 English SE AS
11860 0200 0300 smtwtfs Singapore 250 340 Japanese SE AS
6135  0330 0400 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 Swahili AF
5975  0500 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 140 English W EUR
7230  0500 0700 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 70 English EUR
11740 0600 0700 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 English SE AS
15220 0700 0730 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 Arabic N  AF
11920 0700 1000 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Japanese OC
11740 0700 1000 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 Japanese SE AS
17650 0800 1000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 Japanese AF
17720 0800 1000 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 500 285 Japanese ME
11710 0800 1000 smtwtfs Skelton 300 70 Japanese EUR
17585 1000 1100 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 500 315 English SE EUR
17720 1000 1100 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 500 285 English ME
11740 1030 1100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 Burmese SE AS
11710 1100 1130 smtwtfs Skelton 300 70 German EUR
9660  1100 1130 smtwtfs Skelton 300 110 German W EUR
11710 1130 1200 smtwtfs Skelton 300 70 Russian EUR
11740 1130 1200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 Thai SE AS
17560 1200 1215 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 115 Arabic ME
11740 1200 1230 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 Chinese SE AS
17870 1230 1330 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 French AF
15400 1230 1300 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 French AF
11740 1230 1300 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 Vietnamese SE AS
21630 1500 1600 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 Japanese AF
12045 1500 1700 smtwtfs Singapore 250 315 Japanese S AS
21630 1600 1700 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 Japanese AF
9770  1600 1700 .....f. Rampisham 40 95 English W EUR
13740 1700 1900 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 500 285 Japanese ME
9750  1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 62 Japanese EUR
6175  1700 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 250 150 Japanese W EUR
12045 1700 1800 smtwtfs Singapore 250 315 Japanese S AS
6035  1900 2000 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Japanese OC
6035  2000 2100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Japanese OC
11855 2100 2200 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 English AF
6180  2100 2200 smtwtfs Skelton 300 70 English EUR
6055  2100 2200 smtwtfs Skelton 300 140 English W EUR
6035  2100 2200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 English OC
15220 2200 2300 smtwtfs Ascension 250 235 Japanese S AM
9650  2200 2300 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 500 285 Japanese ME
6115  2200 2300 smtwtfs Skelton 300 125 Japanese W EUR


6110  0130 0230 smtwtfs Ascension 250 235 Italian S AM
11765 0130 0230 smtwtfs Ascension 250 295 Italian C AM
11920 1000 1100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Italian OC
15320 1700 1800 smtwtfs Ascension 250 100 Italian AF


7150  0400 0500 smtwtfs Ascension 250 114 French S AF
15210 0400 0600 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 255 French E C AF
9570  0600 0630 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 English W AF
17770 0600 0657 smtwtfs Kigali 250 280 French C AF
9570  0630 0700 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 French W AF
17815 1200 1230 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 English W AF
9770  1400 1430 .....f. Rampisham 40 95 English W EUR
6020  1600 1630 smtwtfs Duchanbe 200 180 Pashto W AS
6030  1600 1630 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 45 Pashto ME
6010  1700 1800 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 340 Pashto ME
5995  1700 1800 smtwtfs Tashkent 100 255 Pashto ME


9770 1400 1430 ......s Rampisham 40 95 English W EUR


13745 1300 1315 .....fs Kigali 250 30 Afar E AF
12035 1800 1830 s.....s Dhabbaya 250 225 Non-Specific E AF
12035 1800 1815 .mtwtf. Dhabbaya 250 225 Non-Specific E AF
12035 1830 1845 s...... Dhabbaya 250 225 Non-Specific E AF


11715 1700 1715 .mtwtf. Meyerton 500 340 Non-Specific S C AF
6055  1700 1715 .mtwtf. Meyerton 100 76 Non-Specific S AF
11665 1700 1715 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 180 Non-Specific N AF
7150  1730 1745 .mtwtf. Meyerton 100 5 Non-Specific E AF
17810 1730 1745 .mtwtf. Ascension 250 65 Non-Specific W C AF
15495 1730 1745 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 110 Non-Specific ME
17560 1830 1845 .mtwtf. Rampisham 500 169 Non-Specific N AF
15105 1830 1845 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 110 Non-Specific ME


3955  0400 0500 smtwtfs Skelton 250 106 German W EUR
15520 1400 1500 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 Hindi S AS
15520 1500 1600 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 English S AS
15520 1600 1700 smtwtfs Dhabbaya 250 85 English S AS
21680 1700 1800 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 English E AF
13700 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 105 Arabic ME
3955  1700 1800 smtwtfs Skelton 250 106 English W EUR
13780 1800 1900 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 105 English ME
13720 1800 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 300 140 Arabic N AF
3230  1900 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 0 English S AF
15165 1900 2000 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 105 Arabic ME
7380  1902 2002 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 19 Swahili E AF
15195 2000 2100 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 English E AF
11985 2030 2130 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 French W AF
6045  2100 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 19 English S AF
15195 2100 2200 smtwtfs Ascension 250 85 English E AF
11875 2115 2315 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 English C AF

3/22/2006 2:26:05 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



蒙古之声广播电台VOM—Voice Of Mongolia



4830  2200 1600 32          U-B 10   0       0   925 1234567 mongolian
4895  2200 1600 32          U-B 210  0       0   925 1234567    mongolian                      
7260  2200 1600 32          U-B 50   0       0   926 1234567    mongolian                            
12015 1330 1400 31,32       U-B 50   315     0   882 1234567    russian                            
12015 1500 1530 31,32       U-B 50   315     0   882 1234567    english  
12015 2000 2030 31,32       U-B 50   315     0   882 1234567    english                              
12085 0830 0900 44,45       U-B 250  126     0   216 1234567    japanese                              
12085 0900 0930 44,45       U-B 250  126     0   216 1234567    mongolian 
12085 0930 1000 44,45       U-B 250  126     0   216 1234567    chinese                                 
12085 1000 1030 43,44,49,50 U-B 250  178     0   216 1234567    english                             
12085 1030 1100 43,44       U-B 250  178     0   216 1234567    mongolian
12085 1130 1200 43,44       U-B 250  178     0   216 1234567    chinese     
12085 1200 1230 44,45       U-B 250  126     0   216 1234567    japanese   

3/22/2006 2:28:52 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



布达佩斯电台RB—Radio Budapest

3975 0300 0330 29         JBR  250 0    1234567 Russian
3975 0330 0400 27,28,37   JBR  250 0    1234567 Spanish
3975 1630 1700 28         JBR  250 0    1234567 Italian
3975 1700 1800 27,28      JBR  250 0    1       German
3975 1730 1800 27,28      JBR  250 0    234567  German
3975 1800 1900 28         JBR  250 0    1234567 Hungarian
3975 1900 1930 18,27-29   JBR  250 0    1234567 English
3975 1930 2000 27,28      JBR  250 0    234567  German
3975 1930 2000 29         JBR  250 0    1       Russian
3975 2000 2030 27,28      JBR  250 0    1234567 French
3975 2030 2100 28         JBR  250 0    1234567 Italian
3975 2100 2200 18,27-29   JBR  250 0    1234567 Hungarian
6025 0300 0330 29         JBR  100 0    1234567 Russian
6025 0330 0400 27,28,37   JBR  100 245  1234567 Spanish
6025 1200 1300 27,28      JBR  100 288  1       German
6025 1400 1500 27,28      JBR  100 288  1       German
6025 1600 1630 27,28      JBR  100 288  1234567 French
6025 1630 1700 28         JBR  100 225  1234567 Italian
6025 1700 1730 29         JBR  100 55   234567  Russian
6025 1700 1800 27,28      JBR  100 288  1       German
6025 1730 1800 27,28      JBR  100 288  234567  German
6025 1930 2000 27,28      JBR  100 288  234567  German
6025 1930 2000 29         JBR  100 55   1       Russian
6025 2000 2030 27,28      JBR  100 288  1234567 French
6025 2030 2100 28         JBR  100 225  1234567 Italian
6025 2100 2130 27,28      JBR  100 0    1234567 English
6025 2130 2200 27,28,37   JBR  100 245  1234567 Spanish
6025 1500 1530 18,27-29   JBR  250 0    1       English
6025 1530 1600 29         JBR  250 0    1       Russian
6025 1900 1930 27,28      JBR  250 288  1234567 English
6025 0400 1200 28         JBR  100 0    1       Hungarian
6025 0400 1600 28         JBR  100 0    234567  Hungarian
6025 1300 1400 28         JBR  100 0    1       Hungarian
6025 1800 1900 28         JBR  100 0    1234567 Hungarian
6025 2200 2300 28         JBR  100 0    1234567 Hungarian
7160 1400 1500 27,28      JBR  250 288  1       German
7220 1200 1300 27,28      JBR  250 288  1       German
7250 2130 2200 27,28,37   JBR  250 245  1234567 Spanish
9525 2100 2130 52,53,57   JBR  250 187  1234567 English
9560 1700 1730 29         JBR  250 55   234567  Russian
9590 0100 0130 3,4,6-9    JBR  250 306  1234567 English
9690 1500 1530 18,28,29   JBR  250 7    1       English
9690 1530 1600 29         JBR  250 55   1       Russian
9770 0000 0100 3,4,6-9    JBR  250 306  1234567 Hungarian
9795 0230 0300 3,4,6-9    JBR  250 306  1234567 English
6040 0130 0230 3,4,6-9    JBR  250 306  1234567 Hungarian
9850 2200 2300 13-16      JBR  250 245  1234567 Hungarian
9850 2300 2400 13-16      JBR  250 245  1       Hungarian
9860 1600 1630 27,28      JBR  250 288  1234567 French
11695 2000 2100 3,4,6-9    JBR  250 306  1234567 Hungarian
11840 1800 1900 55,58,59   JBR  250 75   1234567 Hungarian
12030 2200 2300 13-16      JBR  250 245  1234567 Hungarian
12030 2300 2400 13-16      JBR  250 245  1       Hungarian
15335 1700 1800 52,53,57   JBR  250 187  1234567 Hungarian
21590 1100 1200 55,58,59   JBR  250 104  1234567 Hungarian

3/22/2006 2:30:45 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



保加利亚电台RBU—Radio Bulgaria

MW: Petritch  (G.C: 41N42/023E18):  747 kHz, 500 kW / non-dir
    Vidin     (G.C: 43N49/022E40): 1224 kHz, 500 kW / 205 deg
SW: P=Plovdiv (G.C: 42N10/024E42): 2 x 500 kW, 3 x 250 kW
    S=Sofia   (G.C: 42N49/023E13): 2 x 100 kW, 2 x 050 kW
    V=Varna   (G.C: 43N03/027E40): 2 x 100 kW

ALBANIAN / e-mail: albanian @ bnr.bg
0530-0600   Mon-Fri   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
0600-0700   Sat/Sun   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
1100-1130   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248
1600-1630   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
1900-2000   -daily-   Balkans            5900 P250/248,  1224, 747

BULGARIAN / e-mail: bulgarian @ bnr.bg
0000-0100   -daily-   South America      9500 P250/245, 11500 P250/258
0000-0100   -daily-   North America      9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306
0430-0500   Mon-Fri   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
0430-0500   Mon-Fri   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030
0430-0500   Mon-Fri   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
0400-0500   Sat/Sun   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
0400-0500   Sat/Sun   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030
0400-0500   Sat/Sun   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
1000-1030   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248
1000-1030   -daily-   East Europe       11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1000-1030   -daily-   West Europe       11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306
1200-1400   -daily-   Balkans            1224
1200-1400   -daily-   West Europe       11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306
1500-1600   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
1500-1600   -daily-   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030
1500-1600   -daily-   Middle East       11500 P500/126
1500-1600   -daily-   South Africa      15700 P500/185
1800-1900   -daily-   Balkans            5900 P250/248,  1224, 747
1800-2000   -daily-   Middle East        7400 P250/140
1800-2000   -daily-   West Europe        9700 P250/306

ENGLISH / e-mail: english @ bnr.bg
0200-0300   -daily-   North America      9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306
0630-0700   -daily-   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
1130-1200   -daily-   West Europe       11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306
1730-1800   -daily-   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
2100-2200   -daily-   West Europe        5800 P500/295,  7500 P500/306
2300-2400   -daily-   North America      9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306

FRENCH / e-mail: french @ bnr.bg
0100-0200   -daily-   North America      9700 P500/306, 11700 P500/306
0600-0630   -daily-   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
1100-1130   -daily-   West Europe       11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306
1700-1730   -daily-   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
2000-2100   -daily-   West Europe        5800 P500/295,  7500 P500/306

GERMAN / e-mail: german @ bnr.bg
0500-0530   -daily-   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
1030-1100   -daily-   West Europe       11700 P500/306, 15700 P500/306
1630-1700   -daily-   West Europe        9500 P500/306, 11500 P500/306
1900-2000   -daily-   West Europe        5800 P500/295,  7500 P500/306

GREEK / e-mail: greek @ bnr.bg
0500-0530   Mon-Fri   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
0500-0600   Sat/Sin   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
1030-1100   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248
1630-1700   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224, 747
2000-2100   -daily-   Balkans            5900 P250/248,  1224, 747

RUSSIAN / e-mail: russian @ bnr.bg
0300-0400   -daily-   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030,  1224
0500-0530   -daily-   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030
1030-1100   -daily-   East Europe       11600 S100/030, 13600 S100/030
1400-1500   -daily-   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030,  1224
1400-1500   -daily-   Central Asia      11700 P250/045
1600-1630   -daily-   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030
1800-1900   -daily-   East Europe        7500 S100/030,  9400 S100/030
2300-2400   -daily-   Central Asia      11600 P250/045

SERBIAN / e-mail: serbian @ bnr.bg
0600-0630   Mon-Fri   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
0700-0800   Sat/Sun   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224
1130-1200   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248
1700-1730   -daily-   Balkans            7200 P250/248,  1224, 747
2100-2200   -daily-   Balkans            5900 P250/248,  1224, 747

SPANISH / e-mail: spanish @ bnr.bg
0100-0200   -daily-   South America      9500 P250/245, 11500 P250/258
0100-0200   -daily-   Central America    9400 P250/295
0600-0630   -daily-   South Europe      11600 P250/260, 13600 P250/260
1100-1130   -daily-   South Europe      11600 P250/260, 13600 P250/260
1630-1700   -daily-   South Europe      11700 P250/260, 15700 P250/260
2100-2200   -daily-   South Europe      11800 P250/260, 13800 P250/260
2300-2400   -daily-   South America      9500 P250/245, 11500 P250/258

TURKISH / e-mail: turkish @ bnr.bg
0500-0530   -daily-   Middle East        6000 P250/115,  7400 P250/140
1000-1030   -daily-   Middle East        6000 P250/115,  7400 P250/140
1730-1800   -daily-   Middle East        7400 P250/140,  1224, 747

2100-2400   Sunday    Black Sea          9300 V100/ND
0000-0300   Monday    Black Sea          9300 V100/ND

DX MIX px in Bulgarian will be on air:
1345-1400 Sun   1224 11700 15700
1945-2000 Sun   7400  9700

DX MIX px in Russian will be on air:
1445-1500 Sat   1224  7500  9400 11700
1615-1630 Sat   7500  9400
1845-1900 Sat   7500  9400
2345-2400 Sat  11600
0345-0400 Sun   1224  7500  9400
0515-0530 Sun   7500  9400
1045-1100 Sun  11600 13600
0515-0530 Mon   7500  9400
1045-1100 Wed  11600 13600

3/22/2006 2:33:28 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :





0000-0057    KUN 11700 100 225 South East Asia
MON:         The World This Weekend \ Maple Leaf Mailbag
TUE:         The World at Six \ Madly Off in All Directions
WED:         The World at Six \ C`est la Vie
THU:         The World at Six \ The Inside Track
FRI:         The World at Six \ Wire Tap
SAT:         The World at Six \ Dispatches
SUN:         The World This Weekend \ Media Zone

0000-0159:30 SAC  9755 100 240 United States \ Caribbean \ Mexico
             [250 kW 227 degrees March 26-April 2]
MON:         The World This Weekend \ Maple Leaf Mailbag \
             Writers and Company
TUE-SAT:     The World at Six \ As It Happens
             Fri: Dispatches at 0130
SUN:         The World This Weekend \ Madly Off In All Directions \
             Global Village

0100-0159:30 SAC 13710 250 272 Central and Western United States
             NOTE: Begins April 2
MON:         The World This Weekend \ Maple Leaf Mailbag
TUE-SAT:     The World At Six \ As It Happens
SUN:         The World This Weekend \ Madly Off In All Directions

1200-1259    YAM  9660 200 270 Asia \ China
             YAM 15170 300 290 Asia \ China
MON:         Writers & Company
TUE-SAT:     Ideas
SUN:         Quirks & Quarks

1300-1559:30 SAC  9515 100 268 Central & Eastern US \ Cuba \ Haiti
             SAC 13665 250 240 Central & Eastern US \ Cuba \ Haiti
             SAC 17800 100 189 Central & Eastern US \ Cuba \ Haiti
             NOTE: Begins April 2; 1400-1659:30 March 26-April 1
MON-THU:     The Current \ Sounds Like Canada \ National Playlist
FRI:         The Current \ Sounds Like Canada \ Madly Off In All
             Directions \ National Playlist
SAT:         The House \ Vinyl Café \ Quirks and Quarks
SUN:         The Sunday Edition

1400-1659:30 see 1300-1559:30

1500-1557    KUN 11675 500 283 India
             WER 15360 250 090 India
             URU 17720 500 212 India
MON:         Canada Today \ Media Zone
TUE:         Canada Today \ The Mailbag
WED:         Canada Today \ Spotlight
THU:         Canada Today \ Business Sense
FRI:         Canada Today \ Scitech File
SAT:         Business Sense \ Scitech File
SUN:         The Maple Leaf Mailbag \ Spotlight

1800-1859    WER  9530 250 150 Sub-Saharan Africa
             KAS 11765 100 239 Sub-Saharan Africa
             WER 13730 250 165 Sub-Saharan Africa
             SKN 15255 250 180 Sub-Saharan Africa
MON:         Canada Today \ Media Zone
TUE:         Canada Today \ The Mailbag
WED:         Canada Today \ Spotlight
THU:         Canada Today \ Business Sense
FRI:         Canada Today \ Scitech File
SAT:         Business Sense \ Scitech File
SUN:         The Maple Leaf Mailbag \ Spotlight

2000-2059 HBY  5850 250 245 Europe
          SKN  7235 300 180 Europe
          WER 11765 299 120 Europe
          SAC 15325 250 060 Europe
MON:      Canada Today \ Media Zone
TUE:      Canada Today \ The Mailbag
WED:      Canada Today \ Spotlight
THU:      Canada Today \ Business Sense
FRI:      Canada Today \ Scitech File
SAT:      Business Sense \ Scitech File
SUN:      The Maple Leaf Mailbag \ Spotlight

2000-2159    SAC 17765 250 240 Southeast US \ Cuba \ Haiti
             NOTE: Begins April 2; 2100-2259 March 28-April 1
MON-FRI:     Freestyle
SAT:         Definitely Not the Opera
SUN:         Cross Country Checkup

2100-2259    See 2000-2159 above

2200-2259:30 SAC 6100 100 212 Northeastern US
             NOTE: Begins April 2; 2300-2259:30 March 28-April 1
MON-FRI:     The World at Six \ As It Happens
SAT:         The World This Weekend \ Madly Off In All Directions
SUN:         The World This Weekend \ Maple Leaf Mailbag

2230-2259    SOL 1179 300  MW Northern Europe
MON-FRI:     Canada Today
SAT:         Media Zone
SUN:         The Maple Leaf Mailbag

2300-2259:30 See 2200-2259:30 above

A06 Digital Radio Mondial - DRM
1330-1400    FLE  7240 040 123 Central & Eastern Europe
MON:         Spotlight
TUE:         Media Zone
WED:         The Maple Leaf Mailbag
THU:         Spotlight
FRI:         Business Sense
SAT:         Scitech File
SUN:         Business Sense

2100-2200    SAC  9800 070 268 Northeast United States
             NOTE: Begins April 2; 2200-2300 March 26-April 1
MON-FRI:     The World at Six \ As It Happens
SAT:         Vinyl Café
SUN:         Writers & Company


3/22/2006 2:34:43 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



自由亚洲电台RFA—Radio Free Asia

BURMESE    0030-0130 11540 13820 13865 17835
           1230-1330  9315  9455 11540 13675
CANTONESE  1400-1500  9780 11715 11850
           2200-2300  9355  9955 11785 13865
KHMER      1230-1330  5890 13645 15525
           2230-2330  9490  9930 13740
KOREAN     1500-1700  7210  9385 13625
           2100-2300  7460  9385  9770 12075
LAOTIAN    0000-0100 12015 15545
           1100-1200  9355  9545 15560
MANDARIN   0300-0600 11705 13670 13760 15130 15685 17525 17615 17880
           0600-0700 11705 13670 13760 15165 15685 17525 17615 17880
           1500-1600  7540  9455  9905 11765 12025 13675 13725 15495
           1600-1700  7540  9455  9905 11795 12025 13675 13715 15530
           1700-1800  7280  7540  9355  9455  9530  9540  9905 11795
                     13625 13715
           1800-1900  7280  7355  7540  9355  9455  9540  9865 11700
                     13625 15510
           1900-2000  1098  7260  7355  7540  9355  9455  9760  9865 
                      9905 11700
                     11785 13625 15510
           2000-2100  1098  7260  7355  7540  9355  9455  9850  9905
                     11700 11740 11785 13625
           2100-2200  1098  7105  7355  7540  9850  9910 11740 11935
           2300-2400  7540  9910 11760 13670 13775 15430 15585
TIBETAN    0100-0300  9365 11695 11975 15225 15695 17730
           0600-0700 17510 17720 17780 21500 21690
           1100-1200  7470 13625 13830 15510 17855
           1200-1400  7470 11590 13625 13830 15510 17855
           1500-1600  7470 11550 11705 11795 13825
           2300-2400  7470  7500  9395  9805  9875
UIGHUR     0100-0200  9350 11520 11895 11945 17640 17695
           1600-1700  7465  9350  9370  9555 11750 11780
VIETNAMESE 1400-1500  5855  9455  9715 11535 11605 11680 13680 13775
           2330-0030  9975 11580 11605 11670 12110 13740 15535 15560

3/22/2006 2:36:08 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



日本国际广播电台NHK—Radio Japan

Burmese    1030-1100 11740SNG      1230-1300  9695
           2320-2340 13650
Chinese    0600-0630 17860         1200-1230 11740SNG
           2240-2300 13650         2340-0000 13630  17810
English    0100-0200 17810  11860SNG
           0500-0600 17810         0600-0700 11740SNG
           1000-1200  9695         1400-1600  7200
           0000-0015 13650  17810
Indonesian 0930-1000  9695         1130-1200  & 1230-1300 13660
           2300-2320 17810         2340-0000 13650
Japanese   0200-0300 11860SNG      0200-0500 17810
        New0600-0700 15405
           0700-0900 17860         0700-1000 11740SNG
           0900-1600 11815         1600-1900  7200
           1900-0100 13680         2000-2200 11665
Malay      1200-1230  9695  13660  1300-1330  9695
           2240-2300 17810
Thai       1130-1200 11740SNG      1330-1400  7200
           2300-2320 13650
Vietnamese 1100-1130 13660         1230-1300 11740SNG
           2320-2340 17810

To Asian Continent
Chinese   0400-0430 & 0500-0530 17845
          1200-1230, 1300-1330 6190   1430-1500 6190
          2230-2250  9560
English   0100-0200 17845          0500-0700 15195
          1000-1200 11730          1500-1600  6190
Japanese  0200-0300 17845          0100-0500 & 0700-0800 15195
          0800-1700  9750          1600-1900  6035
          1900-0100 11910          2000-2100  6165
          2100-2200  9560
Korean    0430-0500 & 0530-0600 17845      1115-1145 6090
          1230-1300 & 1400-1430 6190
          2210-2230  9560
Russian   0330-0400 17845    1330-1400  6190

To FE Russia
English   0600-0700 11715  11760
Japanese  0700-0800  6145   6165
Russian   0530-0600 11715  11760
          0800-0830  6145   6165      1900-1920 5955

Bengali   0630-0700 15590  11890SRI   1230-1300 11890SRI
English   0100-0200 15325             1400-1600 11730
Hindi     0700-0730 15590  11890SRI   1300-1330 11890SRI
Japanese  0200-1000 15325             0800-1200 15590
       New1200-1600 11860
          1500-1800 12045SNG (x17- 11865SNG)
       New1600-0200 11725
Urdu      0730-0800 15590  11890SRI   1330-1400 11890SRI

To Oceania
English   0100-0200 17685             0300-0400 21610
          0500-0700 & 1000-1100 21755 1400-1500 11840SRI
          2100-2200  6035SNG
Japanese  0300-0500 17685
          0700-1000 21755 11920SNG    1700-1900  7140
          1900-2100  6035SNG          2200-2300 11770SRI

English   0000-0100 6145CAN           0100-0200 17825
          0500-0600 6110CAN(West)     0600-0700 13630
          1000-1200 6120CAN(East)     1500-1600  9505
          1700-1800  9535             2100-2200 17825
Japanese  0200-0500 5960CAN(Ea)       0300-0500 17825
          0800-1000  9540             1300-1500 11705CAN(Ea)
          1500-1700  9535             2200-2300 17825

To Hawaii
English   0600-0700 17870             2100-2200 21670
Japanese  0700-0800 17870             0800-1000  9825
          1700-1900  9835

English   0100-0200 17825             0600-0700 13630
          1500-1600  9505             1700-1800  9535
       New2100-2200 17825
Japanese  0300-0500 17825             0800-1000  9540
          1500-1700  9535
          2200-2300 11895GUF 17825
Spanish   0500-0530 11895GUF          1000-1030  9540

English   0100-0200 11935BON
Japanese  0200-0300 11935BON          0300-0400  9660GUF
          0800-1000  9825 9530GUF     1700-1800 21600GUF
          1700-1900  9835             2200-2300 15220ASC
          2300-2400 17605BON
Portug    0230-0300  9660GUF          1030-1100  9530GUF(East)
Spanish   0400-0430  9660GUF
          1000-1030  9710  9530GUF(East)

To Europe
English   0500-0600  5975UKr          0500-0700 7230UKw
          1000-1100 17585UAE          1600-1700DRM 9770UKr
          1700-1800 11970
          2100-2200  6055UKs  6180UKs
French    0630-0700 11970GAB          1800-1820 11970
German    0600-0630 11970GAB
          1100-1130  9660UKs 11710UKs
Italian   0530-0545 11970GAB          1030-1045 21820GAB
Japanese  0800-1000 11710UKs          1700-1800  9750UKr
          1700-1900  6175UKs          2000-2100 11970
          2200-2300  6115UKs
Russian   0430-0500 11970GAB          1130-1200 11710UKs
          1840-1900 11970
Spanish   0500-0530 11970GAB          1820-1840 11970
Swedish   0545-0600 11970GAB          1045-1100 21820GAB

To ME & NoAF
Arabic    0400-0430 17780SRI          0700-0730 15220ASC
       New1200-1215 17560
English   0100-0200  5960UKr 17720    1000-1100 17585UAE
French    0500-0530 17820SRI          1630-1650 11785
Japanese  0200-0500 17560             0800-1000 17720UAE
       New0500-0800 17700
       New0800-1000 17895
       New1000-1500 17835
       New1500-2000 17610
          1700-1900 13740UAE          2200-2300  9650UAE
       New2000-0100 17700
Persian   0230-0300 17780SRI          0830-0900 17675SRI

To Africa
Arabic    0400-0430 17780SRI          0700-0730 15220ASC
English   1700-1800 15355GAB(South)
          2100-2200 11855ASC(Central)
French    1230-1300 15400ASC(West) 17870ASC(Central)
          1800-1820  9685  11785
Japanese  0800-1000 17650ASC(West)
          1500-1700 21630ASC(Central)
          1800-1900 15355GAB(South)
Swahili   0330-0400  6135ASC(Central)
          1300-1330 17870ASC(Central)

ASC = Ascension 250 kW  BON = BonaireATN 250kW  CAN = Sackville 250 kW
GAB = Gabon 500 kW      GUF = Fr.Guiana 300 kW  SNG = Singapore 100/250 kW
SRI = Sri Lanka 300 kW  UAE = Al Dhabbaya 500 kW
UK  = United Kingdom, RMP 500 kW, SKN 250/300 kW, WOF 250/300 kW
Remaining direct via Yamata-JPN.

3/22/2006 2:37:21 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



荷兰广播电台RNW—Radio Netherlands(包含DRM数字广播)

0000-0100 East North America 9845
0100-0200 Central North America 9845
0400-0500 West North America 9845
0600-0700 New Zealand 9700
0700-0800 Australia 9700
1000-1100 Far East \ East and Southeast Asia 12065 13710 13820
1100-1200 East North America 11675
1400-1600 South Asia 9345 9890 11835
1800-1900 Africa 6020 7120 11655
1900-2100 Africa 5905 7120 11655 17810
1900-2100 North America 15315 17735 17660 Sat-Sun

DRM to Europe on 7240: 1000-1100, 1200-1330

3/22/2006 2:38:29 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :




UTC kHz band Target Azimuth Days
0500-0705 9615 31 All Pacific 0° Daily
0706-1059 9885 31 All Pacific 0° Daily
1059-1259 9870 31 NW Pacific 325° Daily
1300-1650 7145 49 Pacific 0° Daily
1651-1850 7145 41 NE Pacific, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands 35° Daily
1851-1950 9630 31 All Pacific 0° Daily
1951-2050 11725 25 All Pacific 0° Daily
2045-0615 15720 19 All Pacific 0° Daily

3/22/2006 2:39:59 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



布拉格电台RPR—Radio Prague

CZECH   0130-0157   6200  7345
        0230-0257   7345  9870
        0830-0857  11600 15710
addit   0930-0957   9880 21745
        1100-1127  11665 15710
        1230-1257   6055  7345
        1330-1357  13580 17540
        1530-1557   5930 17485
        1730-1757   5930 17485
        1930-1957   5930 11600
        2100-2127   9410 11600
        2330-2357   7345  9440
ENGLISH 0000-0027   7345  9440
        0100-0127   6200  7345
        0300-0327   7345  9870
        0330-0357   9445 11600
        0700-0727   9880 11600
  addit 0900-0927   9880 21745
        1030-1057   9880 11665
        1300-1327  13580 17540
        1600-1627   5930 17485
        1700-1727   5930 17485
        2000-2027   5930 11600
  addit 2130-2157   9410 11600
        2230-2257   7345  9415
GERMAN  0630-0657   5930  7345
        1000-1027   6055  9880
        1200-1227   6055  7345
        1500-1527   5930
        1630-1657  11825 Armavir-KrasnodarRUS relay
FRENCH  0600-0627   5930  7345
        0730-0757   9880 11600
        1630-1657   5930 17485
        1830-1857   5930 13580
        2200-2227   7345  9415
RUSSIAN 0400-0427   9445 11600
        1130-1157  11665 15710
        1430-1457   9410 13580
        1800-1827   7390 Novosibirsk-RUS relay
SPANISH 0000-0027  11665 Ascension relay
        0030-0057   7345  9440
        0200-0227   6200  7345
        0800-0827  11600 15710
        1400-1427  11625 13580
        1800-1827   5930 13580
        1900-1927   5930 13580
        2030-2057   5930 11600
        2300-2327   7345  9415
ARM=Armavir, Russia      250 kW
ASC=Ascension Island     250 kW
NVS=Novosibirsk, Russia  250 kW
LIT=Litomysl, Czech Rep. 100 kW for all other freqs

3/22/2006 2:41:46 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



瑞典广播电台RS—Radio Sweden(英语广播)

to Europe, Africa and the Middle East
1230-1300 15735 (70)
1330-1400 15735 (85)
1630-1700 SAT Mondays - Friday
1730-1800  6065 (140- 240) + MW 1179 + SAT
1900-1930 MW 1179 Mondays - Saturdays
1930-2000  6065 (140- 240)
2130-2200  6065 (140- 240) 7420 (125) + MW 1179

to Asia and the Pacific
0130-0200  9435 (50) via Madagascar
1230-1300 13580 (40) 15735 (70)
1330-1400 15735 (85)
2130-2200  7420 (125) via Madagascar (to Australia)

to North America
0130-0200  6010 (240) via Sackville
0230-0300  6010 (268) via Sackville
1230-1300 15240 (305)
1330-1400 15240 (272) via Sackville

3/22/2006 2:44:29 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :




Mandarin  Days   area       kHz              Site      kW
0000-0500 daily  CHN        11885            TWN       100
0000-0500 daily  CHN        11640            TWN       100
0000-0400 daily  CHN        15245            TWN       100
0000-0003 daily  CHN        9660             TWN       100
0100-0200 daily  SAm        15215            WYFR      100
0100-0200 daily  SAm        11825            WYFR      100
0200-0500 daily  CHN        15290            TWN       250
0400-0500 daily  CHN        1008             TWN       600
0400-0500 daily  SeA        15320            TWN       100
0400-0500 daily  wNAm       5950             WYFR      100
0400-0500 daily  CAm        9680             WYFR      100
0400-0600 daily  CHN        15270            TWN       100
0500-0600 daily  CAm        9495             WYFR      100
0600-1000 daily  CHN        11795            TWN       100
0900-1000 daily  SeA        11635 15525 11520TWN       100
0900-1000 daily  NeA        11605            TWN       250
0900-1000 daily  Australasia11715            TWN       250
0900-1100 daily  CHN        9415             TWN       100
0900-1400 daily  CHN        6150             TWN       100
0900-1500 daily  CHN        6085, 1422       TWN       300
0900-1600 daily  CHN        11665            TWN       300
0900-1600 daily  CHN        603              TWN      1000
0900-1800 daily  CHN        7185             TWN       100
0900-1800 daily  CHN        1008             TWN       600
1000-1200 daily  CHN        1503             TWN       600
1000-1400 daily  CHN        9780             TWN       100
1100-1200 daily  Australasia11715            TWN       250
1100-1500 daily  CHN        11780            TWN       300
1100-1800 daily  CHN        9680             TWN       100
1200-1300 daily  NeA        11605            TWN       250
1200-1300 daily  SeA        15465            TWN       100
1200-1800 daily  CHN        1521             TWN       400
1300-1321 daily  CHN        1503             TWN       600
1300-1400 daily  SeA        15265            TWN       250
1300-1500 daily  SeA        7445             TWN       100
1300-1800 daily  CHN        1098             TWN       250
1400-1800 daily  CHN        7130             TWN       100
1400-1800 daily  CHN        6145             TWN       100
1600-1700 daily  CHN        1503             TWN       600
1600-1800 daily  CHN        7365             TWN       300
1900-2000 daily  CHN        9955             TWN       250
1900-2000 daily  Eu         17760            WYFR      100
2200-2400 daily  CHN        11710            TWN       300
2200-2400 daily  CHN        11885            TWN       100
2200-2400 daily  CHN        6105             TWN       100
2200-2400 daily  SeA        11635            TWN       100
2200-2400 daily  eNAm       5950             WYFR      100
2200-2400 daily  WNAm       15440            WYFR      100
2300-2400 daily  CHN        15245            TWN       100
2300-2400 daily  CHN        9660             TWN       100
2200-2400 daily  CHN        6150             TWN       100

Hokkien   Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0000-0100 daily  NwAm       15440            WYFR      100
0000-0100 daily  SeA        11875            TWN       100
0500-0600 daily  SeA        15580            TWN       100
0500-0600 daily  CHN        1008, 1422       TWN       100
1000-1100 daily  SeA        11605            TWN       100
1200-1300 daily  NeA        11715            TWN       100
1300-1400 daily  SeA        15465            TWN       100
1300-1400 daily  SeA        11635            TWN       100
2100-2200 daily  eNAm       5950             WYFR      100

Cantonese Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0100-0200 daily  SeA        15290            TWN       250
0100-0200 daily  eNAm       5950             WYFR      100
0100-0200 daily  wNAm       15440            WYFR      100
0200-0300 dialy  SeA        15610            TWN       100
0500-0600 daily  SeA        15320            TWN       100
0500-0600 daily  cNAm       9680             WYFR      100
0500-0600 daily  wNAm       5950             WYFR      100
1000-1100 daily  SeA        15525            TWN       100
1000-1100 daily  SeA        11635            TWN       100
1000-1100 daily  Australasia11715            TWN       250
1000-1200 daily  SeA        15270            TWN       100
1100-1300 daily  CHN        1206             TWN       100
1200-1300 daily  SeA        11915            TWN       250
1200-1300 daily  CHN        6105             TWN       100
2200-2300 daily  Eu         5745             WYFR      100

Hakka     Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0000-0100 daily  eNAm       5950             WYFR      100
0200-0300 daily  wNAm       15440            WYFR      100
0300-0400 daily  SeA        927              TWN       400
0300-0400 daily  SeA        15610            TWN       100
1100-1200 daily  CHN        15465            TWN       100
1100-1200 daily  SeA        11635            TWN       100
1300-1400 daily  SeA        15175            TWN       100

English   Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0100-0200 daily  NeA        15465            TWN       100
0100-0200 daily  SeA        11875            TWN       250
0200-0300 daily  cNAm       9680             WYFR      100
0200-0300 daily  eNAm       5950             WYFR      100
0300-0400 daily  SeA        15320            TWN       100
0300-0400 daily  SAm        15215            WYFR      100
0300-0400 daily  wNAm       5950             WYFR      100
0700-0800 daily  wNAm       5950             WYFR      100
0800-0900 daily  SeA        9610             TWN       250
1100-1200 daily  SeA        7445             TWN       100
1100-1200 Thurs  CHN        747              TWN       250
1100-1200 Thurs  CHN        927              TWN       400
1200-1300 daily  NeA        7130             TWN        50
1400-1500 daily  SeA        15265            TWN       250
1600-1700 daily  CHN, SAs   11815            TWN       100
1700-1800 daily  Af         11850            Issoudun  500
1800-1900 daily  London     3965             Issoudun  250
2200-2300 daily  EU         9355             WYFR      100

French    Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0700-0800 daily  Eu         5745             WYFR      100
1900-2000 daily  wEu        3955             Skelton   250
2000-2100 daily  Eu         11665            WYFR      100
2000-2100 daily  eNAm       15440            WYFR      100
2000-2100 daily  Eu         9955             TWN       250
2100-2200 daily  Af         7305             Issoudun  500

Spanish   Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0200-0300 daily  SAm        15215 11825      WYFR      100
0400-0500 daily  CAm        11740            WRFR      100
0600-0700 daily  CAm        5950             WRFR      100
2000-2100 daily  Eu         5975             NAU       100
2300-2400 daily  SAm        9690 11720       WYFR      100

German    Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0600-0700 daily  Eu         5745             WYFR      100
1800-1900 daily  EU         9955             TWN       250
1900-2000 daily  Eu         6170             Dhabayya  250
2100-2200 daily  Eu         11665            WYFR      100

Russian   Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
1100-1200 daily  eRUs       11985            TWN       100
1300-1400 daily  wRUS       11935            TWN       250
1600-1700 daily  wRUS       9760             Wertachtal125

Japanese  Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0800-0900 daily  NeA        11605            TWN       250
1100-1200 daily  NeA        11605            TWN       250
1100-1200 daily  NeA        7130             TWN        50
1300-1400 daily  NeA        9635             TWN       250
1300-1400 daily  NeA        7130             TWN        50

Vietnamese Days  Area       kHz              Site      kW
0900-1000 daily  SeA        15270            TWN       100
1100-1200 daily  CHN        1521             TWN       400
1300-1400 daily  CHN        1206             TWN       100
2300-2400 daily  SeA        9785             TWN       250

Thai      Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
0600-0700 daily  SeA        15270            TWN       100
1400-1500 daily  CHN        747              TWN       250
1400-1500 daily  CHN        927              TWN       400
1400-1500 daily  SeA        15465 11635      TWN       100
1500-1600 daily  SeA        7445             TWN       100
1500-1600 daily  SeA        1503             TWN       600
2200-2300 daily  SeA        1503             TWN       600
2200-2400 daily  SeA        7445             TWN       100
2300-2400 daily  CHN        927              TWN       400

Indonesian Days  Area       kHz              Site      kW
0400-0600 daily  CHN        927              TWN       100
1000-1200 daily  SeA        11520            TWN       250
1200-1300 daily  SeA        11550            TWN       250
1200-1300 daily  CHN        927              TWN       400
1200-1300 daily  SeA        11635            TWN       100
1200-1300 daily  SeA        7445             TWN       100
1400-1500 daily  SeA        11875            TWN       250

Code for Area and Countries
Af-  Africa                      CHN- China
CAm- Central America             RUS- Russia
Eu-  Europe                      TWN- Taiwan
NAm- North America               NEm- North East America
ME-  Middle East                 SAm- South America
SAs- South Asia                  SeA- South East Asia

RELAYED VIA: WYFR, USA; Skelton, UK; Issoudun, France; Juelich,

KEBAR [sic] AM 1210 kHz, Sacramento CA, USA
Mandarin: 2000-2300, Cantonese: 2300-2400, local time

DRM English stream: 9770 kHz, Friday UT 1500-1600 via Rampisham, UK
(RTI, via ADDX Andreas Volk-D, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 10 via DXLD)

Re an e-mail of Dietrich Hommel-D in A-DX, I have doubts that some
RTI relays via European sites are updated well yet in A-06 list.

Thanks Dietrich, according your investigation I've my doubts about
RTI German Al Dhabbaya entry in A-06 list. 6170 kHz from UAE in
summer at 2100 Local Time will result in a very poor signal in
Central Europe, I guess.

In the latest VT - MNO - Merlin A06 list, for example French is
registered still via Skelton 6045 kHz, and German also still via
Skelton-UK 6185 kHz, same like A05 registration entries in previous
summer schedule.

French    Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
1900-2000 daily  wEu        3955             Skelton   250

Spanish   Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
2000-2100 daily  Eu         5975             NAU       100

German    Days   Area       kHz              Site      kW
1900-2000 daily  Eu         6170             Dhabayya  250

I believe the RTI frequency manager didn't update some VT-MNO frequencies yet.

from VT list in A06 season:
6045 1900-2000 smtwtfs MNO Skelton 250 165 French WeEUR HR 2/2/0.5
6185 1900-2000 smtwtfs MNO Skelton 250 105 German WeEUR HR 2/1/0.5

3/22/2006 2:46:16 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



地拉那电台Radio Tirana

5995 1931 2000 28   SHI  100 0    .234567  ITALIAN
6115 0145 0200 8    SHI  100 300  .234567  ENGLISH
6115 0230 0300 8    SHI  100 300  .234567  ENGLISH
6205 2015 2030 28   SHI  100 0    123456.  SER/CRO
6205 2030 2200 28   SHI  100 0    1234567  ALBANIAN
7105 0630 0900 28   SHI  100 0    1234567  ALBANIAN
7455 2300 0030 8    SHI  100 310  1234567  ALBANIAN
7455 0145 0200 8    SHI  100 310  .234567  ENGLISH
7455 0230 0300 8    SHI  100 310  .234567  ENGLISH
7465 1800 1830 28   SHI  100 0    123456.  GERMAN
7465 1845 1900 27   SHI  100 310  123456.  ENGLISH
7465 2130 2200 27   SHI  100 310  123456.  ENGLISH
9920 1900 1930 27   SHI  100 310  123456.  FRENCH
9920 1931 2000 27   SHI  100 310  123456.  ENGLISH

3/22/2006 2:49:34 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:20:56 :



乌克兰国际广播电台RUI— Radio Ukraine International(含网上实况与卫星广播)

Time UTC; Frequency; Transmitter Site; Power; Azimuth; Target Area
0000-0500; 7530 (5830);  Kharkiv; 100; 055; Russia
0500-0800; 9945 (7420);  Kharkiv; 100; 277; W.Europe
0800-1300; 15675 (9950); Kharkiv; 100; 277; W.Europe
1300-1700; 7530 (5830);  Kharkiv; 100; 055; Russia
1700-0000; 7490 (5830);  Kharkiv; 100; 290; W.Europe
2300-0400; 7440 (5810);  Mykolaiv; 500; 314; N.-E.America

Transmission schedules in various languages are as follows:
ENGLISH (one hour long): at 2100 on 7490 (5830) kHz, at 0000 & 0300 on 7440 (5810) kHz, at 1100 on 15675 (9950) kHz.
GERMAN (one hour long): at 1700, 2000 & 2300 on 7490 (5830) kHz.
UKRAINIAN programmes are transmitted on all frequencies and at all times except for the time reserved for English and German programmes, as shown above.
Romanian (half an hour long): at 1700, 1930 & 2100 on 657 kHz (via Chernivtsi).

Notice: In the middle of September the frequencies left of the brackets can be replaced by those ones in the brackets.

On WEB-site www.nrcu.gov.ua transmissions in Real Audio format:
ENGLISH: at 0000, 0300, 1100, 2100;
GERMANY: at 1700, 2000, 2300;
UKRAINIAN: all other time of the day.

On satellite "Express AM22" 53 degrees East, 11.096 GHz, vertical polarization, MPEG-2, RS 10500, FEC 3/4:
ENGLISH: at 0000, 0300, 1100, 2100;
UKRAINIAN: all other time of the day.

3/22/2006 2:52:56 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :




    SERVICE               (UTC)

   Bengali              0030–0057       11965
                        1400–1430       11870
   Hindi                0030–0057       11710
                        1330–1400       11870
   Hmong                1000–1027       11780
   Indonesian           2300–2327        9505
                        2300–2327       11820
                        1200–1227       11795
   Kachin               2330–2357        9545
                        1230–1257       15225
   Karen                0000–0027       11935
                        1200–1230       15225
   Mandarin             2100–2257        6105
                        1000–1157        9730
   Burmese              2330–2357        9805
                        1130–1157       15450
   Filipino             2300-2327        9720
   Filipino             1500–1530       15530
   Filipino             1530-1600       15530
   (Wed, Fri & Sun Ext)
   Russian              0130–0227       17830
                        1500–1600        9570
   Sinhala              0000–0027       11965
                        0000–0027        9730
                        1330–1400        9520
   Tamil                0030–0057       15520
                        1400–1430        9520
   Telugu               0100–0127       15530
                        1430–1457        9520
   Urdu                 0100–0127       15350
                        0100–0127       17860
                        1430–1457       11870
   Vietnamese           2330–2357        9670
                        0130–0230       15530
                        1030–1127       11850
                        1300–1327       11850
   Zomi-Chin            0230-0300       11895

3/22/2006 2:55:41 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



葡萄牙国际广播电台RPI(RDP Internacional)—Radio Portugal International

Europe kHz kW azimuth
0500-0800   7240 300 45deg
0645-0800  11850 250 55deg
0800-1200  12020 300 45deg
1600-1900  15555 300 45deg
1900-2300#  9820 300 45deg

ME+India kHz kW azimuth
1300-1500  15770 100 81.5deg

Africa, beam STP-AGL-MOZ-AFS
kHz kW azimuth
1000-1200  21830 100 142deg
1600-1900  17680 300 144deg
1900-2300# 11945 300 144deg

NAm kHz kW azimuth
1200-1300# 15560 300 300deg
2300-0200   9715 300 300deg

Venezuela (was dropped on the B05)
kHz kW azimuth
2300-0200  13700 100 261deg

Brazil; C.Verde + Guinea, kHz kW azimuth
1000-1200  15575 300 226deg
1600-1900  21655 300 226deg
1900-2000# 21655 300 226deg
2000-2300# 15295 300 226deg

Brazil, kHz kW azimuth
2300-0200  15295 300 226deg

Sats. + Suns.
kHz kW azimuth
0700-1355  12020 300 45deg
0830-1000  11995 250 45deg
1400-2000  15555 300 45deg
1900-2000#  9820 300 45deg

Africa, beam STP-AGL-MOZ-AFS, kHz kW azimuth
0700-1000  15160 300 144deg
1000-1700  21830 100 142deg
1700-2000  17680 300 144deg
1900-2300# 11945 300 144deg

NoAm, kHz kW azimuth
1200-2000  15560 300 300deg
2000-2300# 15560 300 300deg

Brazil; C.Verde + Guinea, kHz kW azimuth
0700-1000  12000 300 226deg
1000-2000  21655 300 226deg
2000-2300# 15295 300 226deg

#) reserved for extra broadcasts

3/22/2006 2:56:57 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :





3385 2200 1500 54NE         MIR   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
4845 0000 2400 54           KAJ  100 0  0 926 DAILY TAMIL
4895 2200 0100 54NE         STA   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
4895 0800 1500 54NE         STA   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
4970 2100 1800 54NE         TUA   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
5005 2200 1500 54NE         SIB   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
5030 2200 2400 54NE         STA   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
5965 0000 2400 54           KAJ  100 0  0 926 DAILY MALAY
5980 2200 1500 54NE         TUA   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
6050 0200 1700 54           KAJ   50 0  0 926 DAILY LOCALMALAY
6050 0200 1500 54NE         SIB   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL                  
6060 0400 1500 54NE         MIR   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
6100 1300 1530 49           KAJ  100 0  0 926 DAILY THAI/BUR
6175 0300 0830 54           KAJ  100 0  0 926 DAILY ENGLISH
6175 1000 1900 49SW,49SE,54 KAJ  100 0  0 926 DAILY INDOMALAY
7130 0400 0600 54NE         STA   10 0  0 751 DAILY LOCAL
7270 0800 1500 54NE         STA  100 45 0 141 DAILY LOCAL
7295 0000 2400 49SW,49SE,50SW,54NW,54SW,54SE  KAJ 100 0 0 926 DAILY ENGLISH
9750 0300 0830 54SE          KAJ  100 150 0 145 DAILY ENGLISH
9750 1000 1900 54SE          KAJ  100 150 0 145 DAILY INDOMALAY
11885 1030 1230 44N,45NW     KAJ  100 25  0 218 DAILY CHINESE
15295 0300 1230 55,58-60     KAJ  250 133 0 218 DAILY ENG/CHINES
15295 1530 1900 39           KAJ  250 295 0 218 DAILY ARAB/MALAY

3/22/2006 2:59:26 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:24:04 :




PROGRAM                              TIME  FREQUENCY  AM/   DAYS     LANGUAGE  TARGET AREA
                                     (UTC)   (kHz)    DRM (mtwtfss)
Denge Mezopotamya                  0400-0800 11530     AM  mtwtfss   Kurdish   Middle East
Denge Mezopotamya                  0800-1200 11530     AM  mtwtfss   Kurdish   Middle East
Denge Mezopotamya                  1200-1600 11530     AM  mtwtfss   Kurdish   Middle East
Que Huong Radio                    1200-1300 15680     AM  mtwtfs.   Vietnamese  Asia
TDPradio                           1400-1600 6015      DRM .....s.   English   Europe
Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity     1500-1600 15660     AM  mtwtfss   Amharic   Africa
Voice of Liberty - Eritrea         1600-1700 15260     AM  ..w.f.s   Tigrigna  Africa
Voice of Eritrea                   1600-1700 15260     AM  ...t...   Tigrigna  Africa
TDPradio                           1600-1800 11900     DRM .....s.   English   America
Radio Voice of Oromo Liberation    1700-1730 12120     AM  m..t...   Oromo     Africa
Voice of Ethiopian People          1700-1800 12120     AM  .t...s.   Amharic   Africa
Dejen Radio                        1700-1800 12120     AM  ..w....   Tigrigna  Africa
Radio Voice of ENUF                1700-1800 12120     AM  ....f.s   Amharic   Africa
Radio Horyaal                      1730-1800 12130     AM  mtwt.ss   Somali    Africa
Voice of Delina                    1800-1900 12130     AM  ......s   Tigrigna  Africa
Radio Free Southern Cameroons      1800-1900 15695     AM  ......s   English   Africa

3/22/2006 3:01:48 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



环球广播电台欧洲部TWR EUROPE

Day 1 = Mon .. 7 = Sun

SW (Shortwave)


0645-0820 |       7 | ENGLISH | 31 | 9800 | 100 | 324  | 27  |
0700-0820 | 12345   | ENGLISH | 31 | 9800 | 100 | 324  | 27  |
0715-0750 |      6  | ENGLISH | 31 | 9800 | 100 | 324  | 27  |
0830-0845 | 123456  | GERMAN  | 49 | 6230 | 100 | 13   | 28  |
0830-0915 |       7 | GERMAN  | 49 | 6230 | 100 | 13   | 28  |
0830-0845 | 123456  | GERMAN  | 41 | 7160 | 100 | 26   | 28  |
0830-0915 |       7 | GERMAN  | 41 | 7160 | 100 | 26   | 28  |
1300-1330 |       7 | GERMAN  | 49 | 6230 | 100 | 13   | 28  |
1330-1400 | 1234567 | GERMAN  | 49 | 6230 | 100 | 13   | 28  |
1300-1330 |       7 | GERMAN  | 41 | 7160 | 100 | 26   | 28  |
1330-1400 | 1234567 | GERMAN  | 41 | 7160 | 100 | 26   | 28  | 


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG      | MB | FREQ | PWR | AZI | ZONES |
0530-0545 | 12345   | SLOVAK    | 41 | 7210 | 100 | 100 | 28,29 | 
0830-0845 |  23456  | HUNGARIAN | 49 | 6105 | 100 | 105 | 28    | 
0830-0845 |  23456  | HUNGARIAN | 41 | 7210 | 100 | 100 | 28    | 
1030-1100 |      6  | SLOVAK    | 41 | 7225 | 100 | 105 | 28,29 |  
1030-1100 |      6  | SLOVAK    | 31 | 9490 | 100 | 100 | 28,29 |  
1810-1840 | 123456  | SERBIAN   | 49 | 5910 | 100 | 130 | 28    | *
1810-1840 |       7 | BOSNIEN   | 49 | 5910 | 100 | 130 | 28    | *
* 290506 to 300706


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG        | MB | FREQ | PWR | AZI | ZONES    |
1342-1357 | 1       | RUSSIAN     | 31 | 9725 | 100 | 55  | 28/29/30 |
1357-1427 | 1       | BELORUSSIAN | 31 | 9725 | 100 | 55  | 28/29/30 |
1427-1457 | 1       | RUSSIAN     | 31 | 9725 | 100 | 55  | 28/29/30 |
1342-1457 |  23456  | RUSSIAN     | 31 | 9725 | 100 | 55  | 28/29/30 |
1342-1427 |       7 | RUSSIAN     | 31 | 9725 | 100 | 55  | 28/29/30 |


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG         | MB | FREQ  | PWR | AZI | ZONES    |
0515-0530 | 1234567 | POLISH       | 49 | 6235  | 100 | 350 | 28       |
0515-0530 | 1234567 | POLISH       | 41 | 7380  | 100 | 350 | 28       |
0530-0545 | 12345   | SLOVAK       | 49 | 6235  | 100 | 350 | 28/29    |
0645-0820 |       7 | ENGLISH      | 25 | 11865 | 100 | 310 | 27       |
0700-0820 | 12345   | ENGLISH      | 25 | 11865 | 100 | 310 | 27       |
0715-0750 |      6  | ENGLISH      | 25 | 11865 | 100 | 310 | 27       |
1342-1357 | 1       | RUSSIAN      | 25 | 11615 | 100 | 33  | 28/29/30 |
1357-1427 | 1       | BELORUSSIAN  | 25 | 11615 | 100 | 33  | 28/29/30 |
1427-1457 | 1       | RUSSIAN      | 25 | 11615 | 100 | 33  | 28/29/30 |
1342-1457 |  23456  | RUSSIAN      | 25 | 11615 | 100 | 33  | 28/29/30 |
1342-1427 |       7 | RUSSIAN      | 25 | 11615 | 100 | 33  | 28/29/30 |
1445-1500 |       7 | POLISH       | 41 | 7355  | 100 | 350 | 28       |
1500-1530 | 1234567 | POLISH       | 41 | 7355  | 100 | 350 | 28       |
1533-1603 | 12345   | ARMENIAN/EAS | 41 | 7355  | 100 | 100 | 29S/39N  |
1533-1603 | 12345   | ARMENIAN/EAS | 31 | 9945  | 100 | 90  | 29S/39N  |
1615-1730 | 1234567 | FARSI        | 31 | 9960  | 100 | 90  | 30S/40   |
1615-1730 | 1234567 | FARSI        | 25 | 12075 | 100 | 90  | 30S/40   |

                           TRANS WORLD RADIO -  ARMAVIR,  RUSSIA

1445-1500 |       7 | POLISH    | 49 | 6245 | 100 | 284 | 28  |
1500-1530 | 1234567 | POLISH    | 49 | 6245 | 100 | 284 | 28  |
1530-1600 | 1234567 | HUNGARIAN | 49 | 6245 | 100 | 284 | 28  |
1600-1615 | 12 45   | CZECH     | 49 | 6245 | 100 | 284 | 28  |
1600-1630 |      6  | RUMANIAN  | 49 | 6245 | 100 | 284 | 28  |


1600-1615 | 12 45   | CZECH    | 41 | 7390 | 200 | 222 | 28  |
1600-1630 |      6  | RUMANIAN | 41 | 7390 | 200 | 222 | 28  |

LW & MW (Long Wave & Medium Wave)


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG         | MB   | FREQ  | PWR   | AZI | ZONES |
0241-0256 | 123456  | French       | 1388 | 216   | 2000  | 315 | 27    |
0345-0415 | 1234567 | German       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 25  | 28    |
1845-1915 | 12345   | Italian      | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 85  | 28    |
1915-1930 | 1       | Tamazight    | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
1915-1930 |  2      | Tarifit      | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
1915-1930 |   3     | Mandarin     | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 325 | 27,28 |
1915-1930 |    4    | Rumanian     | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 85  | 37,38 |
1915-1930 |     5   | Slovenian    | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 85  | 37,38 |
1915-1930 |       7 | Sous         | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
1930-2000 | 1234567 | German       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 25  | 28    |
2000-2030 | 123456  | Kabyle       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2000-2015 |       7 | Kabyle       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2015-2030 |       7 | Arabic/Moroc | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2030-2045 | 1       | Arabic/Moroc | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2030-2045 |  2      | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2030-2115 |   3     | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2030-2045 |    4    | Tunisian     | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2030-2200 |     5 7 | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2030-2130 |      6  | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2045-2200 | 1       | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2045-2100 |  2      | Arabic/Moroc | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2045-2100 |    4    | Arabic/Alger | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2100-2115 |  2      | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2100-2200 |    4    | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2115-2130 |  23     | Arabic/Moroc | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2130-2200 |  23     | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2130-2145 |      6  | Arabic/Moroc | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2145-2200 |      6  | Arabic       | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2200-2215 | 12345   | Arabic/Moroc | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2200-2215 |      6  | Arabic/Egypt | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2200-2215 |       7 | Arabic/Jorda | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 241 | 37,38 |
2215-2230 |      6  | English      | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 325 | 27    |
2215-2245 |       7 | English      | 204  | 1467  | 1000  | 325 | 27    |


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG         | MB  | FREQ  | PWR | AZI |ZONES|
1810-1840 | 123456  | Serbian      | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1810-1840 |       7 | Bosnian      | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1840-1915 | 1234567 | Hungarian    | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 | 1       | Polish       | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 |  2      | Turkish      | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 |   3     | Farsi        | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 |    4    | Kurdish/Sora | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 |     5   | Arabic       | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 |      6  | Croation     | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1915-1930 |       7 | Russian      | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1930-1945 | 1234567 | Croatian     | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1945-2015 | 12345   | Croatian     | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
1945-2015 |      67 | Bosnian      | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
2015-2030 | 1234567 | Slovak       | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |
2030-2100 | 1234567 | Czech        | 215 | 1395  | 500 | 330 | 28  |


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG       | MB  | FREQ | PWR | AZI |ZONES |
1900-1930 | 12345   | Swedish    | 201 | 1494 | 600 | 258 | 18   |
1900-1930 |      67 | Lithuanian | 201 | 1494 | 600 | 258 | 29NW |
1930-2000 | 12345   | Norwegian  | 201 | 1494 | 600 | 258 | 18   |
1930-2000 |      67 | Estonian   | 201 | 1494 | 600 | 258 | 29NW |

From 24 April to 06 August 2006, the St. Petersburg block starts one hour later!


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG         | MB  | FREQ | PWR | AZI | ZONES   |
0155-0200 | 1234567 | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
0200-0230 | 12345   | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
0200-0215 |      67 | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
0215-0230 |      6  | Arabic/Iraqi | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
0215-0230 |       7 | Assyrian     | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1925-1944 | 123   7 | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1925-1959 |    456  | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1944-1959 | 1       | Arabic/Syria | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1944-1959 |  2      | Arabic/Sudan | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1944-1959 |   3     | Arabic/Egypt | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1944-1959 |       7 | Arabic/Iraqi | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
1959-2000 | 1234567 | Arabic/Syria | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2000-2015 | 1  45   | Arabic/Egypt | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2000-2015 |  2      | Arabic/Jorda | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2000-2115 |   3  6  | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2000-2100 |       7 | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2015-2030 | 12      | Arabic/Egypt | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2015-2115 |    45   | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2030-2115 | 12      | Arabic       | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|
2100-2015 |       7 | Arabic/Jorda | 243 | 1233 | 600 | 205 | 38,39,40|


TIME/UTC  | DAYS    | LANG          | MB  | FREQ | PWR  | AZI |ZONES|
1730-1800 | 12345   | Ukrainian     | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1730-1745 |      67 | Ukrainian     | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1745-1800 |      67 | Russian       | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1900-1930 | 12    7 | Russian       | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1900-1930 |   345   | Ukrainian     | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1900-1915 |      6  | Ukrainian     | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1915-1930 |      6  | Russian       | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1930-2000 | 1       | Belorussian   | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1930-2000 |  234567 | Russian       | 300 | 999  | 500  | 0   | 29  |
1800-1830 | 1234567 | Bulgarian     | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |
1830-1845 | 1234567 | Romani/Balkan | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |
1845-1915 | 1234567 | Rumanian      | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |
1915-1945 | 12345   | Romani/Vlax   | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |
1915-1945 |      6  | Rumanian      | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |
1915-1945 |       7 | Macedonian    | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |
1945-2000 | 1234567 | Serbian       | 194 | 1548 | 1000 | 245 | 28  |

3/22/2006 3:03:42 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



美国之音VOA—Voice Of America

Abbreviations: All programs/frequencies are on daily unless noted otherwise.
  & - Monday only
  * - Monday through Friday
  = - Monday through Saturday
  < - Tuesday through Friday
  / - Tuesday and Friday only
  # - Tuesday through Saturday
  % - Tuesday through Sunday
  ~ - Thursday only
  ] - Thursday through Saturday
  > - Friday and Saturday
  @ - Saturday only
  $ - Saturday and Sunday
  " - Sunday only
  + - Sunday and Monday
  ^ - Sunday through Thursday
  ! - Sunday through Friday

Afan Oromo               
1730-1800 UTC*  9875 11500 11675 11905 13870

0500-0530 UTC   1215 11805
1600-1630 UTC  13740
1830-1900 UTC   1458  9840

1800-1900 UTC   9875 11500 11675 11905 13870

1730-1800 UTC   7125  7170 13725

0130-0200 UTC  11735 15205
1600-1700 UTC   1575  7430 11835

2130-2200 UTC*   792

1130-1200 UTC   1575 11850 15215
1430-1500 UTC   1575  5955 12015
2330-2400 UTC   6185  9505

1300-1500 UTC   1170  7115  9355

0000-0200 UTC   9545 11830 11925 15150 15385 17765
0200-0300 UTC   9545 11830 11925 15385 17765
0700-0900 UTC  13610 13740 15250 17780 17855 21540 21705
0900-1000 UTC  11825 11965 13610 13740 15250 15665 17780 17855
1000-1100 UTC   9575 11825 11965 12040 13610 15250 15665 17855
1100-1200 UTC   1170  6110  9575 11785 11825 11965 11990 12040
1200-1230 UTC   6110  9845 11785 11825 11965 11990 12040
1230-1300 UTC   6110  9845 11785 11805 11825 11965 12040
1300-1400 UTC   6110  9845 11785 11805 11965 11990 12040
1400-1500 UTC   6110  9845 11805 11965 11990 12040
2200-2300 UTC   7190  7200  9510  9845 11925 13775

1130-1200 UTC* 11890 11925 15390
1630-1700 UTC  15390 17565
2100-2130 UTC  11895 13725 21555

0430-0500 UTC    756   792  1458  5965
1830-1900 UTC   7175 15180

0130-0230 UTC   1296 12140
1500-1530 UTC   1296 12140
1630-1730 UTC   1296 12140
1800-1830 UTC   1296 12140
1930-2030 UTC   1296  7555

English to Europe, Middle East and North Africa
1100-1200 UTC  15205
1500-1700 UTC  15195 15445
2200-2230 UTC   1593

English to Africa
0300-0330 UTC    909  1530  4930  6080  7340  7405  9885 12080 15580
0330-0400 UTC    909  1530  4930  6080  7405  9885 12080 15580
0400-0430 UTC    909  1530  4930  4960  6080  7405  9575  9885 11835
               12080 15580
0430-0500 UTC    909  4930  4960  6080  7405  9575 11835 12080 15580
0500-0600 UTC    909  4930  6080  6180  7405 12080 15580
0600-0700 UTC    909  1530  6080  6180  7405 12080 15580
1500-1600 UTC   7405 13795 15580 17895
1600-1700 UTC    909  1530  4930  7405 15410 15580
1700-1800 UTC   7405 15410 15580
1800-1830 UTC   7405 11975 15410 15580 17895
1800-1830 UTC$   909  4930
1830-1900 UTC    909  4930  7405 11975 15410 15580 17895
1900-2000 UTC    909  4930  4940  7405 11975 15410 15445 15580 17895
2000-2030 UTC    909  1530  4930  4940  7405 11975 15410 15445 15580
2030-2100 UTC    909  1530  4930  7405 11975 15410 15445 15580
2030-2100 UTC$  4940
2100-2200 UTC    909  1530  4930 11975 15445 15580

English to Far East Asia, South Asia and Oceania
0000-0030 UTC   1575  7215 15290 17820
0100-0200 UTC   9885 11705 11725
1100-1130 UTC$  1575
1200-1230 UTC   1170  6160  9645  9760 11750
1230-1300 UTC   6160  9645  9760 11750
1300-1400 UTC   9645  9760
1400-1500 UTC   7125  9760 15185
1500-1600 UTC   7125 12150 13735 15105
1600-1700 UTC*  1170  6160  7125  9760
2200-2400 UTC   7215 15185 15290 17740
2230-2400 UTC>  1575

English to Afghanistan
0000-0030 UTC   1296  7555
2030-2400 UTC   1296  7555

0000-0030 UTC   1593
0030-0100 UTC   1575  1593  9715  9780 15185 15205 15290 15560 17740
0130-0200 UTC#  7405 13740
1500-1530 UTC   6160  9590  9760 12040 15550
1500-1530 UTC$  1575
1530-1600 UTC   1575  6160  9590  9760 12040 15550
1600-1700 UTC  12080 13600 17895
1900-2000 UTC   6040  9670
2230-2330 UTC   1593  9570 13755 15145
2330-2400 UTC   1593  7260  9570 13725 13755 15145

0530-0600 UTC*  1530  4960  6035  6095  9885 13710
0600-0630 UTC*  4960  6035  6095  9885 13710
1830-2000 UTC   1530  9815  9830 12080 15730 17785
2000-2030 UTC   9815  9830 11720 12080 15730
2030-2100 UTC$  9815  9830 11720 12080 15730
2100-2130 UTC*  9815  9830 12035 12080

1530-1600 UTC  11805 15475

0430-0500 UTC*  9600 11680
0500-0530 UTC   1530  4960  6035  6095
1500-1530 UTC   9710 11905 13745
1800-1830 UTC$  1530  4940  9565 11955 12080 17785
2030-2100 UTC*  4940  9815  9830 11720 12080 15730

0030-0100 UTC   7430 11805
1600-1700 UTC   7260  9315

0000-0030 UTC   9535 11805 13705
1100-1300 UTC   9700  9890 12010
1400-1500 UTC] 13620 15105
2200-2400 UTC   7225  9535 11805

1330-1430 UTC   1575  5955  7155
2200-2230 UTC   1575  6060  7130 13725

0330-0430 UTC   6095  7340 13725
1600-1630 UTC@ 11925 15430 17725

1300-1400 UTC    648  7215  7235 11740
1400-1500 UTC   7215  7235 11740
2000-2030 UTC   6060  7125  9510
2030-2100 UTC   6060  7125  9510 15470

0400-0500 UTC   7115  9730 11890
1300-1400 UTC   1593  9825 15130 15390
1600-1700 UTC   9825 15545 17745
1800-1900 UTC   7205 11520 15545
1900-2000 UTC   1593

1230-1300 UTC   1575  9510 11930

0030-0130 UTC   1296 12140
1430-1500 UTC   1296 12140
1530-1630 UTC   1296 12140
1730-1800 UTC   1296 12140
1830-1930 UTC   1296  7555

0200-0300 UTC   9635 11810 17855
1600-1700 UTC   1593  6040  9700 11520
1700-1800 UTC   1593  6040  9770 11740
1800-1900 UTC    648  1593  6040  9770 11740

0430-0500 UTC   1530  6095  7340
1700-1730 UTC   1530  9565 12080
1730-1800 UTC   1530  9565  9815 12080 15730
1800-1830 UTC*  1530  9565  9815 17785

1300-1400 UTC  11725 15120 15205 17730
1700-1900 UTC   6105  7220  9520 11805

0530-0545 UTC   1458 11805
1930-2000 UTC    792  9705
2100-2130 UTC*   756  7210

Shona/Ndebele/English to Zimbabwe
1700-1800 UTC*   909  4930 11975 17895
1800-1830 UTC*   909  4930 12110 15730

0100-0200 UTC   9560  9885 11815
1100-1230 UTC   7370  9535 13790

1630-1700 UTC   9815 13670 15730
1700-1730 UTC*  9815 13670 15730

0000-0100 UTC   7255  9855 11690
0400-0600 UTC  15265 15490 17685
1400-1500 UTC   6030 11520 11975

1900-1930 UTC*  9875 11500 11675 11905 13870

0330-0400 UTC*   792  7205
1030-1100 UTC* 15205 17670
1800-1900 UTC    792 11865 15235

0400-0430 UTC*  7265  9710
2000-2015 UTC   7230 11840
2015-2030 UTC*  7230 11840

0000-0100 UTC    972
0100-0200 UTC    972  7145 11805
1400-1500 UTC    972  9510 15530
1500-1700 UTC    972
1700-1800 UTC    972  9315  9585
1800-2400 UTC    972

1500-1530 UTC    801 11520 11780 15390 17685

1300-1330 UTC   1575  5955  9720
1500-1600 UTC   1170  5955  6120  9780
2230-2330 UTC   6060 13725

3/22/2006 3:04:59 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



希腊之声电台VOG—Voice of Greece

   UTC     Avlis 1    Avlis 2    Avlis 3     VOA 1      VOA 2
0000-0100  5865/292º  7475/285º  9420/323º   SILENT   15650/095º
0100-0200  5865/292º  7475/285º  9420/323º   SILENT   15650/095º
0200-0300  5865/292º  7475/285º  9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º
0300-0400  5865/292º  7475/285º  9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º
0400-0500  5865/292º  7475/285º  9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º
0500-0600 12120/292º  7475/285º  9420/323º 17520/095º 15650/095º
0600-0700 12120/292º 15630/285º  9420/323º 17520/095º 21530/095º
0700-0800 12120/292º 15630/285º  9420/323º 11645/355º 21530/095º
0800-0900 12120/292º 15630/285º  9420/323º 11645/355º 21530/095º
0900-1000 12120/292º 15630/285º  9420/323º   SILENT     SILENT
1000-1100   SILENT     SILENT     SILENT     SILENT     SILENT
1100-1200 #9935/285º 15630/285º   SILENT   12105/355º 15650/095º
1200-1300 #9935/285º 15630/285º  9420/323º 12105/355º 15650/095º
1300-1400 #9935/285º 15630/285º  9420/323º 12105/355º 15650/095º
1400-1500 #9935/285º 15630/285º  9420/323º 12105/355º  7430/172º
1500-1600 #9935/285º 15630/285º  9420/323º 12105/355º  7430/172º
1600-1700 #9935/285º 15630/285º  9420/323º 12105/355º  7430/172º
1700-1800 #7450/323º 15630/285º  9420/323º 12105/355º  7430/172º
1800-1900 #7450/323º 15630/285º  9420/323º  9375/355º  7430/172º
1900-2000 #7450/323º  7475/285º  9420/323º  9375/355º  7430/172º
2000-2100 #7450/323º  7475/285º  9420/323º  9375/355º 15650/095º
2100-2200 #7450/323º  7475/285º  9420/323º  9375/105º 15650/095º
2200-2300 #7450/323º  7475/285º  9420/323º  9375/105º 15650/095º
2300-2400 5865/292º   7475/285º  9420/323º  9375/240º 15650/095º
#ERT-3 (Thessaloniki)

   UTC     Delano
0000-0600  SILENT
0600-0700 15190/296º
0700-0800 15190/296º
0800-1200  SILENT
1200-1300  9775/075º
1300-1400  9775/075º
1400-1500  9775/075º
1500-1600  SILENT
1600-1700 17705/075º
1700-1800 17705/075º
1800-1900 17705/075º
1900-2000 17705/075º Greenville
2000-2100 17705/075º 17565/164º
2100-2200 17705/075º 17565/164º
2200-2400  SILENT     SILENT

3/22/2006 3:06:44 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:19:36 :



土耳其之声广播电台VOT—Voice Of Turkey

TURKEY    TRT Ankara, A-06 schedule
          Sprache    Frequenz TRANSMISSION Sender kW Mode
                        (kHz)  Zeit (UTC)
          Albanisch     11875  1130-1230    CAK  250
          Bosnisch       5980  1800-1900    CAK  250
          Bulgarisch     7210  1330-1430    CAK  250
          Croat/Serb.    9605  1600-1630    CAK  250
          Englisch       6140  0300-0400    EMR  500
          Englisch      15225  1230-1330    EMR  500
          Englisch       9785  1830-1930    EMR  500
          Englisch       9830  2200-2300    EMR  500
          Franzoesisch  11850  1930-2030    EMR  500
          Deutsch       13760  1130-1230    EMR  500
          Deutsch       13640  1730-1830    EMR  500
          Griechisch     7295  1030-1130    CAK  250
          Griechisch     9840  1030-1130    EMR  500
          Griechisch     7180  1430-1530    EMR  500
new addit Italienisch    9610  1630-1700    EMR  500 (x6185)
          Ungarisch     13770  1000-1100    EMR  500
          Mazedonisch   11690  0800-0900    EMR  250
          Rumaenisch     9560  0930-1030    CAK  250
          Spanisch      13720  1630-1730ext.EMR  500
          Tuerkisch      9460  0400-0700    CAK  500
          Tuerkisch     15350  0700-1400    CAK  500 exc0207-030906
          Tuerkisch      9460  0700-1400    CAK  500 0207-030906 only
          Tuerkisch      9460  1400-2200    CAK  500
          Tuerkisch      7300  2200-0100    EMR  500
          Serbian deleted (x1330-1400)
AMERIKA   Englisch       6140  0300-0400    EMR  500
          Englisch       9830  2200-2300    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch      9460  0400-0700    CAK  500
          Tuerkisch      7300  2200-0100    EMR  500

AUSTRALIEN Englisch     15535  1230-1330    EMR  500
          Englisch       7170  2030-2130    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch     15225  0400-0700    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch     11750  0400-0900    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch     21715  0800-1100    EMR  500
          Turk 1100-2200 ceased. (x9560, x13655, x17605)

ASIEN     Arabisch      11690  0900-1100    EMR  500
          Arabisch      15520  0900-1100    EMR  500
          Arabisch      11735  1400-1600    EMR  500
          Aserbaidsch.  11730  0700-0830    CAK  250
          Aserbaidsch.  15140  0700-0830    EMR  500
          Aserbaidsch.   9645  1400-1500    EMR  500
          Chinesisch    17715  1100-1200    EMR  500
          Englisch       7270  0300-0400    EMR  500
          Englisch      15535  1230-1330    EMR  500
          Englisch       7170  2030-2130    EMR  500
          Georgisch      9760  0700-0800    EMR  500
          Kasachisch    11860  1500-1600    EMR  500
          Kirgisisch     9575  1600-1700    EMR  500
          Persisch      11795  0830-0930    EMR  500
          Persisch      15220  0830-0930    EMR  500
          Persisch      11940  1230-1400    EMR  500
          Russisch      13720  1300-1400    EMR  500
          Russisch       9675  1700-1800    EMR  500
          Tatarisch      9855  1430-1530    CAK  250 (x16-17)
          Tuerkisch     11750  0400-0900    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch     11955  0700-1600    CAK  250
          Tuerkisch     15225  0400-0700    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch     21715  0800-1100    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch      5960  1600-2200    EMR  500
          Turkmenisch   11905  1530-1630    EMR  500
          Urdu          13710  1200-1300    EMR  500
delete   Usbekisch (x0100-0200)
          Usbekisch     11795  1230-1300    EMR  500

AFRIKA    Arabisch      11690  0900-1100    EMR  500
          Arabisch      17790  1400-1600    EMR  500
          Arabisch      11735  1400-1600    EMR  500
          Englisch       7270  0300-0400    EMR  500
          Franzoesisch   9535  1930-2030    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch     11955  0700-1600    CAK  250
          Tuerkisch(*)  17705  1000-1500    CAK  250
          Tuerkisch      5960  1600-2200    EMR  500
          Tuerkisch      7215  1700-2200    EMR  500
(*)  nur Freitags - only Fridays.

3/22/2006 3:10:14 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



美国基督教加洲家庭台WYFR(FRW)—Family Radio Worldwide


0000-0045 ENGL  0000-0045   17805    142  15       100
0000-0100 ENGL  0000-0100   11835    285  10        50
0000-0100 FREN  0000-0100   15255    151  15       100
0000-0100 PORT  0000-0100   17750    160  15       100
0000-0345 PORT  0000-0345   15130    142  15       100
0000-0445 ENGL  0000-0445    6065    355  4,5,9    100
0000-0445 ENGL  0000-0445    9505    315  2        100

0100-0145 PORT  0100-0145    7520    142  15       100
0100-0200 SPAN  0100-0200   11835    285  10        50
0100-0200 SPAN  0100-0200   17750    160  15       100
0100-0300 SPAN  0100-0300   15255    151  15       100

0200-0245 ENGL  0200-0245   11835    285  10        50
0200-0245 PORT  0200-0245   17750    160  15       100
0200-0300 ENGL  0200-0300    5985    181  11        50
0200-0300 ENGL  0200-0300   11855    222  11       100
0200-0300 SPAN  0200-0300   11740    222  12       100

0300-0345 SPAN  0300-0345   11580    160  15       100
0300-0400 ENGL  0300-0400   11740    222  12       100
0300-0400 ENGL  0300-0400   15255    151  15       100
0300-0400 SPAN  0300-0400    9680    315  2        100
0300-0445 SPAN  0300-0445    5985    181  11        50
0300-0445 SPAN  0300-0445   11855    222  11       100
0304-0400 RUSS  0304-0400    7780     44  27,28,39 100
0304-0400 SPAN  0304-0400    6855    355  4,5,9    100
0304-0400 SPAN  0304-0400    9715    285  10        50

0400-0445 ENGL  0400-0445    6855    355  4,5,9    100
0400-0445 SPAN  0400-0445   15255    151  15       100
0400-0500 ARAB  0400-0500    9355     44  27,28,39 100
0400-0500 ENGL  0400-0500    7780     44  27,28,39 100
0400-0500 ENGL  0400-0500    9715    285  10        50
0400-0500 PORT  0400-0500   11530     87  47,52,57 100
0404-0500 GERM  0404-0500    9985     44  27,28,39 100

0500-0600 ARAB  0500-0600    9930     87  37,46    100
0500-0600 ENGL  0500-0600    6855    355  4,5,9    100
0500-0600 ENGL  0500-0600    9355     44  27,28,39 100
0500-0600 FREN  0500-0600   11530     87  47,52,57 100
0500-0600 FREN  0500-0600   11580     44  27,28,39 100
0500-0600 GERM  0500-0600    7780     44  27,28,39 100
0500-0600 MAND  0500-0600    5985    315  2        100
0500-0600 SPAN  0500-0600    6000    181  11        50
0500-0600 SPAN  0500-0600    9985     44  27,28,39 100
0500-0700 SPAN  0500-0700    9715    285  10        50
0504-0600 RUSS  0504-0600    7520     44  27,28,39 100

0600-0700 CANT  0600-0700    5985    315  2        100
0600-0700 ENGL  0600-0700    6000    181  11        50
0600-0700 ENGL  0600-0700    9680    315  2        100
0600-0700 ENGL  0600-0700   11530     87  47,52,57 100
0600-0700 ENGL  0600-0700   11580     44  27,28,39 100
0600-0700 FREN  0600-0700    9355     44  27,28,39 100
0600-0700 FREN  0600-0700    9930     87  37,46    100
0600-0700 ITAL  0600-0700    9985     44  27,28,39 100
0600-0700 SPAN  0600-0700    6855    355  4,5,9    100
0600-0700 SPAN  0600-0700    9505    222  11       100
0600-0745 ENGL  0600-0745    7780     44  27,28,39 100

0700-0745 ITAL  0700-0745   11580     44  27,28,39 100
0700-0745 PORT  0700-0745    9985     44  27,28,39 100
0700-0745 SPAN  0700-0745    9355     44  27,28,39 100
0700-0745 SPAN  0700-0745    9680    315  2        100
0700-0800 ARAB  0700-0800   11530     87  47,52,57 100
0700-0800 ENGL  0700-0800    9505    222  11       100
0700-0800 ENGL  0700-0800    9715    285  10        50
0700-0845 ENGL  0700-0845    9930     87  37,46    100
0700-0945 SPAN  0700-0945    6000    181  11        50
0700-1100 ENGL  0700-1100    6855    355  4,5,9    100
0700-1245 ENGL  0700-1245    5985    315  2        100

0800-0845 ENGL  0800-0845    5950    285  10       100
0800-0845 FREN  0800-0845   11530     87  47,52,57 100
0800-0945 SPAN  0800-0945    9505    222  11       100
0800-1000 PORT  0800-1000    9625    140  13       100
0800-1000 SPAN  0800-1000   11970    151  15       100
0800-1045 PORT  0800-1045    9605    142  15       100
0800-1100 SPAN  0800-1100    9550    160  14       100
0800-1145 SPAN  0800-1145    9715    285  10        50
0800-1145 SPAN  0800-1145   11855    160  16       100
0804-1045 PORT  0804-1045   11770    142  13       100

0900-1000 SPAN  0900-1000    5950    355  4,5,9    100
0900-1045 PORT  0900-1045    6175    160  15       100
0900-1145 ENGL  0900-1145    9755    285  10       100

1000-1100 FREN  1000-1100    9625    140  13       100
1000-1100 FREN  1000-1100   11970    151  15       100
1000-1245 ENGL  1000-1245    5950    355  4,5,9    100
1000-1600 SPAN  1000-1600    6085    181  11       100

1100-1145 ENGL  1100-1145    9550    160  14       100
1100-1145 SPAN  1100-1145    6855    355  4,5,9    100
1100-1145 SPAN  1100-1145    9355    160  15       100
1100-1200 ENGL  1100-1200    7780    222  12       100
1100-1200 ENGL  1100-1200    9625    140  13       100
1100-1200 SPAN  1100-1200    9605    222  11       100
1100-1300 SPAN  1100-1300   11970    151  15       100

1200-1245 PORT  1200-1245    9625    140  13       100
1200-1300 ENGL  1200-1300   17555    160  16       100
1200-1300 FREN  1200-1300   13695    355  4,5,9    100
1200-1345 SPAN  1200-1345    7780    222  12       100
1200-1400 SPAN  1200-1400   15770    160  16       100
1200-1545 SPAN  1200-1545   13800    160  15       100
1200-1645 ENGL  1200-1645   17750    285  10       100
1200-1945 SPAN  1200-1945   15130    285  10        50

1300-1345 SPAN  1300-1345    9605    222  11       100
1300-1400 ENGL  1300-1400   11865    315  2        100
1300-1400 FREN  1300-1400   11970    151  15       100
1300-1400 MAND  1300-1400   13695    355  4,5,9    100
1300-1400 PORT  1300-1400   17555    160  16       100
1300-1600 ENGL  1300-1600   11910    355  4,5,9    100
1300-1645 ENGL  1300-1645   11830    315  2        100

1400-1500 ENGL  1400-1500   13695    355  4,5,9    100
1400-1500 PORT  1400-1500   15770    160  16       100
1400-1500 SPAN  1400-1500   11865    315  2        100
1400-1500 SPAN  1400-1500   18980    142  15       100
1400-1545 SPAN  1400-1545   11670    222  11       100
1400-1545 SPAN  1400-1545   11970    151  15       100
1400-1545 SPAN  1400-1545   17555    160  16       100

1500-1545 ENGL  1500-1545   15770    160  16       100
1500-1545 PORT  1500-1545   18980    142  15       100
1500-1600 MAND  1500-1600   11865    315  2        100
1500-1600 SPAN  1500-1600   13695    355  4,5,9    100

1600-1645 ARAB  1600-1645   15770     44  27,28    100
1600-1645 ENGL  1600-1645   11865    315  2        100
1600-1645 FREN  1600-1645   11910    355  4,5,9    100
1600-1700 ENGL  1600-1700    6085    181  11       100
1600-1700 ENGL  1600-1700   21525     87  47,52,57 100
1600-1700 ITAL  1600-1700   21670     44  27,28    100
1600-1800 ENGL  1600-1800   21455     44  27,28,39 100
1600-1800 RUSS  1600-1800   18930     44  27,28    100
1600-2000 ENGL  1600-2000   13695    355  4,5,9    100
1600-2145 ENGL  1600-2145   18980     44  27,28,39 100

1700-1800 FREN  1700-1800   17535     87  37,46    100
1700-1800 GERM  1700-1800   17750     44  27,28    100
1700-1800 PORT  1700-1800   21525     87  47,52,57 100
1700-1800 SPAN  1700-1800   13800    315  2        100
1700-1845 SPAN  1700-1845   21670     44  27,28    100
1700-1900 SPAN  1700-1900    6085    181  11       100
1700-2000 PORT  1700-2000   17725    140  13       100
1700-2145 ENGL  1700-2145   17795    285  10       100

1800-1845 ENGL  1800-1845   17535     87  37,46    100
1800-1900 FREN  1800-1900   18930     44  27,28    100
1800-1900 GERM  1800-1900   21455     44  27,28,39 100
1800-1900 ITAL  1800-1900   17750     44  27,28    100
1800-2000 FREN  1800-2000   21525     87  47,52,57 100
1800-2145 ENGL  1800-2145   13800    315  2        100

1900-1945 ENGL  1900-1945    6085    181  11       100
1900-1945 FREN  1900-1945   21455     44  27,28,39 100
1900-2000 ENGL  1900-2000   18930     44  27,28    100
1900-2000 RUSS  1900-2000   15600     44  27,28    100
1900-2200 ENGL  1900-2200   17845     87  37,46    100

2000-0200 SPAN  2000-0200    5985    181  11        50
2000-0200 SPAN  2000-0200   11855    222  11       100
2000-2045 ARAB  2000-2045   21525     87  47,52,57 100
2000-2045 ENGL  2000-2045   17750     44  27,28    100
2000-2100 ARAB  2000-2100   15695     44  27,28    100
2000-2100 GERM  2000-2100   15600     44  27,28    100
2000-2200 ENGL  2000-2200   17725    140  13       100
2000-2345 SPAN  2000-2345   15155    285  10        50

2100-2145 GERM  2100-2145   15695     44  27,28    100
2100-2200 ENGL  2100-2200   11565     44  27,28    100
2100-2200 PORT  2100-2200   15770     87  47,52,57 100
2100-2200 SPAN  2100-2200   15600     44  27,28    100

2200-0145 PORT  2200-0145   17725    140  13       100
2200-2245 ARAB  2200-2245   17845     87  37,46    100
2200-2245 ARAB  2200-2245   18930     44  27,28    100
2200-2245 ENGL  2200-2245   15770     87  47,52,57 100
2200-2245 PORT  2200-2245   15695     44  27,28,39 100
2200-2300 PORT  2200-2300   15130    142  15       101
2200-2345 ENGL  2200-2345   11740    315  2        100

2300-0000 ENGL  2300-0000   15255    151  15       100
2300-0000 ENGL  2300-0000   17750    160  15       100
2300-0000 FREN  2300-0000    6065    355  4,5,9    100
2304-0100 SPAN  2304-0100   15215    160  14       100
2304-0100 SPAN  2304-0100   17845    160  14       100

The following is the Final 26 March 2006 to 29 October 2006
High Frequency Schedule for Family Stations, Inc., WYFR.

  Freq (kHz)  Time (UTC)    Az(Degrees) Zone(s)      Power
  5950        0300-0900         285     10            100
  5950        0900-1300         355     4,5,9         100
  5950        2200-0300         355     4,5,9         100
  5985        0500-1300         315     2             100
  5985        2000-0500         181     11             50
  6000        0500-1000         181     11             50
  6065        2245-0445         355     4,5,9         100
  6085        1000-1945         181     11            100
  6175        0900-1100         160     15            100

  6855        0300-1200         355     4,5,9         100

  7520        0100-0200         142     13            100
  7520        0500-0800          44     27,28,39      100
  7780        0300-0800          44     27,28,39      100
  7780        1100-1400         222     12            100

  9355        0400-0800          44     27,28,39      100
  9355        1100-1200         160     15            100
  9505        0000-0445         315     2             100
  9505        0445-1000         222     11            100
  9550        0800-1200         160     14            100
  9605        0800-1100         142     15            100
  9605        1100-1400         222     11            100
  9625        0800-1300         140     13            100
  9680        0145-0800         315     2             100
  9715        0300-1200         285     10             50
  9755        0900-1145         285     10            100
  9930        0445-0900          87     46            100
  9985        0400-0800          44     27,28,39      100

11530        0345-0900          87     37,46         100
11565        2045-2300          44     28            100
11580        0300-0400         160     14            100
11580        0500-0800          44     27,28,39      100
11670        1400-1600         222     11            100
11740        2145-0000         315     2             100
11740        0200-0500         222     11            100
11770        0800-1100         142     13            100
11830        1300-1700         315     2             100
11835        0000-0300         285     10             50
11855        0800-1200         160     16            100
11855        2000-0500         222     11            100
11865        1300-1700         315     2             100
11910        1300-1700         355     4,5,9         100
11970        0800-1600         151     15            100

13695        1200-2200         355     4,5,9         100
13800        1200-1600         160     14            100
13800        1700-2200         315     2             100

15130        2200-0400         142     13            100
15130        1200-2000         285     10             50
15155        2000-2400         285     10             50
15215        2300-0400         160     16            100
15255        2300-0500         151     15            100
15440        2145-0300         285     10            100
15600        1845-2300          44     27,28         100
15695        2000-2245          44     27,28         100
15770        1200-1600         160     16            100   
15770        1600-1700          44     27,28         100
15770        2100-2245          87     47,52         100

17535        1700-1900          87     46            100
17555        1200-1600         160     14            100
17725        1700-0200         140     13            100
17750        2245-0300         160     15            100
17750        1145-1700         285     10            100
17750        1700-2045          44     27,28         100
17795        1700-2145         285     10            100
17805        2245-0100         142     15            100
17845        1900-2245          87     37,46         100
17845        2300-0300         160     14            100

18930        1600-2245          44     27,28         100
18980        1400-1600         142     15            100
18980        1600-2145          44     27,28         100

21455        1600-2000          44     27            100
21525        1600-2100          87     47,52,57      100
21670        1600-1845          44     27,28         100                                   

WYFR BROADCAST SCHEDULE 26 Mar 2006-29 Oct 2006


   5950    1000-1245 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
   5950    0800-0845 ENGL  285  10       100
   5950    0900-1000 SPAN  355  4,5,9    100
   5985    0600-0700 CANT  315  2        100
   5985    0200-0300 ENGL  181  11       100
   5985    0700-1245 ENGL  315  2        100
   5985    0500-0600 MAND  315  2        100
   5985    2000-0200 SPAN  181  11       100
   5985    0300-0445 SPAN  181  11       100
   6000    0600-0700 ENGL  181  11       100
   6000    0500-0600 SPAN  181  11       100
   6000    0700-0945 SPAN  181  11        50
   6065    0000-0445 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
   6065    2300-0000 FREN  355  4,5,9     50
   6085    1600-1700 ENGL  181  11       100
   6085    1900-1945 ENGL  181  11       100
   6085    1000-1600 SPAN  181  11       100
   6085    1700-1900 SPAN  181  11       100
   6175    0900-1045 PORT  160  15       100

   6855    0400-0445 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
   6855    0500-0600 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
   6855    0700-1100 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
   6855    0304-0400 SPAN  355  4,5,9    100
   6855    0600-0700 SPAN  355  4,5,9    100
   6855    1100-1145 SPAN  355  4,5,9    100

   7520    0100-0145 PORT  142  15       100
   7520    0504-0600 RUSS   44  27,28,39 100
   7780    1100-1200 ENGL  222  12       100
   7780    0400-0500 ENGL   44  27,28,39 100
   7780    0600-0745 ENGL   44  27,28,39  50
   7780    0500-0600 GERM   44  27,28,39  50
   7780    0304-0400 RUSS   44  27,28,39 100
   7780    1200-1345 SPAN  222  12       100

   9355    0400-0500 ARAB   44  27,28,39 100
   9355    0500-0600 ENGL   44  27,28,39 100
   9355    0600-0700 FREN   44  27,28,39 100
   9355    0700-0745 SPAN   44  27,28,39 100
   9355    1100-1145 SPAN  160  15       100
   9505    0000-0445 ENGL  315  2        100
   9505    0700-0800 ENGL  222  11        50
   9505    0600-0700 SPAN  222  11        50
   9505    0800-0945 SPAN  222  11       100
   9550    1100-1145 ENGL  160  14       100
   9550    0800-1100 SPAN  160  14       100
   9605    0800-1045 PORT  142  15       100
   9605    1100-1200 SPAN  222  11       100
   9605    1300-1345 SPAN  222  11       100
   9625    1100-1200 ENGL  140  13       100
   9625    1000-1100 FREN  140  13       100
   9625    0800-1000 PORT  140  13       100
   9625    1200-1245 PORT  140  13       100
   9680    0600-0700 ENGL  315  2        100
   9680    0300-0400 SPAN  315  2        100
   9680    0700-0745 SPAN  315  2        100
   9715    0400-0500 ENGL  285  10       100
   9715    0700-0800 ENGL  285  10       100
   9715    0304-0400 SPAN  285  10       100
   9715    0500-0700 SPAN  285  10       100
   9715    0800-1145 SPAN  285  10       100
   9755    0900-1145 ENGL  285  10       100
   9930    0500-0600 ARAB   87  37,46    100
   9930    0700-0845 ENGL   87  37,46    100
   9930    0600-0700 FREN   87  37,46    100
   9985    0404-0500 GERM   44  27,28,39 100
   9985    0600-0700 ITAL   44  27,28,39 100
   9985    0700-0745 PORT   44  27,28,39 100
   9985    0500-0600 SPAN   44  27,28,39 100

  11530    0700-0800 ARAB   87  47,52,57 100
  11530    0600-0700 ENGL   87  47,52,57 100
  11530    0500-0600 FREN   87  47,52,57 100
  11530    0800-0845 FREN   87  47,52,57 100
  11530    0400-0500 PORT   87  47,52,57 100
  11565    2100-2200 ENGL   44  27,28    100
  11580    0600-0700 ENGL   44  27,28,39 100
  11580    0500-0600 FREN   44  27,28,39 100
  11580    0700-0745 ITAL   44  27,28,39 100
  11580    0300-0345 SPAN  160  15       100
  11670    1400-1545 SPAN  222  11       100
  11740    0300-0400 ENGL  222  12       100
  11740    2200-2345 ENGL  315  2        100
  11740    0200-0300 SPAN  222  12       100
  11770    0804-1045 PORT  142  13       100
  11830    1300-1645 ENGL  315  2        100
  11835    0000-0100 ENGL  285  10       100
  11835    0200-0245 ENGL  285  10       100
  11835    0100-0200 SPAN  285  10       100
  11855    0200-0300 ENGL  222  11       100
  11855    0800-1145 SPAN  160  16       100
  11855    2000-0200 SPAN  222  11       100
  11855    0300-0445 SPAN  222  11       100
  11865    1300-1400 ENGL  315  2        100
  11865    1600-1645 ENGL  315  2        100
  11865    1500-1600 MAND  315  2        100
  11865    1400-1500 SPAN  315  2        100
  11910    1300-1600 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
  11910    1600-1645 FREN  355  4,5,9    100
  11970    1000-1100 FREN  151  15       100
  11970    1300-1400 FREN  151  15       100
  11970    0800-1000 SPAN  151  15       100
  11970    1100-1300 SPAN  151  15       100
  11970    1400-1545 SPAN  151  15       100

  13695    1400-1500 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
  13695    1600-2000 ENGL  355  4,5,9    100
  13695    1200-1300 FREN  355  4,5,9    101 [sic]
  13695    1300-1400 MAND  355  4,5,9    100
  13695    1500-1600 SPAN  355  4,5,9    100
  13800    1800-2145 ENGL  315  2        100
  13800    1200-1545 SPAN  160  15       100
  13800    1700-1800 SPAN  315  2        100

  15130    0000-0345 PORT  142  15       100
  15130    2200-2300 PORT  142  15       100
  15130    1200-1945 SPAN  285  10       100
  15155    2000-2345 SPAN  285  10       100
  15215    2304-0100 SPAN  160  14       100
  15255    2300-0000 ENGL  151  15       100
  15255    0300-0400 ENGL  151  15       100
  15255    0000-0100 FREN  151  15       100
  15255    0100-0300 SPAN  151  15       100
  15255    0400-0445 SPAN  151  15       100
  15600    2000-2100 GERM   44  27,28     50
  15600    1900-2000 RUSS   44  27,28     50
  15600    2100-2200 SPAN   44  27,28     50
  15695    2000-2100 ARAB   44  27,28     50
  15695    2100-2145 GERM   44  27,28    100
  15695    2200-2245 PORT   44  27,28,39 100
  15770    1600-1645 ARAB   44  27,28    100
  15770    1500-1545 ENGL  160  16       100
  15770    2200-2245 ENGL   87  47,52,57 100
  15770    1400-1500 PORT  160  16       100
  15770    2100-2200 PORT   87  47,52,57 100
  15770    1200-1400 SPAN  160  16       100

  17535    1800-1845 ENGL   87  37,46    100
  17535    1700-1800 FREN   87  37,46    100
  17555    1200-1300 ENGL  160  16       100
  17555    1300-1400 PORT  160  16       100
  17555    1400-1545 SPAN  160  16       100
  17725    2000-2200 ENGL  140  13       100
  17725    1700-2000 PORT  140  13       100
  17725    2200-0145 PORT  140  13        50
  17750    2000-2045 ENGL   44  27,28     50
  17750    2300-0000 ENGL  160  15        50
  17750    1200-1645 ENGL  285  10       100
  17750    1700-1800 GERM   44  27,28    100
  17750    1800-1900 ITAL   44  27,28    100
  17750    0000-0100 PORT  160  15       100
  17750    0200-0245 PORT  160  15        50
  17750    0100-0200 SPAN  160  15       100
  17795    1700-2145 ENGL  285  10       100
  17805    0000-0045 ENGL  142  15       100
  17845    2200-2245 ARAB   87  37,46    100
  17845    1900-2200 ENGL   87  37,46    100
  17845    2304-0100 SPAN  160  14       100

  18930    2200-2245 ARAB   44  27,28    100
  18930    1900-2000 ENGL   44  27,28    100
  18930    1800-1900 FREN   44  27,28    100
  18930    1600-1800 RUSS   44  27,28    100
  18980    1600-2145 ENGL   44  27,28,39  50
  18980    1500-1545 PORT  142  15        50
  18980    1400-1500 SPAN  142  15       100

  21455    1600-1800 ENGL   44  27,28,39 100
  21455    1900-1945 FREN   44  27,28,39 100
  21455    1800-1900 GERM   44  27,28,39 100
  21525    2000-2045 ARAB   87  47,52,57 100
  21525    1600-1700 ENGL   87  47,52,57 100
  21525    1800-2000 FREN   87  47,52,57 100
  21525    1700-1800 PORT   87  47,52,57 100
  21670    1600-1700 ITAL   44  27,28    100
  21670    1700-1845 SPAN   44  27,28    100

WYFR BROADCAST SCHEDULE 26 Mar 2006-29 Oct 2006


ARAB  0400-0500    9355    0400-0500   44  27,28,39 100
ARAB  0500-0600    9930    0500-0600   87  37,46    100
ARAB  0700-0800   11530    0700-0800   87  47,52,57 100
ARAB  2000-2100   15695    2000-2100   44  27,28    100
ARAB  1600-1645   15770    1600-1645   44  27,28    100
ARAB  2200-2245   17845    2200-2245   87  37,46    100
ARAB  2200-2245   18930    2200-2245   44  27,28    100
ARAB  2000-2045   21525    2000-2045   87  47,52,57 100

CANT  0600-0700    5985    0600-0700  315  2        100

ENGL  1000-1245    5950    1000-1245  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  0800-0845    5950    0800-0845  285  10       100
ENGL  0200-0300    5985    0200-0300  181  11        50
ENGL  0700-1245    5985    0700-1245  315  2        100
ENGL  0600-0700    6000    0600-0700  181  11        50
ENGL  0000-0445    6065    0000-0445  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  1600-1700    6085    1600-1700  181  11       100
ENGL  1900-1945    6085    1900-1945  181  11       100
ENGL  0400-0445    6855    0400-0445  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  0500-0600    6855    0500-0600  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  0700-1100    6855    0700-1100  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  1100-1200    7780    1100-1200  222  12       100
ENGL  0400-0500    7780    0400-0500   44  27,28,39 100
ENGL  0600-0745    7780    0600-0745   44  27,28,39 100
ENGL  0500-0600    9355    0500-0600   44  27,28,39 100
ENGL  0000-0445    9505    0000-0445  315  2        100
ENGL  0700-0800    9505    0700-0800  222  11       100
ENGL  1100-1145    9550    1100-1145  160  14       100
ENGL  1100-1200    9625    1100-1200  140  13       100
ENGL  0600-0700    9680    0600-0700  315  2        100
ENGL  0400-0500    9715    0400-0500  285  10        50
ENGL  0700-0800    9715    0700-0800  285  10        50
ENGL  0900-1145    9755    0900-1145  285  10       100
ENGL  0700-0845    9930    0700-0845   87  37,46    100
ENGL  0600-0700   11530    0600-0700   87  47,52,57 100
ENGL  2100-2200   11565    2100-2200   44  27,28    100
ENGL  0600-0700   11580    0600-0700   44  27,28,39 100
ENGL  0300-0400   11740    0300-0400  222  12       100
ENGL  2200-2345   11740    2200-2345  315  2        100
ENGL  1300-1645   11830    1300-1645  315  2        100
ENGL  0000-0100   11835    0000-0100  285  10        50
ENGL  0200-0245   11835    0200-0245  285  10        50
ENGL  0200-0300   11855    0200-0300  222  11       100
ENGL  1300-1400   11865    1300-1400  315  2        100
ENGL  1600-1645   11865    1600-1645  315  2        100
ENGL  1300-1600   11910    1300-1600  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  1400-1500   13695    1400-1500  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  1600-2000   13695    1600-2000  355  4,5,9    100
ENGL  1800-2145   13800    1800-2145  315  2        100
ENGL  2300-0000   15255    2300-0000  151  15       100
ENGL  0300-0400   15255    0300-0400  151  15       100
ENGL  1500-1545   15770    1500-1545  160  16       100
ENGL  2200-2245   15770    2200-2245   87  47,52,57 100
ENGL  1800-1845   17535    1800-1845   87  37,46    100
ENGL  1200-1300   17555    1200-1300  160  16       100
ENGL  2000-2200   17725    2000-2200  140  13       100
ENGL  2000-2045   17750    2000-2045   44  27,28    100
ENGL  2300-0000   17750    2300-0000  160  15       100
ENGL  1200-1645   17750    1200-1645  285  10       100
ENGL  1700-2145   17795    1700-2145  285  10       100
ENGL  0000-0045   17805    0000-0045  142  15       100
ENGL  1900-2200   17845    1900-2200   87  37,46    100
ENGL  1900-2000   18930    1900-2000   44  27,28    100
ENGL  1600-2145   18980    1600-2145   44  27,28,39 100
ENGL  1600-1800   21455    1600-1800   44  27,28,39 100
ENGL  1600-1700   21525    1600-1700   87  47,52,57 100

FREN  2300-0000    6065    2300-0000  355  4,5,9    100
FREN  0600-0700    9355    0600-0700   44  27,28,39 100
FREN  1000-1100    9625    1000-1100  140  13       100
FREN  0600-0700    9930    0600-0700   87  37,46    100
FREN  0500-0600   11530    0500-0600   87  47,52,57 100
FREN  0800-0845   11530    0800-0845   87  47,52,57 100
FREN  0500-0600   11580    0500-0600   44  27,28,39 100
FREN  1600-1645   11910    1600-1645  355  4,5,9    100
FREN  1000-1100   11970    1000-1100  151  15       100
FREN  1300-1400   11970    1300-1400  151  15       100
FREN  1200-1300   13695    1200-1300  355  4,5,9    100
FREN  0000-0100   15255    0000-0100  151  15       100
FREN  1700-1800   17535    1700-1800   87  37,46    100
FREN  1800-1900   18930    1800-1900   44  27,28    100
FREN  1900-1945   21455    1900-1945   44  27,28,39 100
FREN  1800-2000   21525    1800-2000   87  47,52,57 100

GERM  0500-0600    7780    0500-0600   44  27,28,39 100
GERM  0404-0500    9985    0404-0500   44  27,28,39 100
GERM  2000-2100   15600    2000-2100   44  27,28    100
GERM  2100-2145   15695    2100-2145   44  27,28    100
GERM  1700-1800   17750    1700-1800   44  27,28    100
GERM  1800-1900   21455    1800-1900   44  27,28,39 100

ITAL  0600-0700    9985    0600-0700   44  27,28,39 100
ITAL  0700-0745   11580    0700-0745   44  27,28,39 100
ITAL  1800-1900   17750    1800-1900   44  27,28    100
ITAL  1600-1700   21670    1600-1700   44  27,28    100

MAND  0500-0600    5985    0500-0600  315  2        100
MAND  1500-1600   11865    1500-1600  315  2        100
MAND  1300-1400   13695    1300-1400  355  4,5,9    100

PORT  0900-1045    6175    0900-1045  160  15       100
PORT  0100-0145    7520    0100-0145  142  15       100
PORT  0800-1045    9605    0800-1045  142  15       100
PORT  0800-1000    9625    0800-1000  140  13       100
PORT  1200-1245    9625    1200-1245  140  13       100
PORT  0700-0745    9985    0700-0745   44  27,28,39 100
PORT  0400-0500   11530    0400-0500   87  47,52,57 100
PORT  0804-1045   11770    0804-1045  142  13       100
PORT  0000-0345   15130    0000-0345  142  15       100
PORT  2200-2300   15130    2200-2300  142  15       101
PORT  2200-2245   15695    2200-2245   44  27,28,39 100
PORT  1400-1500   15770    1400-1500  160  16       100
PORT  2100-2200   15770    2100-2200   87  47,52,57 100
PORT  1300-1400   17555    1300-1400  160  16       100
PORT  1700-2000   17725    1700-2000  140  13       100
PORT  2200-0145   17725    2200-0145  140  13       100
PORT  0000-0100   17750    0000-0100  160  15       100
PORT  0200-0245   17750    0200-0245  160  15       100
PORT  1500-1545   18980    1500-1545  142  15       100
PORT  1700-1800   21525    1700-1800   87  47,52,57 100

RUSS  0504-0600    7520    0504-0600   44  27,28,39 100
RUSS  0304-0400    7780    0304-0400   44  27,28,39 100
RUSS  1900-2000   15600    1900-2000   44  27,28    100
RUSS  1600-1800   18930    1600-1800   44  27,28    100

SPAN  0900-1000    5950    0900-1000  355  4,5,9    100
SPAN  2000-0200    5985    2000-0200  181  11        50
SPAN  0300-0445    5985    0300-0445  181  11        50
SPAN  0500-0600    6000    0500-0600  181  11        50
SPAN  0700-0945    6000    0700-0945  181  11        50
SPAN  1000-1600    6085    1000-1600  181  11       100
SPAN  1700-1900    6085    1700-1900  181  11       100
SPAN  0304-0400    6855    0304-0400  355  4,5,9    100
SPAN  0600-0700    6855    0600-0700  355  4,5,9    100
SPAN  1100-1145    6855    1100-1145  355  4,5,9    100
SPAN  1200-1345    7780    1200-1345  222  12       100
SPAN  0700-0745    9355    0700-0745   44  27,28,39 100
SPAN  1100-1145    9355    1100-1145  160  15       100
SPAN  0600-0700    9505    0600-0700  222  11       100
SPAN  0800-0945    9505    0800-0945  222  11       100
SPAN  0800-1100    9550    0800-1100  160  14       100
SPAN  1100-1200    9605    1100-1200  222  11       100
SPAN  1300-1345    9605    1300-1345  222  11       100
SPAN  0300-0400    9680    0300-0400  315  2        100
SPAN  0700-0745    9680    0700-0745  315  2        100
SPAN  0304-0400    9715    0304-0400  285  10        50
SPAN  0500-0700    9715    0500-0700  285  10        50
SPAN  0800-1145    9715    0800-1145  285  10        50
SPAN  0500-0600    9985    0500-0600   44  27,28,39 100
SPAN  0300-0345   11580    0300-0345  160  15       100
SPAN  1400-1545   11670    1400-1545  222  11       100
SPAN  0200-0300   11740    0200-0300  222  12       100
SPAN  0100-0200   11835    0100-0200  285  10        50
SPAN  0800-1145   11855    0800-1145  160  16       100
SPAN  2000-0200   11855    2000-0200  222  11       100
SPAN  0300-0445   11855    0300-0445  222  11       100
SPAN  1400-1500   11865    1400-1500  315  2        100
SPAN  0800-1000   11970    0800-1000  151  15       100
SPAN  1100-1300   11970    1100-1300  151  15       100
SPAN  1400-1545   11970    1400-1545  151  15       100
SPAN  1500-1600   13695    1500-1600  355  4,5,9    100
SPAN  1200-1545   13800    1200-1545  160  15       100
SPAN  1700-1800   13800    1700-1800  315  2        100
SPAN  1200-1945   15130    1200-1945  285  10        50
SPAN  2000-2345   15155    2000-2345  285  10        50
SPAN  2304-0100   15215    2304-0100  160  14       100
SPAN  0100-0300   15255    0100-0300  151  15       100
SPAN  0400-0445   15255    0400-0445  151  15       100
SPAN  2100-2200   15600    2100-2200   44  27,28    100
SPAN  1200-1400   15770    1200-1400  160  16       100
SPAN  1400-1545   17555    1400-1545  160  16       100
SPAN  0100-0200   17750    0100-0200  160  15       100
SPAN  2304-0100   17845    2304-0100  160  14       100
SPAN  1400-1500   18980    1400-1500  142  15       100
SPAN  1700-1845   21670    1700-1845   44  27,28    100

[non]. The following will be the shortwave schedule for Family Stations, Inc. aired from Taiwan  26 March 2006 to 29 October 2006.

Language    Time (UTC)  Freq(kHz)     Target

Burmese     1200-1300    11560        Burma

English     0100-0200    15195        India
            1300-1500    11520        Indonesia
            1300-1500    11560        India
            1500-1600     6280        India

Hindi       0000-0100    15195        India
            1500-1600    11560        India
            1600-1700     6280        India

Indonesian  1200-1300    11520        Indonesia
            1400-1500    11520        Indonesia

Korean      1000-1100     7130        Korea

Mandarin    1102-1602     7250        China
and         1102-1602     9280        China
Cantonese   2100-0000     7235        China
            2100-0000     9280        China

Russian     1500-1700     9955        Eu/CIS

3/22/2006 3:19:21 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:19:36 :





6160  2000 2300 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
6185  2200 2300 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
7115  1100 1600 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
7145  2300 2400 27,28          DHA  500 315  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
7160  2300 0030 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
7175  0000 0100 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
7190  0000 0100 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
7220  0800 1000 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
7275  2300 2400 18,27,28       DHA  500 315  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
9515  2100 2400 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
9630  1900 0030 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
9695  2100 2400 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
9695  0500 0630 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
9730  0600 1200 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
9750  1500 1600 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
9840  2300 2400 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
9855  0000 0100 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
11740 0800 1030 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
11995 2200 2300 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
12025 2000 2100 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
13605 0400 0700 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
13650 2200 2400 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
13675 1800 2300 55,58,59       DHA  500 120 30 218 1234567 ARABIC
13700 0500 0900 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
15215 2300 2400 18,27,28       DHA  500 315  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
15220 1000 1030 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
15280 0830 1000 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
15310 0700 1000 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
15405 0630 1200 38NE,39NE,39SW DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
17680 0900 1500 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
17680 2000 2400 37N,38NW       DHA  250 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
17730 0000 0100 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
17760 1200 1700 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
17760 2200 2400 37N,38NW       DHA  500 300  0 146 1234567 ARABIC
17785 1200 1400 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
17815 1100 1500 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
17845 1800 0100 44,45          DHA  500 60 -30 218 1234567 ARABIC
21630 0200 0600 55,58,59       DHA  500 120 30 218 1234567 ARABIC
21630 0600 0800 18,27,28       DHA  500 315  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
21735 0300 0700 41NW           DHA  500 75  15 146 1234567 ARABIC
21735 0200 0700 44,45          DHA  500 60 -30 218 1234567 ARABIC
21735 0700 1030 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC
21735 1100 1600 37N,38NW       DHA  500 285  0 218 1234567 ARABIC

Note: Transmissions may be delayed by a month due to maintenance.

3/22/2006 3:31:48 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :




All Dutch (Flemish).

South and Southeast Europe 0600-0700 UT 13685 (St. Petersburg)
1700-1800 UT 13685 (Moscow)
South and Southwest Europe 0700-0800 UT 9590 (Rampisham)
1800-1900 UT 9590 (Skelton)

3/22/2006 3:37:37 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



德国之声DW—Deutsche Welle(德语节目)

UTC Frequ. Band Sendeland /kHz /m ITU Station

0600-0800 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          9480 31 D NAUEN
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          13780 22 D NAUEN
          15325 19 D NAUEN
          15545 19 D WERTACHTAL

0600-0700 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
0600-0630 6075 49 D SINES
0700-0800 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
0700-0730 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
0800-1000 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          9480 31 D NAUEN
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          9855 31 ATN BONAIRE
          13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15325 19 D WERTACHTAL
          15680 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
0800-0900 1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
mo-fr 0905-1000 88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST
1000-1200 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          5905 49 ATN BONAIRE
          6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          7430 41 RUS PETROPAVLOVSK
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          9900 31 RUS IRKUTSK
          13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15595 19 CAN SACKVILLE
          17635 16 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          17770 16 D WERTACHTAL
          17845 16 KAZ ALMA ATA
          21840 13 POR SINES
          90500 UKW AFG KABUL
1100-1200 1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
1100-1130 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
1105-1200 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1200-1400 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
          6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          9565 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          11900 25 CAN SACKVILLE
          13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15620 19 D WERTACHTAL
          17845 16 D WERTACHTAL
1200-1300 1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          90500 UKW AFG KABUL
1300-1400 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
1300-1305 90500 UKW AFG KABUL sa-so
          88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST sa-so
1305-1400 88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST
1400-1600 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          9655 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15275 19 RRW KIGALI
1400-1500 15445 19 ATN BONAIRE
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
1400-1430 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
1500-1600 15445 19 CAN SACKVILLE
1500-1505 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1600-1800 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          6150 49 RRW KIGALI
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15275 19 D WERTACHTAL
          15680 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
1600-1700 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1600-1605 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
1700-1800 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
          88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
1800-2000 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          6150 49 RRW KIGALI
          9545 31 POR SINES
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          9735 31 D WERTACHTAL
          11795 25 D NAUEN
          15275 19 RRW KIGALI
          95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1800-1900 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
1930-2000 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
2000-2200 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          7330 41 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          9545 31 POR SINES
          9545 31 D NAUEN
          9875 31 RRW KIGALI
2000-2100 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
2200-0000 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          6075 49 POR SINES
          7420 41 KAZ ALMA ATA
          9545 31 D WERTACHTAL
          9775 31 RRW KIGALI
          11865 25 POR SINES
          11935 25 RRW KIGALI
          11965 25 RUS IRKUTSK
          15640 19 RUS PETROPAVLOVSK
2200-2300 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
2300-0000 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
0000-0200 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          6075 49 POR SINES
          6100 49 CAN SACKVILLE
          9430 31 POR SINES
          9505 31 D WERTACHTAL
          9545 31 RRW KIGALI
          9640 31 RRW KIGALI
          12040 25 RRW KIGALI
          12095 25 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
0200-0400 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          6075 49 POR SINES
          6100 49 CAN SACKVILLE
          9825 31 POR SINES
          9830 31 ATN BONAIRE
          15640 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
0200-0300 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
0300-0400 88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST
          95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0400-0600 6075 49 D WERTACHTAL
          6075 39 POR SINES
          9620 31 RRW KIGALI
          12025 25 D WERTACHTAL
          15575 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
0400-0530 106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
0400-0500 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
0500-0600 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST
0500-0530 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
0530-0600 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA

3/22/2006 3:39:41 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—DRM数字广播

DRM-Sonder-Programme für Europa
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1600-1000 3995 75 D WERTACHTAL
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 2100-2200 5980 49 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0600-1000 6130 49 D WERTACHTAL
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1400-1600 6130 49 D WERTACHTAL
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1100-1300 6140 49 D JUELICH
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1600-1900 6140 49 D JUELICH
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0600-1200 7265 41 D WERTACHTAL
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0700-0900 7265 41 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1700-1800 7265 41 D WERTACHTAL
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1900-2100 7515 41 RUS MOSKAU
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1200-1400 9655 31 D WERTACHTAL
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0400-0600 9690 31 RUS MOSKAU
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1500-1800 13790 22 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0800-0900 13810 22 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1200-1600 15265 19 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 1800-2000 15435 19 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0900-1500 15440 19 POR SINES
EUROPA ENGL/DT. 0900-1200 15545 19 POR SINES

3/22/2006 3:41:41 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—英语广播

0000-0100 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
          9695 31 RRW KIGALI
          9825 31 D WERTACHTAL
          9885 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          90500 UKW AFG KABUL
0400-0500 7225 41 RRW KIGALI
          12045 25 D WERTACHTAL
          15445 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
0400-0500 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
0500-0600  9630 31 POR SINES
           15410 19 MDC TALATA-VOL.
           17800 16 UAE DHABAYYA
0500-0600 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
0500-0600 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
0600-0700 7170 41 POR SINES
          15275 19 D WERTACHTAL
          17860 16 RRW KIGALI
0600-0700 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI
EUROPA      ENGLISCH 0600-1000 6140 49 D JUELICH
TIRANA      ENGLISCH 0600-0630 106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
BERLIN      ENGLISCH 0700-0800 199360 UKW D BERLIN
BERLIN      ENGLISCH 0900-1000 199360 UKW D BERLIN
EUROPA      ENGLISCH 1300-1600 6140 49 D JUELICH
AFGHANISTAN ENGL. mo-sa 1300-1330 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
BULGARIEN   ENGL. sa 1500-1505 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1600-1700 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
          6170 49 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          9485 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          17595 16 D WERTACHTAL
1600-1700 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
1800-1900 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMAL./DRM
1800-1900 88500 UKW ROU BUKAREST
1900-2000 13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15620 19 D WERTACHTAL

1900-2000 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

1900-2000 199360 UKW D BERLIN
2000-2100  7130 41 RRW KIGALI
           13780 22 D WERTACHTAL
           15205 19 D WERTACHTAL

2000-2100 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

2100-2200 9440 31 D WERTACHTAL
11865 25 RRW KIGALI
15205 19 RRW KIGALI

2100-2200 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

2100-2200 90500 UKW AFG KABUL
2200-2300 7115 41 RUS NOVOSIBIRSK
          9720 31 RUS KOMSOMOLSK

2200-2300 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

2200-2230 9800 31 CAN SACKVILLE/DRM
2300-0000 5955 49 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          9890 31 RRW KIGALI
          15135 19 RUS TCHITA
          17860 16 RUS IRKUTSK

2300-0000 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

3/22/2006 3:44:16 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—东亚、东南亚、南亚各语种

1030-1055 7370 41 RUS VLADIVOSTOK
          9460 31 RUS VLADIVOSTOK
          15190 19 SNG KRANJI
          15360 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
1300-1350 6225 49 RUS KOMSOMOLSK
          15355 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          15425 19 SNG KRANJI
1300-1350 199360 UKW D BERLIN

2300-2350 9865 31 UAE DHABBAYA
          11660 25 RUS NOVOSIBIRSK
          11830 25 RUS KOMSOMOLSK

2300-2350 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1200-1257 11770 25 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          15105 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          17800 16 UAE DHABAYYA

2200-2257 6000 49 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          7430 41 KAZ ALMA ATA
          9855 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
2200-2300 199360 UKW D BERLIN



0100-0200 9895 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          11820 25 SNG KRANJI

1430-1515 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
          15470 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          17595 15 D WERTACHTAL
1430-1500 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

1430-1515 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1700-1730 9645 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          15190 19 D NAUEN

1700-1730 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

1700-1730 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1515-1600 1548 MW CLN TRINCOMALEE
          6180 49 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          7225 41 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          17595 16 D WERTACHTAL
1515-1600 199360 UKW D BERLIN

3/22/2006 3:49:03 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—中东各语种

0800-0830 15525 19 RUS KRASNODAR
          17705 16 CLN TRINCOMALEE

0800-0830 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

0800-0830 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1400-1430 13575 22 RUS KRASNODAR
          15595 19 D WERTACHTAL

1400-1430 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

1400-1430 199360 UKW D BERLIN

0830-0900 15525 19 RUS KRASNODAR
          17705 16 CLN TRINCOMALEE

0830-0900 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

0830-0900 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1330-1400 13575 22 RUS KRASNODAR
          15595 19 D WERTACHTAL

1330-1400 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

1730-1930 7375 41 RUS KRASNODAS
          13800 22 D WERTACHTAL

1730-1930 90500 UKW AFG KABUL

1730-1900 199360 UKW D BERLIN

0400-0430 7170 41 POR SINES
          9530 31 RRW KIGALI
          9750 31 D  WERTACHTAL

0430-0500 6130 49 POR SINES
          7710 41 D WERTACHTAL

1800-2000 11690 25 D WERTACHTAL
          13790 22 POR SINES
          17860 16 RRW KIGALI

2000-2100 9495 31 D NAUEN
          9620 31 POR SINES
          13650 22 RRW KIGALI
          13790 22 POR SINES

2000-2100 199360 UKW D BERLIN

2100-2200 9495 31 D NAUEN
          9620 31 POR SINES
          13650 22 RRW KIGALI
          1350 MW ARM YEREVAN

2000-2200 199360 UKW D BERLIN

3/22/2006 3:50:19 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—非洲各语种

1200-1300 11795 25 RRW KIGALI
          15275 19 D WERTACHTAL
          15410 19 RRW KIGALI
          17770 16 D WERTACHTAL
          21780 13 RRW KIGALI
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

1200-1300 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1600-1700 11670 25 RRW KIGALI
          17800 16 POR SINES
          17860 16 D WERTACHTAL
          21820 13 D WERTACHTAL
          21840 13 RRW KIGALI
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

1600-1700 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1700-1800 9735 31 RRW KIGALI
          15425 19 D WERTACHTAL
          17820 16 D WERTACHTAL
          17860 16 POR SINES
          21840 13 RRW KIGALI
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

0500-0545 9565 31 RRW KIGALI
          15545 19 D WERTACHTAL

0630-0700 9885 31 POR SINES
          15470 19 D WERTACHTAL

1300-1350 15410 19 RRW KIGALI
          17770 16 POR SINES
          17800 16 RRW KIGALI

1800-1900 11605 25 D WERTACHTAL
          11965 26 RRW KIGALI
          15620 19 D WERTACHTAL

0300-0400 6180 49 RRW KIGALI
          9475 31 D WERTACHTAL
          9495 31 POR SINES
          15545 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

0300-0400 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1000-1050 9565 31 RRW KIGALI
          13790 22 RRW KIGALI
          15410 19 RRW KIGALI
          21780 13 D WERTACHTAL
1000-1100 96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

1000-1100 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1500-1600 9735 31 RRW KIGALI
          11670 25 RRW KIGALI
          21820 13 D WERTACHTAL
          21840 13 D WERTACHTAL
          96000 UKW RRW KIGALI

1400-1450 11810 25 RRW KIGALI
          15410 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE

3/22/2006 3:52:31 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—欧洲各语种 

0000-0100 7285 41 D WERTACHTAL
Sibirien) 11660 25 RUS VLADIWOSTOK
          13810 22 CLN TRINCOMALEE
          15135 19 RUS PETROPAWLOWSK
0100-0200 7105 41 D WERTACHTAL
(Zentralasien) 11790 25 CLN TRINCOMALEE
0200-0300     693 MW RUS MOSKAU
Zentralasien) 1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
              15595 19 CLN TRINCOMALEE

0200-0300 199360 UKW D BERLIN
0300-0400 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
(Zentralasien) 7105 41 D WERTACHTAL

0300-0330 1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
0400-0530 999 MW MDA GRIGORIOPOL *)
(Europa)  5910 49 D WERTACHTAL
          9545 31 D WERTACHTAL
          11650 25 D WERTACHTAL
0400-0500 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG

0400-0430 199360 UKW D BERLIN
*) nur 0500-0530
0600-0700 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
(Metropolen) 1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG

0600-0700 199360 UKW D BERLIN
1400-1500 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          11915 25 D WERTACHTAL
          13840 22 D WERTACHTAL
          15620 19 D WERTACHTAL
1500-1600 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          999 MW MDA GRIGORIOPOL
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          9715 31 D WERTACHTAL
          11915 25 D WERTACHTAL
          15620 19 RRW KIGALI
1600-1700 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          9715 31 D WERTACHTAL
          11915 25 D WERTACHTAL
1600-1700 15620 19 RRW KIGALI
1700-1800 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          1557 MW LTU KAUNAS(-31.5.)
          9715 31 D WERTACHTAL
          11915 25 D WERTACHTAL
          15620 19 POR SINES
1800-1900 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          999 MW MDA GRIGORIOPOL
          5955 49 D NAUEN
          9715 31 D WERTACHTAL
          9885 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE
1900-2000 693 MW RUS MOSKAU
          1188 MW RUS ST. PETERSBURG
          5955 49 D NAUEN
          9715 31 D WERTACHTAL
          9885 31 CLN TRINCOMALEE

0430-0500 999 MW MDA GRIGORIOPOL
          5980 49 D WERTACHTAL
          7345 41 D WERTACHTAL

0430-0500 199360 UKW D BERLIN

1630-1659 15595 19 POR SINES


0400-0430 5960 49 D NAUEN
          95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0500-0530 7170 41 D NAUEN
          95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0500-0530 199360 UKW D BERLIN
0600-0605 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0700-0705 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0800-0805 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0900-0905 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
0930-1000 11970 25 D NAUEN
          95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1000-1005 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1100-1105 95700 UKW BUL SOFIA
1730-1800 5905 49 D WERTACHTAL
          95700 UKW BUL SOFIA

0530-0600 5910 49 D WERTACHTAL
          7190 41 D WERTACHTAL
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
0545-0600 1215 MW ALB FLLAKA

0530-0600 199360 UKW D BERLIN

0700-0705 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
0800-0805 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
0900-0905 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
1000-1005 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
1100-1130 810 MW MKD SKOPJE
          9770 31 D WERTACHTAL
          11915 25 D WERTACHTAL
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
1200-1205 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
1300-1305 88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA
1500-1530 810 MW MKD SKOPJE
          9605 31 D WERTACHTAL
          17820 16 POR SINES
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          106000 UKW ALB TIRANA

0600-0615 5910 49 D WERTACHTAL
          7190 41 D WERTACHTAL
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
0600-0700 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
0900-0915 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
1200-1230 7170 41 D WERTACHTAL
          9770 31 D WERTACHTAL
          92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO

0800-0810 7190 41 D WERTACHTAL
          92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
1000-1005 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
1230-1300 7170 41 D WERTACHTAL
          92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
1400-1410 7170 41 D WERTACHTAL

0630-0700 810 MW MKD SKOPJE
          7190 41 D WERTACHTAL
0900-0930 810 MW MKD SKOPJE
          9770 31 D WERTACHTAL
1300-1330 7170 41 D WERTACHTAL

*) 1030-1100 15275 19 D NAUEN
             17820 16 D WERTACHTAL
    1100-1130 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
*) = nur Sonntags

0615-0630 5910 49 D WERTACHTAL
          7190 41 D WERTACHTAL
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
0930-1000 810 MW MKD SKOPJE
          7190 41 D WERTACHTAL
          9770 31 D WERTACHTAL
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
          92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO
1330-1400 7170 41 D WERTACHTAL
          9770 31 D NAUEN
          88600 UKW SCG PRSTINA
2100-2115 1458 MW ALB FLLAKA
          6130 49 D WERTACHTAL

0530-0600 11865 25 D WERTACHTAL
          15640 19 D WERTACHTAL
*) 1030-1100 15275 19 D NAUEN
             17820 19 D WERTACHTAL
*) = nicht sonntags
1430-1500 13590 22 D NAUEN
          15595 19 D WERTACHTAL

1015-1030 92000 UKW BIH SARAJEVO

3/22/2006 3:56:15 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—本土及海外发射台

Sprache Zeit(UTC) Satellitenkanäle
1E AMC 1 ASIASAT 2 101
----- --------- ----- ----------- -------
0530-0600 DW 34 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0700-0705 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
0800-0805 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
0900-0905 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
1000-1005 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
1100-1130 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1200-1205 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
1300-1305 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
1500-1530 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1400-1500 - DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 -
0400-0430 - DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 DW 2A
0430-0500 - DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 DW 2A
1800-1900 - DW 5 - DW 5 DW 2A
1900-2000 - DW 5 DW 7 DW 5 DW 2A
2000-2100 DW 3 DW 5 9 DW 7 DW 5 9 DW 2A
2100-2200 DW 3 DW 5 9 - DW 5 9 DW 2A
0100-0200 DW 3 DW 9 DW 7 DW 9 -
0600-0615 DW 4 DW 4 9 - DW 4 9 -
0615-0700 - DW 9 - DW 9 -
0900-0915 - DW 9 - DW 9 -
1200-1230 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
0400-0430 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
0500-0530 DW 3 DW 5 - DW 5 -
0600-0605 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
0700-0705 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
0800-0805 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
0900-0905 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
0930-1000 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
1000-1005 - DW 9 - DW 9 -
1100-1105 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
1730-1800 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1030-1055 - DW 9 DW 7 DW 9 -
1300-1350 DW 3 DW 9 DW 7 DW 9 -
2300-2350 DW 3 DW 9 DW 7 DW 9 -
0830-0900 DW 3 DW 5 DW 7 DW 5 -
1330-1400 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
0000-2400 DW1 DW1 DW1 DW1 DW1
0000-0100 DW 3 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
0100-0400 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
0400-0500 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 -
0500-0600 - DW 2 9 DW 2 DW 2 9 DW 2A
0600-0700 - DW 2 DW 27 DW 2 DW 2A
0700-0800 DW 3 DW 2 DW 27 DW 2 DW 2A
0800-0900 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
0900-1000 DW 3 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
1000-1600 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
1600-1700 - DW 2 9 DW 2 DW 2 9 DW 2A

1E AMC 1 ASIASAT 2 101
----- --------- ----- ----------- -------
1700-1800 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
1800-1900 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 -
1900-2000 DW 3 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 -
2000-2100 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 -
2100-2200 - DW 2 6 DW 27 DW 2 6 -
2200-0000 - DW 2 DW 2 DW 2 DW 2A
1730-1900 DW 3 DW 9 - DW 9 -
1900-1930 - DW 9 - DW 9 -
1200-1300 DW 3 DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 -
1600-1700 DW 3 DW 5 8 DW 7 DW 5 8 -
1700-1800 - DW 5 8 DW 7 DW 5 8 -
0000-0030 - DW 9 - DW 9 -
1000-1030 DW 4 DW 4 DW 7 DW 4 -
0630-0700 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
1300-1400 - DW 8 - DW 8 -
1800-1900 - DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 -
1515-1600 DW 3 DW 9 - DW 9 -
1200-1300 - DW 9 - DW 9 -
2200-2300 DW 3 DW 9 DW 7 DW 9 -
0300-0400 DW 3 DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 -
1000-1100 DW 3 DW 8 - DW 8 -
1500-1600 - DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 -
0700-0705 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0800-0810 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1200-1205 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
1230-1300 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1400-1410 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0630-0700 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0900-0930 DW 4 DW 4 DW 7 DW 4 -
1300-1330 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0000-0000 - DW-M - DW-M -
0800-0830 DW 3 DW 5 DW 7 DW 5 -
1400-1430 DW 3 DW 5 - DW 5 -
1200-1230 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1630-1700 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1700-1730 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0500-0545 - DW 8 DW 7 DW 8 -
1030-1100 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0700-0705 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
0900-0905 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
1000-1100 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
1100-1200 DW 3 DW 6 DW 7 DW 6 -
1300-1305 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
0000-0100 - DW 6 DW 7 DW 6 -
0100-0200 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
0200-0300 DW 3 DW 6 DW 7 DW 6 -
0300-0400 DW 3 DW 6 - DW 6 -
0400-0430 DW 3 DW 6 - DW 6 -
0430-0600 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
0600-0700 DW 3 DW 6 - DW 6 -
1400-2000 - DW 6 - DW 6 -
0615-0630 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0930-1000 DW 4 DW 4 DW 7 DW 4 -
1330-1400 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
2000-2015 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0530-0600 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
0730-0800 - DW 4 - DW 4 -
3) 1030-1100 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
1430-1500 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
2) 1939-1945 DW 4 DW 4 - DW 4 -
0430-0500 DW 3 DW 5 - DW 5 -
0600-0630 - DW 5 - DW 5 -
1430-1515 DW 3 DW 9 - DW 9 -
1700-1730 DW 3 DW 9 - DW 9 -
2) Nur Montag bis Freitag
3) Nicht Sonntags

3/22/2006 3:59:01 PM

德国之声DW(Deutsche Welle)—卫星广播各语种

ASTRA 1E 19.2 grad OST Transponder 26 (Europa)
11.597 GHz
Polarisation vertikal
TV Digitale Übertragung nach
Modulation QPSK
Symbolrate 22000 kBd
FEC 5/6
TV-Ton 192kbit/s Joint Stereo
DW1 Deutsches Programm
(192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)
DW3,DW4 Fremdsprachen
(je 192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)

HOTBIRD 6 (Digital) 13.0 grad OST Transponder 155
Europa und Mittelmeerraum
11.604 GHz - Horizontal
Symbolrate 27500 kBd
FEC 5/6
TV Digital
DW01 Deutsches Programm
DW02 Englisches Programm
DW04,05,06,08,09 Fremdsprachen
DW-M DW-Musikkanal

NILESAT 101 353.0 grad OST Transponder 10 - Digital
Nahost und Nordafrika
11.900 GHz - Vertikal
Symbolrate 27500 kBd
FEC 3/4
TV Digital
DW1 und DW2A(Englisch/Arabisch)

AMC-1 257,0 grad OST Transponder 2 - Digital
3.74 GHz
Polarisation Vertikal
TV Digitale Übertragung nach
Modulation QPSK
Symbolrate 29270 kBd
FEC 7/8
TV-Ton 2x128kbit/s
DW1 Deutsches Programm
(2x128 kbit/s Stereo)
DW2, DW7 2 Fremdsprachenkanäle
(jeweils 128 kbit/s Mono)
Gültig: 26.03.06 - 28.10.06 Sommerhalbjahr 2006 Seite: 17
INTELSAT 10-02 359.0 grad OST Transponder 23B
3,9115 GHz
Polarisation rechtszirkular
TV Digitale Übertragung nach
Modulation QPSK
Symbolrate 8022 kBd
FEC 3/4
TV-Ton 2x128kbit/s (Stereo)
DW1 Deutsches Programm
(192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)
DW2, DW4, DW5, DW6, DW8, DW9 6 Fremdsprachenkanäle
(je 192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)
DW-M DW-Musikkanal
(192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)

ASIASAT 3 105.5 grad OST Transponder 4H
3,760 GHz
Polarisation horizontal
TV Digitale Übertragung nach
Modulation QPSK
Symbolrate 26000 kBd
FEC 7/8
TV-Ton 2x128kbit/s (2 Monokanäle)
DW1 Deutsches Programm
(192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)
DW2, DW4, DW5, DW6, DW8, DW9 6 Fremdsprachenkanäle
(je 192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)
DW-M DW-Musikkanal
(192 kbit/s Joint-Stereo)

PANAMSAT 9 302.0 grad OST Transponder 16C - Südamerika
4,0 GHz - horizontal
TV Digitale Übertragung nach
Modulation QPSK
Symbolrate 27690 kBd
FEC 7/8
TV-Ton 2x128kbit/s
DW1 Deutsches Programm
(2x128 kbit/s Stereo)
DW2, DW7 2 Fremdsprachenkanäle
(jeweils 128 kbit/s Mono)
Gültig: 26.03.06 - 28.10.06 Sommerhalbjahr 2006 Seite: 18

3/22/2006 4:05:27 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :




Effective March 26, 2006

0000-0400 UTC Tuesday-Saturday on 7385 kHz to North America (English)
0000-0400 UTC Sunday and Monday on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (English/Spanish)
0400-1400 UTC daily on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (Spanish/English/Creole)
1400-1600 UTC daily on 7385 kHz to North America (English/Spanish)
1330-1400 UTC Friday on 17550 kHz to East Africa (via Julich, Germany relay; Somali)
1600-1700 UTC daily on 13620 kHz to South Asia (via Julich, Germany relay; Dhivehi)
1600-2100 UTC daily on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (Spanish)
2000-2030 UTC Saturday on 9405 kHz to West Africa (via Julich,Germany relay; English and West African dialects)
2100-2200 UTC Saturday and Sunday on 7385 kHz to North America (English/Spanish)
2100-0000 UTC Monday-Friday on 7385 kHz to North America (English)
2200-0000 UTC Saturday and Sunday on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (Spanish/English)

Broadcast schedule in local Miami time (Eastern US Time):
12:00-10:00 am daily on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (Spanish/English)
10:00 am-12:00 pm daily on 7385 kHz to North America (Spanish/English)
12:00 pm-5:00 pm daily on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (Spanish)
5:00-6:00 pm daily on 7385 kHz to North America (English/Spanish)
6:00 pm-12:00 am Monday-Friday on 7385 kHz to North America (English)
6:00 pm-12:00 am Saturday and Sunday on 9955 kHz to the Caribbean and Latin America (Spanish/English)

3/22/2006 4:07:53 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:33 :




A-06 schedule of, and foreign relay of various broadcasters: [N = numérique = DRM]

3965 0400-0500 37,38W,46N ISS  500 180 030906 291006   Fren   F   TDF
3965 0400-0500 37,38W,46N ISS  500 180 260306 070506   Fren   F   TDF
3965 0500-1800 27         ISS    1 0   070506 291006 N Fren   F   TDF
3965 1900-2100 27         ISS    1 0                 N Fren   F   TDF
3965 2100-2200 18S,28,29  ISS  250 60  030906 291006   Poli   F   TDF
3965 2100-2200 18S,28,29  ISS  250 60  260306 070506   Poli   F   TDF
3965 2300-0400 27         ISS    1 0                 N Fren   F   TDF

5915 2100-2200 18S,28,29  ISS  250 60                  Poli   F   TDF
5920 2000-2100 28S,29S    ISS  250 85  260306 070506   Roma   F   TDF
5920 2000-2100 28S,29S    ISS  250 85  030906 291006   Roma   F   TDF
5925 0300-0400 48S,52,53,5MEY  250 19                  Fren   AFS TDF
5925 0400-0500 37,38W,46N ISS  500 180 070506 030906   Fren   F   TDF
5925 0500-0600 37,38W,46N ISS  500 180                 Arab   F   TDF
5945 0300-0330 18S,28N,29NISS  500 55                  Russ   F   TDF
5995 1700-1800 40W        TAC  100 255                        F   MER
6010 1700-1800 40W        DHA  250 0                          F   MER
6020 1600-1630 40E        DB   200 180                        F   MER
6030 1600-1630 40W        DHA  250 45                         F   MER
6045 0300-0330 28,29      ISS  500 70                  Russ   F   TDF
6045 0430-0500 18S,28N,29NISS  250 55                  Fr/Po  F   TDF
6045 0500-0530 28S,29S    ISS  250 98  030906 291006   Serb   F   TDF
6045 0500-0530 28S,29S    ISS  250 98  260306 070506   Serb   F   TDF
6120 1400-1500 44S,49,50,5YAM  300 235                 Viet   J   TDF
6175 1100-1200 27         ISS  500 270                 Fren   F   TDF
6175 1900-2000 28S,29S    ISS  250 98  030906 291006   Serb   F   TDF
6175 1900-2000 28S,29S    ISS  250 98  260306 070506   Serb   F   TDF
6175 2000-2200 37,38W     ISS  500 180                 Fren   F   TDF
6175 2030-2200 38,47,48W,5MEY  250 355 070506 030906   Fren   AFS TDF

7135 0300-0500 37E,38W,46EISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
7135 0500-0600 37,46      ISS  500 185 030906 291006   Fren   F   TDF
7135 0600-0700 37W,46W    ISS  500 204 030906 291006   Fren   F   TDF
7135 1800-1900 18S,28,29  ISS  500 55  030906 291006   Russ   F   TDF
7135 1900-2000 28S        ISS  250 98                  Serb   F   TDF
7135 2000-2100 28S,29S    ISS  250 85                  Roma   F   TDF
7135 2100-2200 18S,28,29  ISS  250 60  070506 030906   Poli   F   TDF
7150 0400-0500 52S,57N    ASC  250 114                        F   MER
7160 1900-2030 38,47,48W,5MEY  250 355                 Fren   AFS TDF
7160 2030-2200 38,47,48W,5MEY  250 355 260306 070506   Fren   AFS TDF
7160 2030-2200 38,47,48W,5MEY  250 355 030906 291006   Fren   AFS TDF
7170 1600-1700 52,53,57N  MEY  100 5                   Engl   AFS TDF
7175 1030-1200 33S,43E,44 YAM  300 290 030906 291006   Fren   J   TDF
7175 1200-1300 33S,43E,44 YAM  300 290 030906 291006   Mand   J   TDF
7220 1400-1500 41         TCH  500 230                        RUS GFC
7280 0300-0330 28,29S     ISS  500 80                  Russ   F   TDF
7280 0500-0600 37,38,46,47ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
7315 0500-0530 28S,29S,39NISS  250 98                  Serb   F   TDF
7315 0600-0630 28,29      ISS  250 95                  Alba   F   TDF
7315 2000-2200 37W,46W    ISS  500 200                 Fren   F   TDF
7315 2000-2200 37E,38     ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF

9485 2100-2200 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
9570 0600-0700 46         ASC  250 27                         F   MER
9655 0930-1030 33S,43E,44 YAM  300 290 030906 291006   Mand   J   TDF
9770 1400-1430 28W   Fri oRMP   40 95  260306 291006 N        F   MER
9790 0300-0500 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
9790 0500-0600 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
9790 0600-0700 37E,38W,47NISS  500 155 030906 291006   Fren   F   TDF
9790 0600-0700 37,38W,46N ISS  500 180 260306 030906   Fren   F   TDF
9790 0600-0700 37W,46W    ISS  500 204                 Fren   F   TDF
9790 1600-1800 37,38W,46N ISS  500 180                 Arab   F   TDF
9790 1800-1900 37E,38W,47NISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
9790 1800-2200 37W,46W    ISS  500 204                 Fren   F   TDF
9790 1900-2000 37E,38W,47NISS  500 155 030906 291006   Fren   F   TDF
9790 2000-2200 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
9800 0100-0130 7S,8S,10,11GUF  500 295                 Span   F   TDF
9800 0130-0200 7S,8S,10,11GUF  500 295                 Fren   F   TDF
9805 0400-0430 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 Engl   F   TDF
9805 0500-0530 28S,29S    ISS  250 98  070506 030906   Serb   F   TDF
9805 0600-0630 28S,29S    ISS  250 98                  Alba   F   TDF
9805 1200-1300 33S,43E,44 YAM  300 290 260306 030906   Mand   J   TDF
9805 1400-1500 28S,29S    ISS  250 98                  Serb   F   TDF
9805 1500-1600 28S,29S    ISS  250 85                  Roma   F   TDF
9805 1600-1700 18S,28,29  ISS  250 60                  Poli   F   TDF
9805 1800-1900 18S,28,29  ISS  500 55                  Russ   F   TDF
9805 1800-1900 29S,30W,39NISS  500 80  030906 291006   Russ   F   TDF
9805 1900-2000 28S,29S    ISS  250 98  070506 030906   Serb   F   TDF
9805 2000-2100 28S,29S    ISS  250 85  070506 030906   Roma   F   TDF
9830 1030-1200 44S,49,50,5YAM  300 235 030906 291006   Fren   J   TDF
9830 1030-1200 33S,43E,44 YAM  300 290 260306 030906   Fren   J   TDF

11615 1600-1700 37E,38W,47NISS  500 145                 Engl   F   TDF
11670 1400-1500 28S,29S    ISS  250 98                  Serb   F   TDF
11670 1500-1600 28S,29S    ISS  250 85                  Roma   F   TDF
11670 1800-1900 29S,30W,39NISS  500 80                  Russ   F   TDF
11700 0400-0500 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 Engl   F   TDF
11700 0500-0600 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
11700 0600-0700 37E,38W,47NISS  500 155 260306 030906   Fren   F   TDF
11700 0600-0700 37,46      ISS  500 190                 Fren   F   TDF
11700 0700-0800 37E,38W,47NISS  250 155                 Fren   F   TDF
11700 0700-0800 37W,46W    ISS  500 200                 Fren   F   TDF
11705 1800-2200 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 162                 Fren   F   TDF
11815 2000-2100 47S,52,57  ISS  500 160                 Port   F   TDF
11845 0800-1600 37,38W     ISS  500 180                 Fren   F   TDF
11890 0930-1030 33S,43E,44 YAM  300 290 260306 030906   Mand   J   TDF
11890 1030-1200 44S,49,50,5YAM  300 235 260306 030906   Fren   J   TDF
11995 0500-0530 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135 030906 291006   Engl   F   TDF
11995 1700-2000 37W,46W    ISS  500 204                 Fren   F   TDF
11995 2000-2100 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
12005 2200-2300 43,44      VLD  500 230                        RUS GFC
12015 1700-1800 37W,46W    ISS  500 215                 Port   F   TDF
12025 0930-1030 43,44      IRK  500 150                        RUS GFC
12025 1100-1200 43,49      IRK  500 180                        RUS GFC
12045 2200-2300 43,44      VLD  250 230                        RUS GFC
12075 1200-1300 43,44      NVS  500 125                        RUS GFC

13605 1300-1330 18S,28,29  ISS  250 55  070506 030906   Russ   F   TDF
13640 1100-1200 7,8,10E,11WGUF  500 320                 Fren   F   TDF
13675 0600-0700 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
13675 0800-2000 37W,46W    ISS  500 204                 Fren   F   TDF
13680 0500-0600 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 En/Fr  F   TDF
13695 0600-0700 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
13695 0600-0700 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
13695 0700-0800 37,46      ISS  500 195                 Fren   F   TDF
13695 1700-2100 37,46      ISS  500 190                 Fren   F   TDF

15155 1300-1330 28,29,30S  ISS  250 80                  Russ   F   TDF
15160 0500-0600 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 En/Fr  F   TDF
15160 0600-0630 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 Engl   F   TDF
15160 1200-1400 46SE,47SW,5MEY  250 328                 Fren   AFS TDF
15160 1600-1700 37S,46,47W,MEY  250 328                 Engl   AFS TDF
15170 0700-0800 46SE,47SW,5MEY  250 328                 Fren   AFS TDF
15195 1300-1330 18S,28,29  ISS  250 55                  Russ   F   TDF
15210 0400-0600 47E,48W,52NDHA  250 255                        F   MER
15300 0500-2000 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
15300 0700-2000 37,46      ISS  500 190                 Fren   F   TDF
15315 0700-1700 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
15365 1130-1200 7S,8S,10E,1ISS  500 270                 Fren   F   TDF
15445 2300-0030 44S,49,50,5YAM  300 235                 Fren   J   TDF
15515 1100-1200 7,8,10E,11WGUF  500 320                 Fren   F   TDF
15515 1200-1230 7S,8S,10,11GUF  250 295                 Span   F   TDF
15515 1230-1300 7S,8S,10,11GUF  250 295                 Fren   F   TDF
15515 1300-1400 7S,8S,10,11GUF  250 300                 Fren   F   TDF
15515 1600-1630 7S,8S,10,11GUF  500 300                 Span   F   TDF
15530 1700-1800 37W,46W    ISS  500 215                 Port   F   TDF
15595 2300-2400 44,49      VLD  250 228                        RUS GFC
15605 1500-1600 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
15605 1600-1800 28S,38E,39,ISS  500 110                 Engl   F   TDF
15605 1800-1900 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
15605 1900-2000 37,46      ISS  500 185 260306 030906   Fren   F   TDF
15700 1400-1500 28S,29S,39,ISS  500 100 070506 030906   Engl   F   TDF

17525 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 145 070506 070906   En/Fr  F   TDF
17570 1100-1200 4,7-9,10E,1ISS  500 295                 Fren   F   TDF
17605 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135 070506 030906   Engl   F   TDF
17605 1600-1730 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 Engl   F   TDF
17620 0700-1800 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF
17630 1800-1830 7S,8S,10,11GUF  250 295                 Span   F   TDF
17630 2100-2130 7S,8S,10,11GUF  250 295                 Span   F   TDF
17770 0600-0700 47,52N     KIG  250 280                        F   MER
17800 0600-0800 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135                 En/Fr  F   TDF
17800 1130-1200 7S,8S,10E,1ISS  500 270                 Fren   F   TDF
17800 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 145 070506 070906   En/Fr  F   TDF
17805 1300-1330 28E,29,30  ISS  250 65  030906 291006   Russ   F   TDF
17805 1300-1330 28E,29,30  ISS  250 65  260306 070506   Russ   F   TDF
17815 1100-1200 52,53      MEY  250 355                 Fren   AFS TDF
17815 1200-1230 46         ASC  250 27                         F   MER
17815 1230-1300 46,47S,52N MEY  250 328                 Fren   AFS TDF
17850 0600-1800 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF

21580 0900-1600 47,48,52,53ISS  500 155                 Fren   F   TDF
21620 0700-0800 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135 030906 291006   En/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 130 260306 070506   En/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 130 030906 291006   En/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135 260306 070506   En/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,ISS  500 135 030906 291006   En/Fr  F   TDF
21685 1200-1500 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Fren   F   TDF

11615 1900-2000 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 153                 Var    F   TDF
15205 1800-2000 37E,38W,47,ISS  500 153                 Var    F   TDF
15660 1600-1900 37,46      ISS  500 185                 Var    F   TDF

Various, DRM, ALG, LBY
6175 0300-1100 27         ISS   30 0                 N Var    F   NEW
6175 1200-1700 27         ISS   30 0                 N Var    F   NEW
6175 2200-0100 27         ISS   30 0                 N Var    F   NEW
7135 0700-1600 18S,28N,29NISS   35 60                N Var    F   NEW
7310 0700-1600 18S,28N,29NISS   35 60                N Var    F   NEW
7330 2000-2100 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162 030906 291006   Var    F   NEW
7330 2100-2200 37,46      ISS  500 194 030906 291006   Var    F   NEW
9685 1900-2000 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162 030906 291006   Var    F   NEW
9685 2000-2100 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162 260306 030906   Var    F   NEW
9745 2000-2100 37,46      ISS  500 194                 Var    F   NEW
9745 2100-2200 37,46      ISS  500 194 260306 030906   Var    F   NEW
11725 0600-0700 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162                 Var    F   NEW
11830 0700-0800 37,46      ISS  500 194                 Var    F   NEW
11830 1800-2000 37,46      ISS  500 194 030906 291006   Var    F   NEW
11830 1900-2000 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162 260306 030906   Var    F   NEW
11860 1800-1900 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162 030906 291006   Var    F   NEW
13620 0700-0800 37,46      ISS  500 194 260306 030906   Var    F   NEW
13620 0800-0900 37,46      ISS  500 194                 Var    F   NEW
13675 0700-0800 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162                 Var    F   NEW
13775 1800-1900 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162 260306 030906   Var    F   NEW
13800 1800-2000 37,46      ISS  500 194 260306 030906   Var    F   NEW
15255 1200-1400 37,46      ISS  500 194                 Var    F   NEW
15465 1200-1400 37E,38W,46EISS  500 162                 Var    F   NEW
15790 0600-1700 37E,38     ISS   30 145               N Var    F   NEW
17875 1200-2300 13,15      GUF   30 165               N Var    F   NEW
21645 1200-2300 7S,8S,10,11GUF   30 295               N Var    F   NEW

3/22/2006 5:29:45 PM

回复此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00


英国广播公司BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
9525  0000 0100 smtwtfs Ascension    250 235 Spanish S AM
6110  0000 0100 smtwtfs Ascension    250 235 Spanish S AM
11765 0000 0100 smtwtfs Ascension    250 250 Spanish S AM
9410  0000 0200 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 101 English ME
5875  0000 0100 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 260 Spanish C AM
5875  0000 0100 smtwtfs Skelton      300 230 Spanish S AM
5970  0000 0100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
9790  0000 0100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 80 English S AS
15360 0000 0300 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
9580  0000 0030 smtwtfs Singapore    100 330 Burmese SE AS
11850 0000 0030 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
15280 0000 0530 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 40 English FE
17615 0000 0030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
6065  0000 0030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 325 Burmese SE AS
15310 0000 0300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 290 English S AS
11955 0000 0100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 275 English S AS
6110  0000 0100 smtwtfs Montsinery   250 295 Spanish CARIB
9875  0030 0100 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Dari SW AS
7165  0030 0100 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
6065  0030 0100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 85 Bengali S AS
9580  0030 0100 smtwtfs Singapore    100 330 English S AS
11850 0030 0100 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Bengali S AS
15215 0030 0100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
9570  0030 0100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 325 Bengali S AS
9875  0100 0130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
7165  0100 0130 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
11955 0100 0300 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
6065  0100 0130 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 85 Hindi S AS
17790 0100 0300 smtwtfs Singapore    100 315 English S AS
11750 0100 0130 smtwtfs Singapore    250 315 Hindi S AS
13745 0100 0130 smtwtfs Tashkent     200 131 Hindi S AS
15215 0100 0130 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Pashto SW AS
15510 0100 0130 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
9875  0130 0200 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Dari SW AS
7165  0130 0200 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
11750 0130 0200 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 50 Urdu S AS
6065  0130 0200 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 50 Urdu S AS
15215 0130 0200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Dari SW AS
15510 0130 0200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Urdu S AS
5995  0200 0300 s...... Ascension    250 245 English S AM
5995  0200 0300 .mtwtfs Ascension    250 245 English S AM
11760 0200 0400 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
11760 0200 0330 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
9875  0200 0230 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
6105  0200 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 101 Arabic ME
9680  0200 0230 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 37 Russian RUSS
7165  0200 0230 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
9915  0200 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
6005  0200 0300 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
9510  0200 0230 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Russian RUSS
9640  0200 0300 .mtwtfs Skelton      300 230 English S AM
9640  0200 0300 s...... Skelton      300 230 English S AM
7140  0200 0300 smtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Arabic ME
11845 0200 0230 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 10 Russian RUSS
15215 0200 0230 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Pashto SW AS
5975  0200 0300 .mtwtfs Montsinery   250 260 English CARIB
5975  0200 0300 s...... Montsinery   250 260 English CARIB
9875  0230 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Dari SW AS
7320  0230 0330 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 89 Farsi ME
7165  0230 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
11965 0230 0300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
17710 0230 0300 smtwtfs Irkutsk      250 224 Hindi S AS
9565  0230 0300 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 95 Farsi ME
11855 0230 0330 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 335 Farsi ME
11995 0230 0300 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 100 Hindi S AS
15215 0230 0300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Hindi S AS
15405 0230 0300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
9610  0245 0300 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
6050  0300 0330 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 20 Swahili E AF
6035  0300 0400 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 328 English W AF
3255  0300 0600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 0 English S AF
6190  0300 0600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 15 English S AF
6005  0300 0400 smtwtfs Ascension    250 114 English S AF
7160  0300 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
9410  0300 0400 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 327 English EUR
12035 0300 0400 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 173 English E AF
9680  0300 0400 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 7 Russian RUSS
11965 0300 0330 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
11740 0300 0445 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 147 Arabic ME
7165  0300 0330 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
7140  0300 2300 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 173 Arabic ME
9845  0300 0445 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
9515  0300 0400 smtwtfs Delano       250 125 Spanish C S AM
5995  0300 0400 smtwtfs Delano       250 125 Spanish C S AM
5975  0300 0400 smtwtfs Delano       250 121 English C AM
9750  0300 0400 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
9610  0300 0330 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 Swahili E AF
7210  0300 0330 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 140 Swahili E AF
9875  0300 0330 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Pashto SW AS
11845 0300 0400 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
9565  0300 0400 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 95 Farsi ME
5875  0300 0330 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
7325  0300 0400 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 285 Spanish C AM
7325  0300 0400 smtwtfs Skelton      300 260 Spanish C AM
9915  0300 0445 smtwtfs Skelton      300 150 Arabic N AF
6195  0300 0400 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
9915  0300 0445 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Arabic ME
15310 0300 0600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
15575 0300 0400 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
15575 0300 0330 s...... A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
17790 0300 0700 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 280 English S AS
21660 0300 1030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 45 English FE
15360 0300 0500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
17760 0300 0500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
9585  0300 0400 .mtwtf. Woofferton   300 75 Russian RUSS
6110  0300 0400 smtwtfs Montsinery   250 295 Spanish CARIB
11760 0330 0400 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
11855 0330 0430 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Farsi ME
13645 0330 0430 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 97 Farsi ME
13745 0330 0500 .mtwtf. Cyprus       300 359 Russian RUSS
15420 0330 0600 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
15180 0330 0600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 285 Arabic ME
15575 0330 0400 s...... A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
9835  0400 0430 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 19 Swahili E AF
7120  0400 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 328 English W AF
7185  0400 0430 smtwtfs Ascension    250 85 Swahili E AF
6005  0400 0706 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
11760 0400 0500 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
11760 0400 0600 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
6015  0400 0430 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 343 Turkish SE EUR
12035 0400 0500 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 173 English E AF
11770 0400 0500 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 7 Ukrainian UKR
15400 0400 0430 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 Swahili E AF
9680  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
9815  0400 0430 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 105 Turkish SE EUR
11845 0400 0500 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
9565  0400 0430 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 95 Farsi ME
6195  0400 0500 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 English W EUR
7325  0400 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
9410  0400 0500 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
9410  0400 0500 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
6195  0400 0600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
9560  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Skelton      300 90 Ukrainian UKR
15575 0400 0600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 20 English C AS
9410  0400 0500 smtwtfs Woofferton   300 70 English RUSS
9585  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Woofferton   300 75 Russian RUSS
9895  0400 0500 .mtwtf. Woofferton   300 75 Ukrainian UKR
12095 0400 0500 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
7205  0430 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 335 Portuguese S AF
6135  0430 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 32 Portuguese S AF
3390  0430 0500 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 76 Portuguese S AF
7105  0430 0500 smtwtfs Ascension    250 85 French W C AF
6035  0430 0500 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
6015  0430 0445 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 343 English C EUR
6015  0430 0445 s.....s Cyprus       250 343 English C EUR
17885 0430 0500 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 240 French E AF
9815  0430 0445 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 105 English EUR
13660 0445 1200 s...... Cyprus       250 117 Arabic ME
13660 0445 1200 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 117 Arabic ME
11740 0445 0600 s...... Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
11740 0445 0600 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
9915  0445 0730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 Arabic N AF
11765 0500 0700 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 328 English W AF
11760 0500 0600 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
17640 0500 0700 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 173 English E AF
9875  0500 0515 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 335 Romanian SE EUR
9770  0500 0700 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 315 Albanian SE EUR
15565 0500 0600 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 359 English RUSS
11820 0500 0501 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
17885 0500 0530 s.....s Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
17885 0500 0600 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
11840 0500 0700 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
9915  0500 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 140 Arabic N AF
6195  0500 0600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 English W EUR
9410  0500 0600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
9410  0500 0600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 English EUR
17760 0500 1000 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
15360 0500 0900 smtwtfs Singapore    250 25 English SE AS
15360 0500 0900 smtwtfs Singapore    250 135 English SE AS
11955 0500 0900 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
12095 0500 0600 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
11820 0501 0506 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
11820 0506 0516 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 185 Arabic ME
9875  0515 0530 s.....s Cyprus       250 335 Romanian SE EUR
15400 0530 0600 s.....s Meyerton     250 7 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
7105  0530 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
6135  0530 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
9610  0530 0600 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 Hausa W AF
9875  0530 0545 s.....s Cyprus       250 335 English EUR
9770  0530 0600 s.....s Cyprus       250 315 Albanian SE EUR
17885 0530 0600 s.....s Seychelles   250 270 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
11840 0530 0600 s.....s Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
11940 0600 1600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 15 English S AF
6190  0600 1600 smtwtfs Meyerton     100 0 English S AF
7105  0600 0630 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
6105  0600 0630 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
15575 0600 1400 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 0600 0730 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 0600 1400 ......s Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15405 0600 0630 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 280 French N AF
15180 0600 0900 s...... Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
15180 0600 0900 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 150 Arabic ME
15565 0600 0700 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 359 English RUSS
11680 0600 0800 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
17885 0600 1400 s.....s Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
9470  0600 0800 smtwtfs Kvitsoy       40 190 English W EUR
6195  0600 0700 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 140 English W EUR
11680 0600 0900 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
13740 0600 0630 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 French N AF
7320  0600 1400 smtwtfs Rampisham     40 80 English EUR
9410  0600 0700 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
9530  0600 0700 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
15310 0600 1600 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 290 English S AS
12095 0600 0700 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
9610  0630 0700 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
17695 0700 0730 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 350 French C AF
15105 0700 0730 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 French W AF
15400 0700 1000 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 27 English W AF
15400 0700 1130 s.....s Ascension    250 27 English W AF
11765 0700 0800 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
17830 0700 0800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 169 English W EUR
17640 0700 1300 smtwtfs Skelton      300 140 English EUR
15485 0700 1800 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 English W EUR
17790 0700 1600 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 63 English S AS
11760 0700 1400 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 320 English ME
6005  0706 0721 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
17610 0730 1100 smtwtfs Skelton      300 150 Arabic N AF
17830 0800 1000 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
17830 0800 2100 s.....s Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
9410  0800 0900 s...... Cyprus       250 7 Turkish SE EUR
11820 0800 1600 s...... Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
11820 0800 1500 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
17885 0800 1400 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
21470 0800 1300 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 240 English S AF
9470  0800 1330 smtwtfs Kvitsoy       40 190 English W EUR
15565 0800 0900 s...... Rampisham    500 105 Turkish SE EUR
15360 0800 1030 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
17870 0830 0900 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
15420 0830 0900 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Dari SW AS
15575 0900 1400 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15555 0900 1700 s...... Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
15555 0900 0930 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
9410  0900 0915 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 315 Albanian SE EUR
17870 0900 0930 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
13750 0900 0915 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
12010 0900 0915 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 115 Albanian SE EUR
15180 0900 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
15420 0900 0930 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Pashto SW AS
9740  0900 1600 smtwtfs Singapore    250 25 English SE AS
9740  0900 1600 smtwtfs Singapore    250 135 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 ......s Singapore    250 90 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 ......s Singapore    250 1 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 smtwtf. Singapore    250 1 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 smtwtf. Singapore    250 90 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 ......s Nakhon Sawan 250 0 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 s...... Nakhon Sawan 250 0 English SE AS
6195  0900 1100 .mtwtf. Nakhon Sawan 250 0 English SE AS
9605  0900 1030 smtwtf. Yamata       300 290 English FE
9605  0900 1030 ......s Yamata       300 290 English FE
15555 0930 1400 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
12030 0930 1030 .....f. Cyprus       300 77 Farsi ME
12030 0930 1030 smtwt.s Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
17870 0930 1030 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
9540  0930 1130 .....f. Dhabbaya     250 0 Farsi ME
9540  0930 1030 smtwt.s Dhabbaya     250 0 Dari SW AS
15420 0930 1000 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Dari SW AS
15545 0930 1000 s...... Singapore    100 315 Burmese SE AS
12045 0930 1000 s...... Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
9760  0930 1000 s...... Nakhon Sawan 250 325 Burmese SE AS
15420 1000 1030 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Dari SW AS
17760 1000 1300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
6195  1000 1100 smtwtfs Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
12030 1030 1130 .....f. Cyprus       300 77 Farsi ME
17870 1030 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Pashto SW AS
15420 1030 1100 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Pashto SW AS
15285 1030 1100 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
21660 1030 1100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
11945 1030 1100 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 English FE
9605  1030 1100 smtwtfs Yamata       300 290 English FE
17830 1100 2100 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
15400 1100 1130 .mtwtf. Ascension    250 27 English W AF
15530 1100 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 160 Somali E AF
11680 1100 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 335 Romanian SE EUR
17850 1100 1130 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 160 Somali E AF
17585 1100 1630 smtwtfs Skelton      300 150 Arabic N AF
15420 1100 1130 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 35 Pashto SW AS
15285 1100 1530 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 Mandarin FE
7135  1100 1130 smtwtfs Singapore    100 140 Indonesian SE AS
9510  1100 1130 smtwtfs Singapore    250 90 Indonesian SE AS
6195  1100 1700 smtwtfs Singapore    250 1 English SE AS
6195  1100 1700 smtwtfs Singapore    250 90 English SE AS
21660 1100 1300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 Mandarin CHN
11945 1100 1300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 Mandarin CHN
11920 1100 1130 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 Indonesian SE AS
7330  1100 1530 smtwtfs Vladivostok  300 228 Mandarin FE
9605  1100 1530 smtwtfs Yamata       300 290 Mandarin CHN
11865 1100 1300 s.....s Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
11865 1100 1130 .mtwtf. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
7135  1130 1145 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 English SE AS
11920 1130 1145 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
11865 1130 1200 .mtwt.. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
11865 1130 1200 .....f. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
15190 1200 1300 smtwtfs Bonaire      250 170 English S AM
17780 1200 1230 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 French W AF
21640 1200 1230 smtwtfs Ascension    250 85 French W C AF
15425 1200 1230 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 French N AF
13660 1200 1800 smtwtfs Skelton      300 180 Arabic N AF
9605  1200 1300 smtwtfs Okeechobee   100 222 English C AM
11865 1200 1230 .mtwtf. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
13755 1230 1345 s...... Cyprus       250 295 Albanian SE EUR
12010 1230 1345 s...... Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
11865 1230 1300 .mtwtf. Montsinery   250 295 English CARIB
15190 1300 1400 smtwtfs Bonaire      250 320 English CARIB
21470 1300 1900 smtwtfs Ascension    250 114 English S AF
13605 1300 1330 s...... Cyprus       300 77 Uzbek C AS
13605 1300 1330 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Uzbek C AS
11795 1300 1330 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Uzbek C AS
15420 1300 1400 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
6090  1300 1530 smtwtfs Kimjae       250 290 Mandarin CHN
15390 1300 1330 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Uzbek C AS
15565 1300 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 62 English RUSS
17640 1300 1600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 140 English EUR
6030  1300 1330 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 290 Indonesian ME
7135  1300 1330 smtwtfs Singapore    100 140 Indonesian SE AS
11945 1300 1330 smtwtfs Singapore    250 90 Indonesian SE AS
9540  1300 1330 smtwtfs Singapore    250 140 Indonesian SE AS
11750 1300 1400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
7105  1300 1530 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 Mandarin CHN
6035  1300 1330 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 Indonesian SE AS
17640 1300 1600 smtwtfs Woofferton   300 70 English RUSS
12095 1300 1500 ......s Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
13755 1315 1345 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 295 Albanian SE EUR
12010 1315 1345 .mtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
15105 1330 1345 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 English W C AF
21640 1330 1345 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 English W C AF
7465  1330 1800 smtwtfs Kvitsoy      40 190 English W EUR
11835 1330 1400 smtwtfs Singapore    250 330 Bengali S AS
9865  1330 1400 smtwtfs Tashkent     200 131 Bengali S AS
7225  1330 1400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Bengali S AS
17810 1345 1415 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
15105 1345 1415 smtwtfs Ascension    250 55 Hausa W AF
21640 1345 1415 smtwtfs Ascension    250 65 Hausa W AF
17675 1345 1430 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 76 Burmese SE AS
7135  1345 1430 smtwtfs Singapore    100 340 Burmese SE AS
9540  1345 1430 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
11945 1345 1430 smtwtfs Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
15575 1400 1500 s...... Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 1400 1500 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15575 1400 1500 ......s Cyprus       250 90 English W AS
15555 1400 1700 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 150 Arabic ME
11845 1400 1700 .mtwtf. Cyprus       250 7 Russian RUSS
21490 1400 1500 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 160 Somali E AF
21660 1400 1500 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 175 English E AF
21660 1400 1700 s...... Cyprus       250 175 English E AF
13610 1400 1500 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 77 Dari SW AS
9635  1400 1700 .mtwtf. Cyprus       300 359 Russian RUSS
9585  1400 1430 s.....s Cyprus       300 7 Ukrainian UKR
11690 1400 1500 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 300 Somali E AF
15420 1400 1500 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 295 Somali E AF
13645 1400 1430 s.....s Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
13745 1400 1700 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
11885 1400 1430 s.....s Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
7320  1400 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    40 80 English EUR
6195  1400 1500 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Dari W EUR
6140  1400 1500 s...... A'Seela      250 60 Hindi S AS
6140  1400 1445 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 60 Hindi S AS
15160 1400 1500 s...... A'Seela      250 100 Hindi S AS
15160 1400 1445 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 100 Hindi S AS
11920 1400 1445 smtwtfs Singapore    100 315 Hindi S AS
9865  1400 1445 smtwtfs Tashkent     200 131 Hindi S AS
11750 1400 1500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
7205  1400 1500 s...... Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
7205  1400 1445 .mtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Hindi S AS
11665 1400 1500 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Dari SW AS
12095 1400 1500 smtwtf. Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
15245 1400 1700 .mtwtf. Woofferton   250 70 Russian RUSS
17675 1430 1445 ......s Rampisham    500 76 Burmese SE AS
11945 1430 1445 ......s Singapore    100 340 Burmese SE AS
7135  1430 1500 smtwtfs Singapore    100 13 Vietnamese SE AS
5990  1430 1500 smtwtfs Singapore    250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
9795  1430 1445 ......s Singapore    250 340 Burmese SE AS
9540  1430 1500 smtwtfs Singapore    250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
6140  1445 1500 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 60 English S AS
15160 1445 1500 .mtwtfs A'Seela      250 100 English SE AS
7205  1445 1500 .mtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 English S AS
11690 1500 1530 smtwtfs Meyerton     500 5 English E AF
15400 1500 2300 smtwtfs Ascension    250 27 English W AF
9915  1500 1600 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
11945 1500 1530 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Tajik C AS
5875  1500 1600 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 7 Turkish SE EUR
21660 1500 1700 .mtwtfs Cyprus       250 175 English E AF
15160 1500 1600 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 97 Urdu SW AS
11820 1500 1600 .mtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
9695  1500 1530 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 270 English E AF
15420 1500 1530 smtwtfs Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
15575 1500 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 80 Pashto SW AS
15300 1500 1530 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 76 Tajik C AS
11800 1500 1530 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 105 Romanian SE EUR
13610 1500 1600 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 105 Turkish SE EUR
6195  1500 1600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Pashto W EUR
15335 1500 1600 smtwtfs Skelton      300 110 Turkish SE EUR
5965 1500 1600 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 50 Urdu S AS
9510 1500 1600 smtwtfs Singapore     100 315 Urdu S AS
5975 1500 1600 smtwtfs Singapore     250 320 English S AS
11685 1500 1530 smtwtfs Singapore    250 320 Nepali S AS
7430 1500 1530 smtwtfs Tashkent      200 131 Nepali S AS
11750 1500 1600 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 English FE
7205 1500 1545 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Urdu S AS
9705 1500 1530 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Nepali S AS
12095 1500 1600 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
12095 1500 1600 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
6140 1515 1545 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 110 Sinhala S AS
9645 1515 1545 smtwtfs Singapore     100 270 Sinhala S AS
11690 1530 1630 .mtwtf. Meyerton     500 7 Swahili E AF
11690 1530 1615 s.....s Meyerton     500 7 Swahili E AF
9695 1530 1615 s.....s Seychelles    250 270 Swahili E AF
9695 1530 1630 .mtwtf. Seychelles    250 270 Swahili E AF
15420 1530 1615 s.....s Seychelles   250 280 Swahili E AF
15420 1530 1630 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 280 Swahili E AF
11685 1530 1545 smtwtfs Singapore    250 320 English S AS
9705 1530 1545 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 English S AS
6140 1545 1615 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 110 Tamil S AS
9645 1545 1615 smtwtfs Singapore     100 270 Tamil S AS
7205 1545 1615 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 255 Tamil S AS
3255 1600 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton      100 0 English S AF
6190 1600 2200 smtwtfs Meyerton      100 15 English S AF
9410 1600 1700 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 327 English EUR
11845 1600 1900 s.....s Cyprus       250 7 Russian RUSS
9915 1600 1615 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 77 Dari SW AS
9535 1600 1700 s.....s Cyprus        300 7 Ukrainian UKR
9635 1600 1900 s...... Cyprus        300 359 Russian RUSS
9635 1600 2000 ......s Cyprus        300 359 Russian RUSS
11820 1600 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus       300 101 Arabic ME
12090 1600 1630 smtwtfs Moscow       250 117 Uzbek C AS
17885 1600 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 189 English W EUR
13745 1600 1900 s.....s Rampisham    500 62 Russian RUSS
13670 1600 1700 s.....s Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
17630 1600 1630 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 80 Uzbek C AS
15380 1600 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 92 Farsi ME
15180 1600 1700 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
6195 1600 1700 smtwtfs Skelton       300 110 Farsi W EUR
17790 1600 1700 smtwtfs Skelton      300 95 English EUR
11740 1600 1700 s.....s Skelton      300 95 Ukrainian UKR
11945 1600 1630 smtwtfs A'Seela      250 10 Uzbek C AS
6090 1600 2000 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 335 Farsi ME
9615 1600 1630 smtwtfs Singapore     100 320 Uzbek C AS
3915 1600 1800 smtwtfs Singapore     100 340 English S AS
9510 1600 1800 smtwtfs Singapore     250 315 English S AS
7160 1600 1800 smtwtfs Singapore     250 1 English SE AS
5975 1600 1830 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 290 English S AS
13610 1600 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Farsi ME
11955 1600 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 290 English S AS
7105 1600 1615 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Dari SW AS
9410 1600 1800 smtwtfs Woofferton    300 75 English RUSS
15105 1600 1800 smtwtfs Woofferton   300 170 English W EUR
12095 1600 1700 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 140 English EUR
15245 1600 1800 s.....s Woofferton   250 70 Russian RUSS
12095 1600 1700 smtwtfs Woofferton   250 78 English RUSS
11690 1615 1700 s.....s Meyerton     500 5 English E AF
9915 1615 1700 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 77 Pashto SW AS
13685 1615 1630 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
9695 1615 1700 s.....s Seychelles    250 270 English E AF
15420 1615 1700 s.....s Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
11690 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Meyerton     500 7 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
13685 1630 1700 smtwtfs Cyprus       250 77 Pashto SW AS
9535 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Cyprus        300 7 Ukrainian UKR
9695 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Seychelles    250 270 Krwanda/Krundi E AF
15420 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Seychelles   250 280 English E AF
12090 1630 1700 ......s Moscow       250 117 Russian C AS
12090 1630 1633 s...... Moscow       250 117 Russian C AS
13670 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Rampisham    500 76 Ukrainian UKR
11680 1630 2000 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
11740 1630 1700 .mtwtf. Skelton      300 95 Ukrainian UKR
6030 1630 2000 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 305 Arabic ME
9605 1630 1700 smtwtfs Singapore     100 340 Bengali S AS
7205 1630 1700 smtwtfs Singapore     250 340 Bengali S AS
5990 1630 1700 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Bengali S AS
12090 1633 1700 s...... Moscow       250 117 Russian C AS
11945 1700 1900 smtwtfs Meyerton     250 19 English E AF
9410 1700 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 327 English EUR
6195 1700 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 343 English C EUR
9915 1700 1800 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 147 Arabic ME
6050 1700 1730 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 295 Albanian SE EUR
9570 1700 1730 smtwtfs Cyprus        250 37 Azeri C AS
5875 1700 1730 smtwtfs Cyprus        300 47 Azeri C AS
6005 1700 1746 smtwtfs Seychelles    250 270 English E AF
9630 1700 1746 smtwtfs Seychelles    250 270 English E AF
15180 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham    500 168 Arabic N AF
6195 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham     500 168 English W EUR
6195 1700 1800 smtwtfs Rampisham     500 168 English W EUR
11920 1700 1730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
11855 1700 1730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 90 Azeri C AS
13650 1700 1730 smtwtfs Skelton      300 125 Albanian SE EUR
6065 1700 1730 smtwtfs A'Seela       250 60 Hindi S AS
7205 1700 1730 smtwtfs Singapore     250 315 Hindi S AS
11690 1700 1730 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 280 Hindi S AS
9605 1700 1730 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan  250 305 Hindi S AS
15220 1700 1701 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 128 Arabic ME
12095 1700 1800 smtwtfs Woofferton 250 78 English RUSS
15220 1701 1706 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 128 Arabic ME
15220 1706 1716 smtwtfs Woofferton 300 128 Arabic ME
9525 1730 1746 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 335 English W AF
7230 1730 1746 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 20 English E AF
3390 1730 1746 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 76 English S AF
6050 1730 1745 .m.w... Cyprus 250 295 English W EUR
11920 1730 1745 .m.w... Skelton 300 125 English EUR
13650 1730 1745 .m.w... Skelton 300 125 English EUR
6065 1730 1800 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 50 Urdu S AS
7205 1730 1800 smtwtfs Singapore 250 315 Urdu S AS
11690 1730 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 280 Urdu S AS
9605 1730 1800 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Urdu S AS
7230 1746 1800 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 20 Swahili E AF
6005 1746 1800 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 Swahili E AF
9630 1746 1800 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 Swahili E AF
5985 1800 1830 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 76 French S AF
15105 1800 1830 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 French W AF
17885 1800 1830 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 French W AF
21630 1800 1830 smtwtfs Ascension 250 70 French W C AF
9410 1800 1900 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 English EUR
6195 1800 1900 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 343 English C EUR
9915 1800 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 147 Arabic ME
7325 1800 2000 ......s Cyprus 250 359 Russian RUSS
7325 1800 1900 s...... Cyprus 250 359 Russian RUSS
6050 1800 1830 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 335 Romanian SE EUR
9915 1800 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 300 280 Arabic N AF
6005 1800 1830 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 300 Somali E AF
9630 1800 1830 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 295 Somali E AF
15180 1800 1830 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 French N AF
6195 1800 1900 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 English W EUR
15380 1800 1830 smtwtfs Skelton 300 125 Somali E AF
17795 1800 2000 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 English W EUR
13660 1800 1900 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 Arabic N AF
9510 1800 1830 smtwtfs Singapore 250 315 English S AS
13610 1800 2000 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 300 Farsi ME
11825 1800 2000 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 305 Farsi ME
6005 1830 2100 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 English E AF
9630 1830 2100 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 270 English E AF
12045 1830 2000 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 325 English S AS
12095 1900 2100 smtwtfs Ascension 250 114 English S AF
9410 1900 2000 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 English EUR
6195 1900 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 295 English W EUR
5875 1900 2000 ......s Cyprus 250 359 Russian RUSS
9605 1900 2000 .mtwtf. Cyprus 250 7 Ukrainian UKR
13745 1900 2000 .mtwtf. Rampisham 500 76 Ukrainian UKR
11845 1900 2000 ......s Skelton 300 70 Russian RUSS
11990 1900 2000 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 95 Ukrainian UKR
15105 1915 1930 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 English W C AF
17885 1915 1930 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 English W AF
15105 1930 2000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 65 Hausa W AF
11855 1930 2000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 55 Hausa W AF
17885 1930 2000 smtwtfs Ascension 250 55 Hausa W AF
6050 1930 2000 .mtwtf. Cyprus 300 7 Turkish SE EUR
11720 1930 2000 .mtwtf. Skelton 300 110 Turkish SE EUR
9410 2000 2100 smtwtfs Cyprus 250 327 English EUR
11680 2000 2100 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 168 Arabic N AF
13660 2000 2200 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 Arabic N AF
6030 2000 2200 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 305 Arabic ME
7205 2030 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 500 335 Portuguese S AF
6135 2030 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 250 32 Portuguese S AF
3390 2030 2100 smtwtfs Meyerton 100 76 Portuguese S AF
11855 2030 2100 smtwtfs Ascension 250 27 Portuguese W AF
13745 2030 2100 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 189 Portuguese W AF
15105 2030 2100 smtwtfs Skelton 300 195 Portuguese W AF
9915 2100 2300 smtwtfs Cyprus 300 280 Arabic N AF
11675 2100 2130 .mtwtf. Greenville 250 146 English C S AM
6005 2100 2200 smtwtfs Seychelles 250 240 English S AF
12095 2100 2300 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 180 English W EUR
5875 2100 2300 smtwtfs Rampisham 500 105 Arabic ME
11680 2100 2300 smtwtfs Skelton 300 180 Arabic N AF
3915 2100 2200 smtwtfs Singapore 100 340 English S AS
5965 2100 2400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 45 English FE
6195 2100 2200 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
11945 2100 2200 smtwtfs Yamata 300 290 English FE
15390 2100 2200 s.....s Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
15390 2100 2130 .mtwtf. Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
11720 2130 2145 ..t..f. Rampisham 500 209 English S AM
15390 2130 2200 .mtwtf. Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
9580 2200 2330 smtwtfs Kimjae 250 285 Mandarin CHN
13790 2200 2330 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 50 Mandarin CHN
7105 2200 2300 smtwtfs A'Seela 250 90 English S AS
5955 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 13 English SE AS
3915 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 160 Indonesian SE AS
7275 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 100 140 Indonesian SE AS
9740 2200 0100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 25 English SE AS
9740 2200 0100 smtwtfs Singapore 250 135 English SE AS
6080 2200 2300 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Indonesian SE AS
6195 2200 0200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 90 English SE AS
6195 2200 0200 smtwtfs Singapore 250 1 English SE AS
9610 2200 2300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 20 Mandarin CHN
7160 2200 2300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 40 Mandarin CHN
11980 2200 2330 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 25 Mandarin CHN
9730 2200 2300 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 Indonesian SE AS
11945 2200 2300 smtwtfs Yamata 300 290 Mandarin CHN
5975 2200 0100 smtwtfs Montsinery 250 295 English CARIB
9760 2215 2245 s....fs Cyprus 250 315 Greek SE EUR
7210 2215 2245 s....fs Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR
6180 2215 2245 s....fs Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR
3915 2300 0030 smtwtfs Singapore 100 160 English SE AS
11685 2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
6080 2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 250 13 Vietnamese SE AS
11900 2300 2400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 45 English FE
7105 2300 2330 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 0 Vietnamese SE AS
11955 2300 2400 smtwtfs Nakhon Sawan 250 150 English SE AS
11945 2300 0030 smtwtfs Yamata 300 290 English FE
9580 2330 2400 smtwtfs Kimjae 250 285 English FE

3/25/2006 5:46:06 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:33 :




Tx Site Codes:
ARM Armavir Russia      
MEY Meyerton South Africa              
ASC Ascension Island    
MOS Moosbrunn Austria              
DHA Dhabayya            
NVS Novosibirsk Russia              
ERV Yerevan Armenia     
SAM Samara Russia              
IRK Irkutsk Russia    
TAC Tashkent Uzbekistan              
KIG Kigali Rwanda
Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)

South India             

Time UTC    Days      Lang           Freq    MB  Site
0030-0100   sm...f.   TAMIL          7365     41  ERV
0030-0115   ..twt.s   TAMIL          7365     41  ERV
0100-0115   .....f.   BADAGA         7365     41  ERV
0100-0115   .m.....   KANNADA        7365     41  ERV
0100-0130   s......   KANNADA        7365     41  ERV
0115-0130   .m....s   MALAYALAM      7365     41  ERV
0115-0130   ..twtf.   ENGLISH        7365     41  ERV
0130-0200   smtwtfs   TELUGU         9855     31  DHA
1400-1430   smtwtfs   MALAYALAM      11955    25  DHA
1430-1445   smtwtf.   TELUGU         11955    25  DHA
1430-1445   ......s   KONKANI        11955    25  DHA
1445-1500   .mt.tfs   KANNADA        11955    25  DHA
1445-1500   s......   LAMBADI        11955    25  DHA
1445-1500   ...w...   TULU           11955    25  DHA
1500-1515   smtwtfs   ENGLISH-Spotlight 7320  41  IRK
1515-1545   smtwtfs   ENGLISH        7320     41  IRK


Time UTC    Days      Lang              Freq    MB  Site
0200-0215   .m...fs   URDU Pakistan     12035   25    NVS
0200-0230   ....t..   URDU Pakistan     12035   25    NVS
0200-0215   ...w...   PUNJABI Pakistan  12035   25    NVS
0200-0245   s.t....   URDU Pakistan     12035   25    NVS
0215-0230   .m....s   PUNJABI Pakistan  12035   25    NVS
0215-0230   ...w.f.   POTHWARI          12035   25    NVS
0230-0245   .m.w...   URDU Pakistan     12035   25    NVS
0230-0245   ....tf.   PUNJABI Pakistan  12035   25    NVS
0230-0245   ......s   POTHWARI          12035   25    NVS
0245-0300   smtwtfs   HINDKO            12035   25    NVS
0215-0230   s....fs   SINDHI            6145    49    DHA
0215-0230   .mtwt..   SIRAIKI           6145    49    DHA
0230-0245   sm...fs   BALUCHI           6145    49    DHA
0230-0245   ..twt..   BRAHUI            6145    49    DHA
0245-0300   smtwtfs   PASHTO            6145    49    DHA
0200-0215   smtwtfs   PASHTO            9855    31    DHA
0215-0245   smtwtfs   DARI              9855    31    DHA
0245-0300   smtwtfs   HAZARAGI          9855    31    DHA
0445-0500   .....f.   BALUCHI Iran      6125    49    DHA
1400-1415   smtwtfs   ENGLISH - Spotlight 9500  31    NVS
1415-1515   ..tw..s   URDU Pakistan     9500    31    NVS
1415-1500   sm..tf.   URDU Pakistan     9500    31    NVS
1500-1515   sm..tf.   BALTI             9500    31    NVS
1530-1600   smtwtfs   PASHTO            9495    31    ARM
1600-1630   smtwtfs   DARI              9495    31    ARM
1630-1645   smtwtfs   HAZARAGI          9495    31    ARM
1645-1700   smtwtfs   UZBEK             9495    31    ARM
1530-1600   smtwtfs   PERSIAN           9850    31    ARM
1600-1615   s.....s   BALUCHI           9850    31    ARM
1600-1615   .mtw...   TURKMEN           9850    31    ARM
1600-1615   ....t..   PERSIAN           9850    31    ARM
1600-1615   .....f.   ENGLISH - Spotlight 9850  31    ARM


Time UTC    Days      Lang           Freq      MB   Site
1430-1500   smtwtfs   NUER            12125     25    MEY
1530-1545   smtwtfs   DINKA           12125     25    MEY
1545-1600   smtwtfs   MAKONDE         12125     25    MEY
1600-1630   s...tfs   AMHARIC         12125     25    MEY
1600-1630   .mtw...   GURAGENA        12125     25    MEY
1630-1700   smtwtfs   AMHARIC         12125     25    MEY
1600-1630   smtwtfs   AFAR            11750     25    ARM
1630-1700   smtw...   TIGRINYA        9865      31    KIG
1630-1700   ....tfs   AMHARIC         9865      31    KIG
1700-1730   smtwtfs   SOMALI          9865      31    KIG
1730-1757   smtwtfs   TIGRINYA        9865      31    KIG
1700-1730   smtwtfs   OROMO           6180      49    DHA
1830-1900   smtwtfs   FRENCH(Cent+West Af)15130 19    ASC
2145-2215   ....tf.   HASSINYA/PULAAR (WAf)11985 25   ASC

North India,Nepal,Tibet  

Time UTC    Days      Lang                  Freq    MB  Site
0030-0100   s......   HINDI                  7375   41    TAC
0030-0045   .mtwt..   BANGLA                 7375   41    TAC
0030-0045   .....fs   BHOJPURI               7375   41    TAC
0045-0100   .m.....   CHATTISGARHI           7375   41    TAC
0045-0100   ..t....   ORIYA                  7375   41    TAC
0045-0100   ....t..   MAGAHI                 7375   41    TAC
0045-0100   ...w.fs   HINDI                  7375   41    TAC
0100-0130   smtwtfs   HINDI                  9820   31    MOS
0130-0145   smtwtfs   MARATHI                9820   31    MOS
1200-1230   smtwtfs   TIBETAN                15355  19    DHA
1300-1400   smtwtfs   NI vernacular various  12000  25    DHA
1400-1415   smtw...   URDU India             9530   31    TAC
1400-1415   ......s   NEPALI                 9530   31    TAC
1400-1445   ....t..   URDU India             9530   31    TAC
1400-1500   .....f.   HINDI                  9530   31    TAC
1415-1500   smtw..s   HINDI                  9530   31    TAC
1445-1500   ....t..   HINDI                  9530   31    TAC

Middle East  

Time UTC    Days      Lang              Freq     MB  Site
0400-0500   smtwtfs   ARABIC            15530    19    SAM
0500-0530   s....fs   ARABIC            15530    19    SAM
0445-0500   .....f.   BALUCHI Iran      6125     49    DHA
0500-0530   .....f.   SINHALA           6125     49    DHA
0530-0630   .....f.   MALAYALAM         6125     49    DHA
0630-0700   .....f.   TAMIL             6125     49    DHA
1900-2030   smtwtfs   ARABIC            9550     31    KIG

3/25/2006 5:48:30 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:24:40 :



良友飞跃台KFBS Saipan(塞斑岛发射)


(UTC)     Freq(MHZ)Language and day - SuMTuWThFSa
0900-1100 11.650 Russian
1100-1130 11.650 Mongolian
1130-1200 11.650 Russian(Su, M, Tu, W, F, Sa) Mongolian (Th)
1200-1330 11.650 Russian
1330-1345 11.650 Udmurt (Su,Tu), Tatar(M), Mari(W), Uzbek(Th), Kazakh (F,Sa)
1345-1400 11.650 Udmurt(Su), Tatar(M,Tu),Chuvash (W), Ossetic (Th), Kirghiz (F,Sa)
1400-1530  9.465 Russian
1530-1545  9.465 Russian (Su,M,W,Th,F), Ukrainian (Tu,S),
1545-1600  9.465 Russian (Su,W, Th,), Ukrainian (M,Tu,F,S,)
0800-1400 11.580 Mandarin (Chinese)
1000-1030 15.580 Sasak
1030-1130 15.580 Indonesian
1200-1230 11.830 Sundanese (Su,M,Tu,W)
1230-1300 11.830 Gorontalo
1300-1400  9.920 Vietnamese
2230-2300 12.090 Vietnamese

Note: Saipan local time is 10 hours ahead of Universal Time Co-ordinate (UTC).

3/25/2006 5:49:59 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :





UTC       kHz  m  Language
0800-0900 11870 25 English
0800-0900 11765 25 Mandarin
0900-1000 11870 25 Russian
0900-1000 11765 25 Mandarin
1000-1100  9795 31 English
1000-1100 11765 31 Mandarin
1100-1200  9615 31 Mandarin
1100-1200  9655 31 Russian
1200-1300  9615 31 English
1200-1300  9780 31 English
1300-1400  9615 31 Mandarin
1300-1400  9795 31 Mandarin
1400-1500  9615 31 Mandarin
1400-1500  9795 31 English
1500-1600  9615 31 Mandarin
1500-1600  9795 31 Russian
1600-1700  9615 31 Mandarin
1600-1700  9795 31 Russian
1700-1800  7355 41 Russian
1700-1800  9615 31 Mandarin

3/25/2006 5:51:22 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:19:36 :





Language   UT #       Primary Target kHz

Hebrew     0500-0700  WeEUR        15760
           0700-0930  WeEUR        15760
           1030-1355  WeEUR        15760
           2000-2300  NoAM/WeEUR @ 11585  9400
           2300-0330  NoAM/WeEUR @ 11590  9345
           0400-0500  NoAM/WeEUR @ 11590  9345
(mabat)    1800-1845  NoAM/WeEUR   13675
           2000-2115  SoAM/WeEUR   15615

Arabic     0245-2115  Middle East   5915

English    0330-0345  Australia    17600
                      NoAM/WeEUR @ 13720  7530
                      NoAM/WeEUR @ 11590  9345
           0930-0945  WeEUR        15760
                      WeEUR        13680
           1730-1745  NoAM/WeEUR    9345
                      NoAM/WeEUR   13675
                      NoAM/WeEUR   11590
           1900-1925  NoAM/WeEUR   11590
                      NoAM/WeEUR    9400
                      South Africa 15640

French     0345-0400  NoAM/WeEUR @ 13720  7530
                      NoAM/WeEUR @ 11590  9345
           1000-1015  WeEUR        15760
                      WeEUR        13680
           1530-1545  NoAM/WeEUR   15640
                      NoAM/WeEUR   11605
                      NoAM/WeEUR   15760
           1700-1715  NoAM/WeEUR   11590
                      NoAM/WeEUR   13675
                      NoAM/WeEUR    9345
           1930-1945  NoAM/WeEUR   11590
                      CeAM/SoEUR    9345
                      NoAM/WeEUR    9400

Spanish & Ladino
           1500-1525  Spain/SoEUR  15640
(Saturday only)       NoAM/WeEUR   11605
                      NoAM/SoEUR   15760

Ladino     0945-1000  WeEUR        15760
                      WeEUR        13680
           1545-1555  NoAM/WeEUR   15640
                      Spain/SoEUR  15760
                      NoAM/SoEUR   11605

Russian    2000-2100  Russia        9345
   (Friday)1500-1530  Russia       15760
                      Russia       11605
                      Russia       15640

Persian    1400-1525  Iran       @@  9985/ 7420
          (Sun-Thurs) Iran       @@ 15640 11605
                      NoAM/WeEUR    15760
           1400-1500  Iran       @@  9985/ 7420
          (Fri & Sat) Iran       @@ 15640 11605
                      NoAM/WeEUR    15760

Yiddish    1600-1625  Europe         9345
                      Europe        11590
                      CeAM/SoEUR    15760

Spanish    1715-1730  NoAM/WeEUR    11590
                      NoAM/WeEUR    13675
                      SoAM/SoAF      9345
           1945-2000  SoAM/WeEUR    11590
                      NoAM/WeEUR  @ 11585  9400
                      NoAM/WeEUR     9345

Romanian   1625-1645  SoAM/SoAF      9345
                      Romania       11590
                      Romania       15760
           1745-1800  Romania       11590
                      Romania       13675
                      Romania        9345

Amharian   1800-1830  Africa         9345
                      NoAM/WeEUR    11590

Tigris     1830-1845  Middle East    9345
                      NoAM/WeEUR    11590

Hungarian  1645-1700  SoAM/SoAF      9345
                      CeEUR         11590
                      CeEUR         15760
           1845-1900  CeEUR          9345
                      CeEUR         11590

conditions require a change (@@)
valid between 1.5.06-31.8.06 (@)
# +1 hrs during Summer Time 31.3.06-28.9.06 [that means UT+4 hrs !!!]

3/25/2006 5:53:30 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :





Freq    Time UTC   Pwr   Asm   Target           Days
(KHz)   Open-Close (kW)  (deg) CIRAF (zones)  (Sun - Sat)    Languages
======= ==== ====  ===   ===   ============== ===========   ===========
7455.0  1100-1500  100   320   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
7455.0  1500-1630  100   320   44,45            1234567       Korean
7455.0  1630-1700  100   320   44,45                  7       Korean
9370.0  1200-1500  100   305   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
9385.0  1230-1300  100   285   41                23456        Kokborok
9385.0  1245-1300  100   285   41                     7       Kokborok
9455.0  1330-1345  100   293   41                23           Muslimi/Bengali
9455.0  1330-1345  100   293   41               1  4567       Boro
9455.0  1345-1400  100   293   41               1234567       Santhali
9465.0  1200-1230  100   345   45                23456        Japanese
9465.0  1200-1245  100   345   45               1     7       Japanese
9585.0  1300-1330  100   285   49               1234567       Sgaw Karen
9585.0  1330-1400  100   285   41,49,50         1234567       English
9635.0  1100-1145  100   285   49               1234567       Vietnamese
9865.0  0930-1100  100   315   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
9910.0  0930-1100  100   320   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
9910.0  1100-1200  100   305   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
9910.0  1200-1230  100   308   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
9920.0  1400-1445  100   278   49               1234567       Vietnamese
9975.0  1200-1300  100   285   41,49            1234567       Burmese
9975.0  1300-1345  100   285   43,44             23456        Cantonese
9975.0  1300-1400  100   285   43,44            1     7       Cantonese
9975.0  1400-1500  100   285   43,44            1234567       English
11690.0 2100-2130  100   345   45                23456        Japanese
11690.0 2100-2145  100   345   45               1     7       Japanese
11765.0 2200-2230  100   315   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
11795.0 1245-1330  100   278   49               1234567       Khmer
11840.0 0800-0930  100   165   51,55,56,58-60    23456        English
11840.0 0815-0930  100   165   51,55,56,58-60   1     7       English
12130.0 0930-1100  100   305   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
12130.0 1400-1415  100   285   41               123456        Muslimi/Bengali
12130.0 1415-1430  100   285   41               1             Manipuri
12130.0 1400-1415  100   285   41                     7       Manipuri
12130.0 1415-1430  100   285   41                23456        Muslimi/Bengali
12130.0 2200-2245  100   285   44                23456        Cantonese
12130.0 2200-2300  100   285   44               1     7       Cantonese
13690.0 2215-2300  100   305   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
13730.0 0815-0845  100   305   42,43,44         1234          Hakka
13730.0 0815-0845  100   305   42,43,44             567       Swatow
13730.0 0845-0930  100   305   42,43,44         1234567       Mandarin
13730.0 0930-1100  100   315   42,43,44         123456        Mandarin
15200.0 0900-0915  100   248   54               123  67       Balinese
15200.0 0900-0915  100   248   54                  45         Torajanese
15200.0 0915-1000  100   248   54               1234567       Madurese
15200.0 1000-1030  100   248   54               1234567       Sundanese
15200.0 1030-1200  100   248   54               1234567       Indonesian
15275.0 1100-1200  100   255   49,54            1234567       Javanese
17570.0 0730-0900  100   278   49,50,54         1     7       English
17570.0 0740-0900  100   278   49,50,54          23456        English

3/25/2006 5:57:13 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



法国国际广播电台RFI—Radio France International


Schedule includes foreign relay of various broadcasters:

3965 0400-0500 37,38W,46N            ISS 500 180 030906 291006 French      F   TDF
3965 0400-0500 37,38W,46N            ISS 500 180 260306 070506 French      F   TDF
3965 0500-1800 27                    ISS   1 0   070506 291006 DRM/French  F   TDF
3965 1900-2100 27                    ISS   1 0   260306 291006 DRM/French  F   TDF
3965 2300-0400 27                    ISS   1 0   260306 291006 DRM/French  F   TDF
5915 2100-2200 18S,28,29             ISS 250 60  260306 291006 Polish      F   TDF
5920 2000-2100 28S,29S               ISS 250 85  260306 070506 Romanian    F   TDF
5920 2000-2100 28S,29S               ISS 250 85  030906 291006 Romanian    F   TDF
5925 0300-0400 48S,52,53,57          MEY 250 19  260306 291006 French      AFS TDF
5925 0400-0500 37,38W,46N            ISS 500 180 070506 030906 French      F   TDF
5925 0500-0600 37,38W,46N            ISS 500 180 260306 291006 Arabic      F   TDF
5945 0300-0330 18S,28N,29N           ISS 500 55  260306 291006 Russian     F   TDF
6010 1700-1800 40W                   DHA 250 0   260306 291006             F   MER
6020 1600-1630 40E                   DB  200 180 260306 291006             F   MER
6030 1600-1630 40W                   DHA 250 45  260306 291006             F   MER
6045 0300-0330 28,29                 ISS 500 70  260306 291006 Russian     F   TDF
6045 0430-0500 18S,28N,29N           ISS 250 55  260306 291006 Fr/Polish   F   TDF
6045 0500-0530 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  260306 070506 Serbian     F   TDF
6045 0500-0530 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  030906 291006 Serbian     F   TDF
6120 1400-1500 44S,49,50,54          YAM 300 235 260306 291006 Vietnamese  J   TDF
6175 1100-1200 27                    ISS 500 270 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
6175 1900-2000 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  030906 291006 Serbian     F   TDF
6175 1900-2000 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  260306 070506 Serbian     F   TDF
6175 2000-2200 37,38W                ISS 500 180 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
7135 0300-0500 37E,38W,46E,47,52,57N ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
7135 0500-0600 37,46                 ISS 500 185 030906 291006 French      F   TDF
7135 0600-0700 37W,46W               ISS 500 204 030906 291006 French      F   TDF
7135 1800-1900 18S,28,29             ISS 500 55  030906 291006 Russian     F   TDF
7135 1900-2000 28S                   ISS 250 98  260306 291006 Serbian     F   TDF
7135 2000-2100 28S,29S               ISS 250 85  260306 291006 Romanian    F   TDF
7135 2100-2200 18S,28,29             ISS 250 60  070506 030906 Polish      F   TDF
7150 0400-0500 52S,57N               ASC 250 114 260306 291006             F   MER
7160 1900-2200 38,47,48W,52N         MEY 250 355 260306 291006 French      AFS TDF
7170 1600-1700 52,53,57N             MEY 100 5   260306 291006 English     AFS TDF
7175 1030-1200 33S,43E,44            YAM 300 290 030906 291006 French      J   TDF
7175 1200-1300 33S,43E,44            YAM 300 290 030906 291006 Mandarin    J   TDF
7220 1400-1500 41                    TCH 500 230 260306 291006             RUS GFC
7280 0300-0330 28,29S                ISS 500 80  260306 291006 Russian     F   TDF
7280 0500-0600 37,38,46,47           ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
7315 0500-0530 28S,29S,39N           ISS 250 98  260306 291006 Serbian     F   TDF
7315 2000-2200 37E,38                ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
7315 2000-2200 37W,46W               ISS 500 200 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9485 2100-2200 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9530 1700-1800 40W                   TAC 100 255 260306 291006             F   MER
9570 0600-0700 46                    ASC 250 27  260306 291006             F   MER
9655 0930-1030 33S,43E,44            YAM 300 290 030906 291006 Mandarin    J   TDF
9770 1400-1430 28W                   RMP  40 95  260306 291006 DRM/Friday  F   MER
9790 0300-0500 37E,38W,47,52,57N     ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9790 0500-0600 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9790 0600-0700 37,38W,46N            ISS 500 180 260306 030906 French      F   TDF
9790 0600-0700 37W,46W               ISS 500 204 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9790 0600-0700 37E,38W,47N           ISS 500 155 030906 291006 French      F   TDF
9790 1600-1800 37,38W,46N            ISS 500 180 260306 291006 Arabic      F   TDF
9790 1800-1900 37E,38W,47N           ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9790 1800-2200 37W,46W               ISS 500 204 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9790 1900-2200 37E,38W,47,52,57N     ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9800 0100-0130 7S,8S,10,11,12N       GUF 500 295 260306 291006 Spanish     F   TDF
9800 0130-0200 7S,8S,10,11,12N       GUF 500 295 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
9805 0400-0430 38E,47E,48,53         ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English     F   TDF
9805 0500-0530 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  070506 030906 Serbian     F   TDF
9805 0600-0630 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  260306 291006 Albanian    F   TDF
9805 1200-1300 33S,43E,44            YAM 300 290 260306 030906 Mandarin    J   TDF
9805 1400-1500 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  260306 291006 Serbian     F   TDF
9805 1500-1600 28S,29S               ISS 250 85  260306 291006 Romanian    F   TDF
9805 1600-1700 18S,28,29             ISS 250 60  260306 291006 Polish      F   TDF
9805 1800-1900 29S,30W,39N           ISS 500 80  030906 291006 Russian     F   TDF
9805 1800-1900 18S,28,29             ISS 500 55  260306 291006 Russian     F   TDF
9805 1900-2000 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  070506 030906 Serbian     F   TDF
9805 2000-2100 28S,29S               ISS 250 85  070506 030906 Romanian    F   TDF
9830 1030-1200 44S,49,50,54          YAM 300 235 030906 291006 French      J   TDF
9830 1030-1200 33S,43E,44            YAM 300 290 260306 030906 French      J   TDF
11615 1600-1700 37E,38W,47N           ISS 500 145 260306 291006 English     F   TDF
11670 1400-1500 28S,29S               ISS 250 98  260306 291006 Serbian     F   TDF
11670 1500-1600 28S,29S               ISS 250 85  260306 291006 Romanian    F   TDF
11670 1800-1900 29S,30W,39N           ISS 500 80  260306 291006 Russian     F   TDF
11700 0400-0500 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English     F   TDF
11700 0500-0600 37E,38W,47,52,57      ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11700 0600-0700 37,46                 ISS 500 190 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11700 0600-0700 37E,38W,47N           ISS 500 155 260306 030906 French      F   TDF
11700 0700-0800 37E,38W,47N           ISS 250 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11700 0700-0800 37W,46W               ISS 500 200 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11705 1800-2200 37E,38W,47,52,57      ISS 500 162 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11815 2000-2100 47S,52,57             ISS 500 160 260306 291006 Portuguese  F   TDF
11845 0800-1600 37,38W                ISS 500 180 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11890 0930-1030 33S,43E,44            YAM 300 290 260306 030906 Mandarin    J   TDF
11890 1030-1200 44S,49,50,54          YAM 300 235 260306 030906 French      J   TDF
11995 0500-0530 38E,47E,48,53         ISS 500 135 030906 291006 English     F   TDF
11995 1700-2000 37W,46W               ISS 500 204 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11995 2000-2100 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
12005 2200-2300 43,44                 VLD 500 230 260306 291006             RUS GFC
12015 1700-1800 37W,46W               ISS 500 215 260306 291006 Portuguese  F   TDF
12025 0930-1030 43,44                 IRK 500 150 260306 291006             RUS GFC
12025 1100-1200 43,49                 IRK 500 180 260306 291006             RUS GFC
12045 2200-2300 43,44                 VLD 250 230 260306 291006             RUS GFC
12075 1200-1300 43,44                 NVS 500 125 260306 291006             RUS GFC
13640 1100-1200 7,8,10E,11W           GUF 500 320 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
13675 0600-0700 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
13675 0800-2000 37W,46W               ISS 500 204 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
13680 0500-0600 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English/Fr  F   TDF
13695 0600-0700 37E,38W,47,52,53,57   ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
13695 0600-0700 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
13695 0700-0800 37,46                 ISS 500 195 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
13695 1700-2100 37,46                 ISS 500 190 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15155 1300-1330 18S,28,29             ISS 500 55  260306 291006 Russian     F   TDF
15160 0500-0600 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English/Fr  F   TDF
15160 0600-0630 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English     F   TDF
15160 1200-1400 46SE,47SW,52          MEY 250 328 260306 291006 French      AFS TDF
15160 1600-1700 37S,46,47W,52N        MEY 250 328 260306 291006 English     AFS TDF
15170 0700-0800 46SE,47SW,52          MEY 250 328 260306 291006 French      AFS TDF
15210 0400-0600 47E,48W,52NE          DHA 250 255 260306 291006             F   MER
15300 0500-1900 37E,38W,47,52,57      ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15300 0700-2000 37,46                 ISS 500 190 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15315 0700-1700 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15365 1130-1200 7S,8S,10E,11,12N      ISS 500 270 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15445 2300-0030 44S,49,50,54          YAM 300 235 260306 291006 French      J   TDF
15515 1100-1200 7,8,10E,11W           GUF 500 320 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15515 1200-1230 7S,8S,10,11S,12N      GUF 250 295 260306 291006 Spanish     F   TDF
15515 1230-1300 7S,8S,10,11S,12N      GUF 250 295 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15515 1300-1400 7S,8S,10,11S,12N      GUF 250 300 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15515 1600-1630 7S,8S,10,11S,12N      GUF 500 300 260306 291006 Spanish     F   TDF
15530 1700-1800 37W,46W               ISS 500 215 260306 291006 Portuguese  F   TDF
15595 2300-2400 44,49                 VLD 250 228 260306 291006             RUS GFC
15605 1500-1600 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15605 1600-1800 28S,38E,39,40         ISS 500 110 260306 291006 English     F   TDF
15605 1800-1900 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
15605 1900-2000 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 030906 French      F   TDF
15700 1400-1500 28S,29S,39,40         ISS 500 100 070506 030906 English     F   TDF
17525 1100-1200 52,53                 MEY 250 355 260306 291006 French      AFS TDF
17525 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 145 070506 070906 English/Fr  F   TDF
17525 1230-1300 46,47S,52N            MEY 250 328 260306 291006 French      AFS TDF
17570 1100-1200 4,7-9,10E,11W         ISS 500 295 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
17605 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 070506 030906 English     F   TDF
17605 1600-1730 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English     F   TDF
17620 0700-1800 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
17630 1800-1830 7S,8S,10,11S,12N      GUF 250 295 260306 291006 Spanish     F   TDF
17630 2100-2130 7S,8S,10,11S,12N      GUF 250 295 260306 291006 Spanish     F   TDF
17770 0600-0700 47,52N                KIG 250 280 260306 291006             F   MER
17800 0600-0800 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 291006 English/Fr  F   TDF
17800 1130-1200 7S,8S,10E,11,12N      ISS 500 270 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
17800 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 145 070506 070906 English/Fr  F   TDF
17805 1300-1330 28,29,30S             ISS 500 80  260306 201006 Russian     F   TDF
17815 1200-1230 46                    ASC 250 27  260306 291006             F   MER
17850 0600-1800 37E,38W,47,52,53,57   ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
21580 0900-1600 47,48,52,53,57        ISS 500 155 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
21620 0700-0800 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 030906 291006 English/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 130 260306 070506 English/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1200-1300 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 130 030906 291006 English/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 260306 070506 English/Fr  F   TDF
21620 1400-1500 38E,47E,48,53,68      ISS 500 135 030906 291006 English/Fr  F   TDF
21685 1200-1500 37,46                 ISS 500 185 260306 291006 French      F   TDF
11615 1900-2000 37E,38W,47,52,53E     ISS 500 153               Various     F   TDF
15205 1800-2000 37E,38W,47,52,53E     ISS 500 153               Various     F   TDF
15660 1600-1900 37,46                 ISS 500 185               Various     F   TDF
Various, DRM, ALG, LBY
6175 0300-1100 27                    ISS  30 0                 DRM/Various F   NEW
6175 1200-1700 27                    ISS  30 0                 DRM/Various F   NEW
6175 2200-0100 27                    ISS  30 0                 DRM/Various F   NEW
7135 0700-1600 18S,28N,29N           ISS  35 60                DRM/Variuos F   NEW
7310 0700-1600 18S,28N,29N           ISS  35 60                DRM/Various F   NEW
7330 2000-2100 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162 030906 291006 Various     F   NEW
7330 2100-2200 37,46                 ISS 500 194 030906 291006 Various     F   NEW
9685 1900-2000 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162 030906 291006 Various     F   NEW
9685 2000-2100 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162 260306 030906 Various     F   NEW
9745 2000-2100 37,46                 ISS 500 194               Various     F   NEW
9745 2100-2200 37,46                 ISS 500 194 260306 030906 Various     F   NEW
11725 0600-0700 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162               Various     F   NEW
11830 0700-0800 37,46                 ISS 500 194               Various     F   NEW
11830 1800-2000 37,46                 ISS 500 194 030906 291006 Various     F   NEW
11830 1900-2000 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162 260306 030906 Various     F   NEW
11860 1800-1900 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162 030906 291006 Various     F   NEW
13620 0700-0800 37,46                 ISS 500 194 260306 030906 Various     F   NEW
13620 0800-0900 37,46                 ISS 500 194               Various     F   NEW
13675 0700-0800 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162               Various     F   NEW
13775 1800-1900 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162 260306 030906 Various     F   NEW
13800 1800-2000 37,46                 ISS 500 194 260306 030906 Various     F   NEW
15255 1200-1400 37,46                 ISS 500 194               Various     F   NEW
15465 1200-1400 37E,38W,46E           ISS 500 162               Various     F   NEW
15790 0600-1700 37E,38                ISS  30 145               DRM/Various F   NEW
17875 1200-2300 13,15                 GUF  30 165               DRM/Various F   NEW
21645 1200-2300 7S,8S,10,11           GUF  30 295               DRM/Various F   NEW

3/25/2006 6:00:55 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



斯洛伐克国际广播电台RSI—Radio Slovakia International


Time UTC  Target Area           Lang    Freq  mb Azi

0100-0130 North America         English 5930  49 305
0100-0130 Central,South America English 9440  31 245
0130-0200 North America         Slovak  5930  49 305
0130-0200 Central,South America Slovak  9440  31 245
0200-0230 North America         French  5930  49 305
0200-0230 Central,South America French  9440  31 245
0230-0300 South America         Spanish 11990 25 245
0230-0300 South America         Spansih 9440  31 245
0700-0730 Australia,South Asia  English 9440  31 65
0700-0730 Australia,Oceania     English 15460 19 85
0730-0800 Australia,South Asia  Slovak  9440  31 65
0730-0800 Australia,Oceania     Slovak  15460 19 85
0800-0830 Western Europe        German  6055  49 305
0800-0830 Western Europe        German  7345  41 285
1300-1330 Eastern Europe,Asia   Russian 7345  41 50
1300-1330 Eastern Europe,Asia   Russian 9440  31 65
1330-1400 Western Europe        German  6055  49 305
1330-1400 Western Europe        German  7345  41 285
1430-1500 Western Europe        Spanish 9440  31 245
1430-1500 Western Europe        Spanish 11600 25 245
1500-1530 Eastern Europe,Asia   Russian 7345  41 50
1500-1530 Eastern Europe,Asia   Russian 11715 25 65
1530-1600 Western Europe        Slovak  5920  49 275
1530-1600 Western Europe        Slovak  6055  49 305
1600-1630 Western Europe        German  5920  49 275
1600-1630 Western Europe        German  6055  49 305
1630-1700 Western Europe        English 5920  49 275
1630-1700 Western Europe        English 6055  49 305
1700-1730 Western Europe        French  5920  49 275
1700-1730 Western Europe        French  7345  41 285
1730-1800 Eastern Europe, Asia  Russian 5920  49 50
1730-1800 Eastern Europe, Asia  Russian 9485  31 65
1800-1830 Western Europe        German  5920  49 275
1800-1830 Western Europe        German  6055  49 305
1830-1900 Western Europe        English 5920  49 275
1830-1900 Western Europe        English 6055  49 275
1900-1930 Western Europe        Slovak  5920  49 275
1900-1930 Western Europe        Slovak  6055  49 275
1930-2000 Western Europe        French  5920  49 275
1930-2000 Western Europe        French  6055  49 275
2000-2030 Western Europe        Spanish 6055  49 245
2000-2030 South America         Spanish 11650 25 245

3/25/2006 6:08:21 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :





Transmitter #1 - 100 KW - 46 Degrees
Freq Time (CST)     Time (UT) Dates

9985 4:00AM- 5:00AM 1000-1100 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
15825 5:00AM- 4:00PM 1100-2200 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
7465 4:00PM- 6:00PM 2200-0000 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
3215 6:00PM- 4:00AM 0000-1000 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06

Freq Time (CDT)     Time (UT) Dates

9985 4:00AM- 5:00AM 0900-1000 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
15825 5:00AM- 5:00PM 1000-2200 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
7465 5:00PM- 7:00PM 2200-0000 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
3215 7:00PM- 4:00AM 0000-0900 02 Apr 06-31 May 06

9985 4:00AM- 5:00AM 0900-1000 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
15825 5:00AM- 5:00PM 1000-2200 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
7465 5:00PM- 8:00PM 2200-0100 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
3215 8:00PM- 4:00AM 0100-0900 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06

9985 4:00AM- 5:00AM 0900-1000 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
15825 5:00AM- 5:00PM 1000-2200 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
7465 5:00PM- 7:00PM 2200-0000 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
3215 7:00PM- 4:00AM 0000-0900 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06

Transmitter #2 - 100 KW - 85 Degrees

Freq Time (CST)     Time (UT) Dates

13845 7:00AM- 7:00PM 1300-0100 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
5935 7:00PM- 7:00AM 0100-1300 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06

Freq Time (CDT)     Time (UT) Dates

13845 7:00AM- 8:00PM 1200-0100 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
5935 8:00PM- 7:00AM 0100-1200 02 Apr 06-31 May 06

13845 7:00AM- 9:00PM 1200-0200 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
5935 9:00PM- 7:00AM 0200-1200 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06

13845 7:00AM- 8:00PM 1200-0100 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
5935 8:00PM- 7:00AM 0100-1200 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06

Transmitter #3 - 100 KW - 40 Degrees

Freq Time (CST)     Time (UT) Dates

9985 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1300-1500 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
12160 9:00AM- 5:00PM 1500-2300 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
5070 5:00PM- 7:00AM 2300-1300 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06

Freq Time (CDT)     Time (UT) Dates

9985 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1200-1400 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
12160 9:00AM- 5:00PM 1400-2200 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
5070 5:00PM- 7:00AM 2200-1200 02 Apr 06-31 May 06

9985 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1200-1400 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
12160 9:00AM- 6:00PM 1400-2300 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
5070 6:00PM- 7:00AM 2300-1200 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06

9985 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1200-1400 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
12160 9:00AM- 6:00PM 1400-2300 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
5070 6:00PM- 7:00AM 2300-1200 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06

Transmitter #4 - 100 KW - 90 Degrees

Freq Time (CST)     Time (UT) Dates

7465 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1300-1500 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
9985 9:00AM- 1:00PM 1500-1900 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
9975 1:00PM- 4:00PM 1900-2200 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
9985 4:00PM- 6:00PM 2200-0000 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
7465 6:00PM- 8:00PM 0000-0200 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06
5765 8:00PM- 7:00AM 0200-1300 26 Mar 06-01 Apr 06

Freq Time (CDT)     Time (UT) Dates

7465 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1200-1400 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
9985 9:00AM- 1:00PM 1400-1800 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
9975 1:00PM- 5:00PM 1800-2200 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
9985 5:00PM- 7:00PM 2200-0000 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
7465 7:00PM-10:00PM 0000-0300 02 Apr 06-31 May 06
5765 10:00PM-7:00AM 0300-1200 02 Apr 06-31 May 06

7465 6:00AM- 9:00AM 1100-1400 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
9985 9:00AM- 1:00PM 1400-1800 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
9975 1:00PM- 5:00PM 1800-2200 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
9985 5:00AM- 8:00PM 2200-0100 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06
5765 8:00PM- 6:00AM 0100-1100 01 Jun 06-31 Aug 06

7465 7:00AM- 9:00AM 1200-1400 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
9985 9:00AM- 1:00PM 1400-1800 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
9975 1:00PM- 5:00PM 1800-2200 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
9985 5:00PM- 7:00PM 2200-0000 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
7465 7:00PM-10:00PM 0000-0300 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06
5765 10:00PM-7:00AM 0300-1200 01 Sep 06-29 Oct 06

(notification to FCC, March 22, from Zach Harper, Operations Manager
WWCR, 1300 WWCR Ave., Nashville, TN 37221 via DX LISTENING DIGEST)

3/26/2006 10:24:05 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



全印广播电台AIR—All India Radio

0430-0530 ME 11730kh 15770al 17845kh
1730-1945 ME 9905al  11585kh  13620ba

1500-1600 AS 1071ra   6165kh   9620al  11585kh

0300-0430 AS 594ch
0800-1100 AS 594ch
1445-1515 AS 1134ch
1600-1730 AS 1134ch

1215-1315 AS 11620kh  11710ki

1145-1315 AS 11840kh 15795ba 17705ba

0300-0345 ME 9835kh    9910kh  11735al
1315-1415 ME 7255al  7410kh  9910al

1000-1100 AU/NZ 13695ba 17510kh  17895al
1000-1100 AS 15020al  15410ba  17800ba
1000-1100 AS 1053tu    15260ki
1330-1500 AS 9690ba  11620kh  13710ba
1530-1545 AS 7255al  9820pa  9910kh  11740pa
1745-1945 AF 11935mu 15075kh 17670kh
1745-1945 EU 7410kh  9950kh  11620ba
1745-1945 AF 9445ba  13605ba   15155al
2045-2230 AU/NZ 9910al  11620ba  11715pa
2045-2230 EU 7410kh    9445ba  9950kh  11620ba
2245-0045 AS 9705pa  13605ba  11620kh
2245-0045 AS 9950al  11645kh  13605ba

1945-2030 AF 9905al  13605ba  13620ba

0415-0430 AF 15075ba  15185al 17715kh
1515-1600 AF 11620ba  15175ba

0315-0415 AF 15075ba  15185al 17715kh
0315-0415 ME 11840pa  13695ba 15075ba
0430-0530 AF 15075ba  15185al 17715kh
1615-1730 AF 9950kh  15075kh  17670kh
1615-1730 ME 7410al  12025pa  13770ba
1945-2045 EU 7410kh  9950kh   11620ba
2300-0000 AS 9910al  11740pa  13795ba

0845-0945 AS 15770al  17510kh  17875al

0215-0300 ME 11985ba  15075ba

1730-1830 ME 7115pa  12025pa

0130-0230 AS 594ch   3945go    7250pa  9810pa   11715kh
0700-0800 AS 7250go  9595ki  11850ki
1330-1430 AS 1134ch  3945go    4860ki  11775pa

0400-0430 ME 11730kh  15770al 17845kh
1615-1730 ME 7115pa  9905al  11585kh

0800-0830 AS 702ja
1230-1430 AS 702ja

0215-0300 ME/AS  9835kh    9910al  11735al
1415-1530 ME/AS   7255al  7410kh   9910kh

1615-1715 EU 9875kh  11620ba  15140kh

1130-1200 AS 702ja

0100-0200 AS 5990al  7125ki  9635al
1230-1500 AS 6165kh  9620al    11585kh

0045-0115 AS 1053tu    11740pa 11985kh
1300-1500 AS 1053tu    9820pa   15050kh

1515-1615 AF 9950kh    13605ba 17670kh

0000-0045 AS 1053tu    9835ki  11740pa  11985kh
0000-0045 AS 9910al  11740pa  13795ba
0115-0330 AS 1053tu
1100-1300 AS 1053tu
1115-1215 AS 13695ba  15770al  17810pa
1115-1215 AS 15050kh
1500-1530 AS 1053tu

1215-1245 AS 13695ba  15770al  17810pa

1115-1200 AS 13645al  15410pa 17740kh

1215-1330 AS 1134ch    9575ki  11775pa

0015-0430 AS 702ja  6155ki  9595al
0100-0430 AS 11620kh
0530-0600 ME 11730kh  15770al 17845kh  (Haj  Season)
0830-1130 AS 702ja  7250go  9595ki  11620kh
1430-1735 AS 3945go
1430-1930 AS 702ja    4860ki  6045ki

al = Aligarh 
ba = Bangalore
ch = Chinsurah (Kolkata / Calcutta)
go = Gorakhpur
ja = Jalandhar
kh = Khampur (Delhi)
ki = Kingsway (Delhi)
mu = Mumbai (Bombay)
pa = Panaji 
ra = Rajkot
tu = Tuticorin

kHz      kW     Station                      UTC (Target Area)

3223     50      Shimla                       0025-0200 1300-1730(Sat, Sun 1741)  (To be changed to 4980)
3315     50      Bhopal                       0025-0215 1130-1742 (To be changed to 4810)
3365     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         1220-1841 (To be changed to 5020)
3390     10      Gangtok                     0100-0400 1030-1600(Sun 1630)  (To be changed to 4870)
3945     50      Gorakhpur                  0130-0230 Nepali (Nepal), 0230-0300 HS, 1330-1430 Nepali (Nepal), 1430-1735 Urdu (Pakistan)
4760     10      Leh                            s0100/w0213-0430 1130(Sun 1030)-1630/1700(Sat 1730)
4760     8,5     Port Blair                    2355-0300 1030-/1700/1730
4775     50      Imphal                        0030-0215 1030-1700/1730
4800     50      Hyderabad                  0020-0215 1130(Sun 1140)-1744
4820     50      Kolkata                      0025-0215 1220-1744
4830     50      Jammu                       0025-0445 1030-1100/1115, 1130-1741
4840     50      Mumbai                      2355-0400 1230-1730
4850     50      Kohima                      0000-0415 1000-1600/1630/1700
4860     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0025-0440,1220-1330 HS, 1330-1430 Nepali (Nepal), 1430-1930 Urdu (Pakistan)
4880     50      Lucknow                    0025-0400 1215(Sun 1030)-1741
4895     50      Kurseong                   0055-0400 1130(Sun 1031)-1700(Sat, Sun 1741)
4910     50      Jaipur                         0025-0415 1130(Sun 1120)-1741
4920     50      Chennai                     0015-0245 1200-1736
4940     50      Guwahati                    0000-0415 1145-1700/1741
4950     50      Srinagar                     v2245-0020v (Ramzan period),  s0025/w0120-0215 1120-1736
4960     50      Ranchi                       0025-0435 1100(Sun 1130) -1741
4970     50      Shillong                      0025-0400 1056-1630
4990     50      Itanagar                      0020-0400 1000-1630
5010     50      Thiruvananthapuram    0020-0215 1145(Sun 1130)-1735
5040     50      Jeypore                      0025-0435 (Sun 0445, Sat 0545 v),  1130(Sun 1135)-1741
5050     10      Aizawl                        0025-0400 1130(Sun 1125)-1630/1700
5965     50      Jammu                       0630-0930
5985     50      Ranchi                       0630-0945/1000 (Sun 1125)
5990     250     Aligarh                       0100-0200 Sindhi (Pakistan)
6000     10      Leh                            0700-0930
6020     50      Shimla                       0215-0400 (Sun 0415-1000),  0700-0936 1130-1230 
6030     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0200-0310 1215-1430
6040     50      Jeypore                      0700-0935 (Sun 1030-1130)
6045     100     Delhi (Kingsway)         1430-1930 Urdu (Pakistan)
6065     50      Kohima                      0430-0510 0700-0900
6085     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         1220-1310 1330-1340 1345-1420 1430-1440 1445-1615/1630/1700/1730v, 1730-1740
6100     100     Delhi                          0230-0330 1430-1530 
6110     50      Srinagar                     0227-0505 (Sun 1115),  0600-1115
6150     50      Itanagar                      0700-0900
6155     100     Delhi (Kingsway)         0015-0430  Urdu (Pakistan)
6165     250     Delhi (Khampur)          1230-1500 Sindhi, 1500-1600 Baluchi (Pakistan)
6190     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0730-1030
7105     50      Lucknow                    0630(Sun 0415)-0930  0935-0936 
7115     250     Panaji                        1615-1730 Persian, 1730-1830 Malayalam (W. Asia )
7115     8,5     Port Blair                    0315-0400 (Sat 0415,Sun 0500), 0700-0930(Sun 1000)
7120     50      Jaipur                         (Sun v0420-0600), 0615-0931, (Sun 1030-1115)
7125     100     Delhi (Kingsway)         0100-0200 Sindhi (Pakistan)
7130     50      Shillong                      0655-0930
7140     50      Hyderabad                  0225-0445(Sat 0505,Sun 0500),  0610-0930/0935 (Sun 0530-1130)
7140     100     Delhi (Kingsway)         1550-1615/1630/1700/1730v 1730-1740
7150     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0030-0040
7150     50      Imphal                        0230-0400/0530(Sun 0500),  0645(Sun 0600)-1000
7160     50      Chennai                     0300-0400/0430(Hol 0445, Sun 0530), 0710(Hol 0610,Sat/Sun 0630)-0930 (Sun 1130)
7180     50      Bhopal                       0225-0447 (Sun 1115),  0700-0931
7190     100     Mumbai                      0025-0430 0700-1330 1430-1740 (Tests)
7210     50      Kolkata                      0230-0401(Sat,Sun 0501),  0700-1000(Sun 1030)
7230     50      Kurseong                   0620-1030
7235     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0215-0320 0330-0340 (Sun 0355) 
7240     50      Mumbai                      0530(Sun 0415)-1035
7250     250     Panaji                        0130-0230 Nepali (Nepal)
7250     50      Gorakhpur                  0700-0800 Nepali (Nepal),  0830-1130 Urdu (Pakistan),  1130-1140 HS
7255     250     Aligarh                       1315-1415 Dari, 1415-1530 Pushtu, (Afghanistan, Pakistan),  1530-1545 English
7270     100     Chennai                     0700-1330 1430-1740
7275     100     Chennai                     0025-0430
7280     50      Guwahati                    0600-0930 0945-1145 (Sun 0530-1145)
7290     50      Thiruvananthapuram    0230-0430(Sun 1030),  0630-1000
7295     10      Aizawl                        0700-0930(Sun 1000)
7360     100     Delhi (Kingsway)         0700-1330
7410     250     Delhi (Khampur)          1315-1415 Dari, 1415-1530 Pushtu (Afghan, Pakistan)  
7410     250     Aligarh                       1615-1730 Hindi (W. Asia) 
7410     250     Delhi (Khampur)          1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi, 2045-2230 English (W. Europe)
7420     50      Guwahati                    0025-0430 0700-1330 1430-1740
9425     500     Bangalore                   1320-0043
9445     500     Bangalore                   1745-1945 English (W NW Africa), 2045-2230 English(W. Europe)
9470     250     Aligarh                       1320-0043
9575     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         1215-1330 Tibetan (Tibet), 1330-1420 1430-1440 1445-1615/1630/ 1700/1730v, 1730-1740 HS
9595     250     Delhi (Khampur)          0015-0430 Urdu (Pakistan)
9595     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0700-0800 Nepali (Nepal)
9595     250     Aligarh                       0810-0830 HS, 0830-1130 Urdu (Pakistan), 1130-1140 HS
9620     250     Aligarh                       1230-1500 Sindhi, 1500-1600 Baluchi (Pakistan)
9635     250     Aligarh                       0100-0200 Sindhi (Pakistan)
9690     500     Bangalore                   1330-1500 English (E SE Asia)
9705     250     Panaji                        2245-0045 English (E SE Asia) 
9810     250     Panaji                        0130-0230 Nepali (Nepal)
9820     250     Panaji                        1300-1500 Sinhala (Sri Lanka), 1530-1545 English
9835     100     Delhi (Kingsway)         0000-0045 Tamil (Sri Lanka)
9835     250     Delhi (Khampur)          0215-0300 Pushtu, 0300-0345 Dari (Afghanistan, Pakistan)
9835     50      Delhi (Kingsway)         1330-1420 1430-1440 1445-1615/1630/1700/1730v, 1730-1740
9875     250     Delhi (Khampur)          1615-1715 Russian (E. Europe)
9890     100     Delhi                          0730-0830
9905     250     Aligarh                       1615-1730 Persian, 1730-1945 Arabic (W.Asia), 1945-2030 French (W NW Africa)
9910     250     Aligarh                       0215-0300 Pushtu, 0300-0345 Dari (Pakistan, Afghanistan)
9910     250     Delhi (Khampur)          1315-1415 Dari, 1415-1515 Pushtu (Afghanistan,Pakistan) 1530-1545 English
9910     250     Aligarh                       0000-0045 Tamil (SE Asia),  2045-2230 English (Australia/NZ), 2300-2400 Hindi (SE Asia)
9950     250     Aligarh                       2245-0045  English (NE Asia)
9950     250     Delhi (Khampur)          1515-1615 Swahili, 1615-1730 Hindi (E.Africa), 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi, 2045-2230 English (W. Europe)
10330   500     Bangalore                   0025-0435  0900-1200  1245-1740  (Vividh Bharati)
11585   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1230-1500 Sindhi, 1500-1600 Baluchi (Pakistan),1615-1730 Persian, 1730-1945 (Arabic) W.Asia
11620   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0100-0430, 0830-1130 Urdu (Pakistan),1130-1140 HS, 1330-1500 English (E SE Asia),  2245-0045  English (E SE NE Asia)
11620   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1215-1315 Burmese (Myanmar), 1745-1945 English (Europe)
11620   500     Bangalore                   1515-1600 Gujarati (E. Africa), 1615-1715 Russian (E. Europe), 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi(Europe),
11620   1000   Bangalore                   2045-2230 English (Australia/NZ/Europe)
11645   250     Delhi (Khampur)          2245-0045 English (NE Asia)
11710   50      Delhi (Kingsway)         1115-1140 HS, 1215-1315 Burmese (Myanmar) 
11715   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0130-0230 Nepali (Nepal)
11715   250     Panaji                        2045-2230  English (Australia/NZ) 
11730   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (West Asia), 0530-0600 Urdu (Haj Season)
11735   250     Aligarh                       0215-0300 Pushtu, 0300-0345 Dari (Pakistan, Afghanistan)
11740   250     Panaji                        2300-2400 Hindi, 0000-0045 Tamil,(SE Asia), 0045-0115 Sinhala, (Sri Lanka),  1530-1545 English
11775   250     Panaji                        1215-1330 Tibetan (Tibet), 1330-1430 Nepali (Nepal)
11830   50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0125-0340 (Sun 0355)
11840   250     Panaji                        0315-0415 Hindi (West Asia)
11840   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1145-1315 Chinese (NE Asia)
11850   50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0700-0800 Nepali (Nepal)
11935   100     Mumbai                      1745-1945 English (E.Africa)
11985   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0000-0045 Tamil, 0045-0115 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
11985   500     Bangalore                   0215-0300 Kannada (W.Asia)
12025   250     Panaji                        1615-1730 Hindi, 1730-1830 Malayalam (W. Asia ) 
13605   250     Bangalore                   1515-1615 Swahili (E.Africa)
13605   500     Bangalore                   1745-1945 English, 1945-2030 French (W NW Africa)
13605   1000   Bangalore                   2245-0045 English (E SE Asia)
13620   500     Bangalore                   1730-1945 Arabic (W. Asia), 1945-2030 (W NW Africa)
13645   250     Aligarh                       1115-1200 Thai (SE Asia)
13695   500     Bangalore                   0315-0415 Hindi (W.Asia)
13695   500     Bangalore                   1000-1100 English (NE Asia, Australia/NZ), 1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telegu (SE Asia),  1330-1500 English (E SE Asia)
13770   500     Bangalore                   1615-1730 Hindi (W. Asia)
13795   250     Bangalore                   0000-0045 Tamil,  2300-2400 Hindi (SE Asia)
15020   250     Aligarh                       1000-1100 English (NE Asia)
15050   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1115-1215 Tamil, 1300-1500 Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
15075   500     Bangalore                   0215-0300 Kannada (W.Asia),  0415-0430 Gujarati, 0430-0530 Hindi (E.Africa)
15075   1000   Bangalore                   0315-0415 Hindi (W.Asia, E.Africa)
15075   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1615-1730 Hindi, 1745-1945 English  (E. Africa)
15135   50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0125-0205 0215-0310 (Sun 0355)
15140   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1615-1715 Russian (E. Europe)
15155   250     Aligarh                       1745-1945 English (W. & NW Africa)
15175   500     Bangalore                   1515-1600 Gujarati (E. Africa)
15185   250     Aligarh                       0315-0415 Hindi, 0415-0430 Gujarati, 0430-0530 Hindi (E. Africa, Mauritius) 
15185   50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0730-0930 1115-1140
15260   50      Delhi (Kingsway)         0700-0930 HS, 1000-1100 English (Sri Lanka)
15410   250     Panaji                        1115-1200 Thai (SE Asia)
15410   500     Bangalore                   1000-1100 English (NE Asia)
15770   250     Aligarh                       0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (W.Asia), 0845-0945 Indonesian, 1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telegu (SE Asia)
15795   500     Bangalore                   1145-1315 Chinese (NE Asia)
17510   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0845-0945 Indonesian (SE Asia), 1000-1100 English (Australia/NZ)
17670   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1515-1615 Swahili, 1615-1730 Hindi, 1745-1945 English (E.Africa)
17705   500     Bangalore                   1145-1315 Chinese (NE Asia)
17715   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0315-0415 Hindi, 0415-0430 Gujarati, 0430-0530 Hindi (E. Africa, Mauritius) 
17740   250     Delhi (Khampur)          1115-1200 Thai (SE Asia)
17800   500     Bangalore                   1000-1100 English (NE Asia)
17810   250     Panaji                        1115-1215 Tamil, 1215-1245 Telegu (SE Asia)
17845   250     Delhi (Khampur)          0400-0430 Persian, 0430-0530 Arabic (W.Asia) 0530-0600 Urdu (Haj Season) 
17860   100     Delhi (Kingsway)         1115-1215 Tamil (Sri Lanka),  1220-1245 HS 
17875   250     Aligarh                       0845-0945 Indonesian (SE Asia)
17895   250     Aligarh                       1000-1100 English (Australia/NZ)
                                                       A-2005 changes are put in Red
                                                       Hol = Holiday,   HS = Home Service, V = Timings vary 
                                                       Target areas of External Service listed in brackets.
                                                       Some frequencies are used both by Home & External Services.
                                                       Extended broadcasts by HS for sports events.

3/26/2006 10:26:04 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



基督之声CVC—Christian Vision


CVC International
Germany 0500 - 0600 Af 9430
Germany 0600 - 0900 Af 15640
Germany 1500 - 1800 Af 15715
Germany 1800 - 2000 Af 13820
Germany 2000 - 2100 Af 9765
South Africa 0515 - 1545 Af 9555

Christian Vision
Uzbekistan 0100 - 0300 As 7355
Uzbekistan 0300 - 0600 As 13685
Australia 0900 - 1100 As 11955
Australia 1100 - 1800 As 13635

Christian Voice
Zambia 0000 - 0600 Af 4965
Zambia 0400 - 1500 Af 6065
Zambia 1500 - 2400 Af 4965

3/26/2006 10:28:34 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



韩国国际广播电台KBS—Radio Korea International


Language      Time (UT)  Freq (kHz)

Korean 1      0900-1100   9640
              1600-1800   7275
              1700-1900   9515
Korean 2      0700-0800   9535 (Skelton)
              0900-1000   15210
Russian       1600-1700   9515
              1800-1900  15360
              1900-2000   9515
              2000-2100   7275
English 1     0800-0900   9640
              1900-2000   7275
English 2     2100-2130   3955 (Skelton)
              1430-1500   9770 (DRM)
French        0800-0900   15210
              1900-2000    6145
German        0700-0800  15210
              2000-2100   3955 (Skelton)
Spanish       0700-0800  13670
              2000-2100   9515
              0600-0630   6045 (Sackville)

North America
Korean 2      0100-0200  15575
              1400-1500   9650 (Sackville)
English 1     0200-0300   9560 (Sackville), 15575
              1200-1300   9650 (Sackville)

South America
Korean 2      0300-0400  11810
English 1     0200-0300  11810
Spanish       1000-1100   9580
              0100-0200  11810
              1100-1200  11795 (Sackville)

Southeast Asia
Korean 1      0900-1100   9570
English 1     0800-0900   9570
              1300-1400   9570, 9770
Indonesian    1200-1300   9570
              1400-1500   9570
              2200-2300   9805
              2400-0100   9805
Chinese       2300-2400   9805
              1130-1230   9770
Vietnamese    1500-1530   9640
              1230-1300   9770

Middle East & Africa
Korean 1      1600-1800  15575
              1700-1900   7150
Arabic        1900-2000  15365
              2000-2100   7150
French        1600-1700   7150
              1800-1900  15575
Russian       1900-2000   7150

Chinese       1130-1230   6065
              2300-2400   7275

Japanese      0000-0100  11810
              0800-0900   5975, 7275
              1100-1200   7275
              1200-1300   5975, 6135, 1170 (MW)
              1400-1500   5975, 7275

Non Direction
Korean 1      0900-1100   5975, 7275
              1700-1900   5975
              2100-2300   5975
Korean 2      1000-1100   1170 (MW)
              1200-1300   7275
Chinese       1300-1400   5975, 6135, 1170 (MW), 7275
              2000-2100   5975
              2300-2400   5975
Russian       1100-1200   5975, 6135, 1170 (MW)
English 1     1600-1700   5975
              1900-2000   5975

English 1
00-10 News
10-60 Korean Pop Interactive
00-10 News
10-15 News Commentary
15-45 Seoul Calling
45-60 Mon: Shaping Korea
      Tue: Made In Korea
      Wed: Cultural Promenade
      Thu: Korea, Today & Tomorrow
      Fri: Seoul Report
00-10 News
10-60 Worldwide Friendship

English 2
00-10 News
10-30 Korean Pop Interactive
00-10 News
10-15 News Commentary
15-30 Same as English 1 45-60
00-10 News
10-30 Worldwide Friendship

3/26/2006 10:29:43 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:19:36 :



开罗电台Radio Cairo



0000-0300 12050 25 GENERAL PROG N.AMERICA & EUROPE              
0030-0430 11950 25 ARABIC       E.N.AMERICA
0045-0200 7270  41 SPANISH      N.AMERICA
0045-0200 11755 25 SPANISH      C.AMERICA
0045-0200 9415  31 SPANISH      S.AMERICA
0200-0330 7270  41 ENGLISH      N.AMERICA
0700-1100 15115 19 GENERAL PROG W.AFRICA
1015-1215 17775 16 ARABIC       M.EAST & AFGHANISTAN
1145-1230 15810 19 MALAY        S.E.ASIA
1215-1330 17835 16 ENGLISH      S.ASIA
1230-1400 15810 19 INDONESIAN   S.E.ASIA
1300-1600 15365 19 ARABIC       W.AFRICA
1330-1530 15490 19 PERSIAN      TADZHIKSTAN
1330-1345 17835 16 BENGALI      S.ASIA
1430-1600 15670 19 PASHTO       AFGHANISTAN
1500-1600 13660 22 HINDI        S.ASIA
1500-1600 9765  31 UZBEKI       UZBEKISTAN
1530-1730 17810 16 SWAHILI      C.& E.AFRICA
1545-1600 11760 25 SHONA        C.& S.AFRICA
1600-1700 15155 19 AFAR         E.& C.AFRICA
1600-1800 13660 22 URDU         S.ASIA
1600-1800 6230  49 TURKISH      TURKEY
1600-1800 9990  31 ALBANIAN     ALBANIA
1600-1800 11740 25 ENGLISH      C.& S.AFRICA
1700-1730 15155 19 SOMALI       E.& C.AFRICA
1730-1900 15155 19 AMHARIC      E.& C.AFRICA
1800-1900 6145  49 RUSSIAN      W.RUSSIA
1800-1900 9988  31 ITALIAN      EUROPE
1800-2100 9465  31 HAUSA        W . AFRICA
1800-2330 11665 25 VOICE OF THE ARABS C.& E.AFRICA
1900-1930 15375 19 WOLOF        W.AFRICA
1900-2000 9990  31 GERMAN       EUROPE
1915-1930 15425 19 FULANI       W.AFRICA
1945-2000 15375 19 BAMBARA      W.AFRICA
2000-2200 7210  41 ARABIC       AUSTRALIA
2000-2115 9990  31 FRENCH       EUROPE
2000-2130 15375 19 ENGLISH      W.AFRICA
2030-2230 9735  31 FRENCH       W.AFRICA
2100-2115 9465  31 YORUBA       W.AFRICA
2115-2245 9990  31 ENGLISH      EUROPE
2215-2330 11785 25 PORTUGUSE    S.AMERICA
2300-0030 11885 25 ENGLISH      E.N.AMERICA
2330-0045 9735  31 ARABIC       S.AMERICA
2330-0045 11755 25 ARABIC       S & C AMERICA

3/26/2006 10:30:58 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:19:36 :



阿曼电台Radio Oman



6000  0200 0400 39N,40W SEB  100 320 0 141 arabic
6085  2000 2200 39SW,48 SEB  100 240 0 146 arabic
9515  0400 0600 39N,40W SEB  100 320 0 141 arabic
9760  0000 0200 28,39N  THU  100 315 0 218 arabic
13640 0600 1400 39N,40W SEB  100 320 0 141 arabic
15140 1400 1500 28,39N  THU  100 315 0 218 english
15140 1500 2200 28,39N  THU  100 315 0 218 arabic
15355 0200 0300 48,53   THU  100 220 0 205 arabic
15355 0300 0400 48,53   THU  100 220 0 205 english
15355 1800 2000 39SW,48 SEB  100 240 0 146 arabic
15355 2200 2400 28,39N  THU  100 315 0 218 arabic
15375 1400 1800 39SW,48 SEB  100 240 0 146 arabic
17590 0400 0600 48,53   THU  100 220 0 205 arabic
17630 0600 0800 28,39N  THU  100 315 0 218 arabic

3/26/2006 10:32:13 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



奥地利国际广播电台RAI—Radio Austria International


1205 - 1220 As,Oc, M     17715
1245 - 1300 As,Oc, M     17715
1205 - 1230 As,Oc, Sa-Su 17715
1235 - 1300 As,Oc, Sa-Su 17715
1215 - 1230 As,Oc, Tu-F  17715
1245 - 1300 As,Oc, Tu-F  17715
1205 - 1220 Eu,    M      6155, 13730
1205 - 1230 Eu,    Sa-Su  6155, 13730
1235 - 1300 Eu,    Sa-Su  6155, 13730
1245 - 1300 Eu,    Tu-F   6155, 13730
0115 - 0130 LA,    Sa     9870
0035 - 0100 LA,    Su-M   9870
0105 - 0130 LA,    Su-M   9870
0113 - 0130 LA,    Tu-F   9870
0043 - 0058 LA,    Tu-Sa  9870
0505 - 0520 ME,    M     17870
0505 - 0530 ME,    Sa-Su 17870
0535 - 0600 ME,    Sa-Su 17870
0545 - 0600 ME,    Tu-F  17870
1505 - 1520 NA,    M     13775ca
1545 - 1600 NA,    M     13775ca
1505 - 1530 NA,    Sa-Su 13775ca
1535 - 1600 NA,    Sa-Su 13775ca
0133 - 0200 NA,    Su-M   9870
1515 - 1530 NA,    Tu-F  13775ca
1545 - 1600 NA,    Tu-F  13775ca
0143 - 0158 NA,    Tu-Sa  9870

3/26/2006 10:35:38 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



美国阿拉巴马州WEWN VANDIVER电台(西班牙、英语)


UTC   N. America  Latin America       Europe/Africa       English     Spanish             English0000	5035	  13615/7540		*58350100	5035	  13615/7540		*58350200	5035	  13615/7540		*58350300	5035	  13615/7540		*58350400	5035	  13615/7540		*58350500	5050	  9885/7540		*58500600	5050	  9885/7540		75700700	5050	  9885/7540		75700800	5050	  9885/7540		75700900	5050	  9885/7540		OFF AIR1000	5050	  9885/7540		OFF AIR1100	5050	  13615/9885		OFF AIR1200	5050	  13615/9885		OFF AIR1300	5050	  13615/9885		OFF AIR1400	9955	  13615/9885		OFF AIR1500	9955	  13615/9885		OFF AIR1600	13615	  15745/9885		OFF AIR1700	13615	  15745/9885		152201800	13615	  15745/9885		152201900	13615	  15745/9885		152202000	13615	  15745/9885		152202100	13615	  15745/9885		152202200	9975	  13615/9355		157452300	9975	  13615/9355		15745
3/27/2006 11:40:42 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



梵蒂冈广播电台RV—Radio Vatican(含DRM广播)

0620 EU 1260  1611
2000 EU 1260  1611  6185  7250

Amharic, Tigre
0400 AF 103.8  7360  9660
1630 AF 103.8  11625 13765 (x15570)

1100 AF su,H  93.3  105  585  1530  1611D  15595  21850
1100 AS su,H  93.3  105  585  1530  1611D  15595  17515
1100 EU su,H  93.3  105  585  1530  1611D  5885  7250  9645  11740

0500 AF 1260  9645  11715
0500 AS 1260  9645  11715
0745 AF mo-fr  93.3  1530  7250  9645  15595
0745 AS mo-fr  93.3  1530  15595
0745 EU mo-fr  93.3  1530  5885
1630 AF 1260  9755 11850 (x11625 x15595)
1630 AS 1260  9755 11850 (x11625 x15595)
2140 AF 93.3  1530  5885  7250
2140 EU 93.3  1530  4005

0310 EU 1260  6185  9645
1650 EU 1611  7365-til Mar 04,2006  9585  11715-from Mar 05, 2006

0540 EU 1611  6185  7335
1920 EU 1260  1611  6185  7365

0420 EU 1260  6185  7335
1800 EU 1260  1611  6185-til Mar 04,2006  7365  9585-from Mar 05,2006

new additional 0000 AS 13780KHB-RUS
1230 AS exc.Sat  103.8  6020PUG-PHL  13770  15235
2200 AS 103.8  6145  7305  9600KHB-RUS  not Dec 04,2005 - Feb 04,2006
                           9600P.K-RUS only Dec 04,2005 - Feb 04,2006

0350 EU 93.3  1530  4005
1750 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

0410 EU 93.3  1530  4005  5885
1830 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

0250 AM 7305  9605
0300 AF 103.8  7360
0500 AF 103.8  7360  9660  11625
0600 EU 93,3  1530  4005  5885  7250
0630 AF 103.8  9660  11625  13765
delete 1030 EU mo,tu,th-sa  105  585  1611  5885
1730 AF 103.8   9755  11625  13765 (x15570)
2000 AF 103.8  7365  9755  11625
2050 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885  7250

2020 EU su,H  93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885
2020 EU we,th 1260  1611  6185  7250
2250 EU su,H  93.3  105  585  1530  1611D  4005  5885

0230 AF 103.8  7360
0230 AM 7305  9605
0430 AF 103.8  7360  9660
0540 EU 93,3  1530  4005  5885  7250
0600 AF 103.8  9660  11625  13765
1200 EU mo-fr 105  585  1611D  5885
1700 AF 103.8  11625  13765 (x15570)
2030 AF 103.8  7365  9755  11625
2030 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885  7250

French, English
1700 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885  7250  9645
1700 AS 93.3  105  585  1530  9755  (x15595)

Ge'ez Liturgy
0930 AF su,H 93.3  15595  17515

0520 EU 93.3  1530  4005  5885  7250
1920 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

German, English, Italian
2310 EU 93.3  1530D

German, Polish
1500 EU 93.3  5885  7250  9645

Hindi, Tamil, Mal[ayalam]., English
0040 AS 103.8  7335  9865
0200 AS 12070NVS-RUS
1430 AS 103.8  9310TAC-UZB(x9865)  11850  13765

0440 EU 93.3  1530  4005  5885
1810 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

Italian, French, English
0700 AF mo-fr 93.3 105 585  1530  9645  15595
0700 AS mo-fr 93.3  105  585  1530  15595
0700 EU mo-fr 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885  6185  7250  11740

1100 EU mo-fr 105  585  1611D  5885
1115 EU su,H  93.3  105  585   1611D   5885
1300 AF 93.3  105  585  1611D  15595  21850
1300 AS 93.3  105  585  1611D  15595
1300 EU 93.3  105  585  1611D  5885  7250  9645  11740
1530 EU fr  93,3  5885  7250  9645
1630 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  5885  7250  9645
2000 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885
2200 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  1611D  4005  5885
2230 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  1611D  4005  5885

Italian, English
2020 EU mo 1260  1611  6185

0330 AF 103.8  7360  9660
1600 AF 103.8  11625 13765 (x15570)

0500 EU 6185  7335
1840 EU 1260  1611 6185-til Mar 04, 2006  7365  9585-from Mar 05, 2006

0440 EU 1260  6185  7335
1820 EU 1260  1611 6185-til Mar 04, 2006  7365  9585-from Mar 05, 2006

Mass in Chinese
1230 AS sa  103.8  6020PUG-PHL  13770  15235

Mass in English
1130 AF fr  103.8  15595  17515
1130 AS fr  103.8  15595  17515
1530 AS sa  103.8  9310TAC-UZB(x9865)  11850  13765

Mass in Italian
0830 EU su,H  93.3  105  585  7250

Mass in Latin
0630 AF 93.3  105  585  1530  9645  15595
0630 AS 93.3  105  585  1530  15595
0630 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885  6185  7250  11740

1530 EU sa-th 93,3  5885  7250  9645

Oriental Liturgy [see also Ge'ez Liturgy]
0930 AF su,H  93.3  15595  17515
0930 AS su,H  93.3  15595
0930 EU su,H  93.3  11740  17515

Papal Audience
0915 EU we  105  585  1611D  5885

2020 EU fr  1260  1611

0500 EU 93.3  1530  4005  5885  7250
1900 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

0030 AM 1260  7305  9605
0530 AF 103.8  9660  11625  13765
0900 AM mo-fr 1260
1000 AM mo-fr 1260  21850
1415 EU 93,3  1260  7250  9645 (x11740)
1500 AM th  1260
1600 AM 1260
1800 AF 103.8   9755  11625  13765 (x15570)
delete 2130 EU 93.3  1530  4005  5885  7250

1940 AF 93.3  103.8  105  585  1530  7365  9755  11625
1940 AS 93.3  103.8  105  585  1530  7365 (x9755)
1940 EU 93.3  103.8  105  585  1530  4005  5885  7365 (x9755)

0520 EU 1611  6185  7335
1900 EU 1260  1611  6185  7365

Romanian Liturgy
0710 EU su,H 93.3  7250  9645

0330 EU 1260  6185  7335  9645
1330 EU/AS 1260  5895SAM-RUS  9695 (x11805)
1710 EU 1611  6185-til Mar 04,2006  7365  9585  11715-from Mar 05,2006
2100 AS/EU 1260  5910  7370 (x9585)

0600 EU 1260  1611  6185  7335
1940 EU 1260  1611  6185  7250

0425 EU 93.3  1530  4005  5885
1845 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

0330 EU 93.3  1530  4005
1730 EU 93.3  1467ROU-F  1530  4005  5885  7250

0345 AF su  103.8  7360  9660
1615 AF sa  103.8  11625 13765 (x15570)

0100 AM 1260  7305  9605  11910
0145 AM 7305  9605  11910
0320 AM 7305  9605
delete 0900 EU mo-fr 105  585  1611  5885
1130 AM mo-fr 1260  21850
1400 EU 93.3  105  585  1260  1611D  7250  9645 (x11740)
1500 AM mo,fr 1260
1730 AM 1260
1900 AF sa  103.8  9755  11625
2120 EU 93.3  105  585  1530  4005  5885  7250

0400 EU 1260  6185  7335
1740 EU 1611  6185-til Mar 04,2006  7365  9585-from Mar 05,2006

Ukrainian Liturgy
0715 EU su,H 1611  9850  11740

0025 AS mo,th 103.8  7335  9865
1415 AS we,su 103.8  11850  13765

1600 EU 93,3  5885  7250  9645

1315 AS 103.8  6205TCH-RUS  17515
2315 AS 103.8  7305NVS-RUS  9600
D=DRM mode experimental bcs.   H=Holy Days.
(Vatican Radio leaflet / magazine, Dec 10, 2005)

[and following are DRM:]
Also registration via Flevoland-HOL noted as
7240 1500-1515 18,27,2FLE  40kW 123deg Eng HOL VAT RNW
and via Sackville-CAN as
9800 2045-2130 7NE,8N SAC  70kW 268deg Eng CAN VAT RCI

3/27/2006 11:45:22 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :




Language           Day         Frequency       Time     
Adi                Fri          6040 kHz      morning      4:30 - 4:45
                Sun & Mon       6040 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:30
Amdo-Tibetan       Sat          9640 kHz      morning      5:45 - 6:00
Ao                 Sat         13860 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Assamese        Tue & Wed       6040 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:30
Awadhi          Mon to Wed     13750 kHz      evening      9:30 - 9:45
Bagheli         Wed to Fri     13750 kHz      evening      9:15 - 9:30
Bagri           Mon & Tue       9435 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Banjara         Sat & Sun      15215 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
Bengali         Mon - Wed       6040 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
Bhili              Thu         15215 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Bhojpuri        Sat & Sun      15215 kHz      evening      8:15 - 8:30
Bodo            Mon & Tue       9640 kHz      morning      5:30 - 5:45
                   Sat          6040 kHz      morning      4:45 - 5:00
Bondo              Wed         15215 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Bundelkhandi    Mon & Tue      13750 kHz      evening      9:15 - 9:30
Burmese         Wed to Fri      9640 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:30
                   Sun          6040 kHz      morning      4:45 - 5:00
Chakma             Mon          6040 kHz      morning      4:30 - 4:45
                Mon & Tue       9640 kHz      morning      5:45 - 6:00
Chattisgarhi    Mon & Tue      13750 kHz      evening      9:00 - 9:15
Chin            Mon & Tue       9640 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:30
                   Sun          6040 kHz      morning      4:30 - 4:45
Dari               Wed         11695 kHz      evening      9:45 - 10:00
                   Sat         13750 kHz      evening      9:15 - 9:30
Deori           Thu and Fri    13860 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
Deshiya         Wed & Thu      15215 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
Divehi          Thu to Sat     11695 kHz      evening      9:45 - 10:00
Dogri           Thu & Fri       9435 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:30
Dzonkha         Mon to Wed     13745 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
                Thu & Fri       9640 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
Gamit           Wed & Thu      15215 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
Garo            Sat & Sun      13860 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
Garwali         Sat & Sun       9435 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Gojri              Mon         15215 kHz      evening      6:00 - 6:15
Gondi              Fri         15215 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Gujarati        Sun & Mon       6145 kHz      morning      5:30 - 5:45
                Thu & Fri      15215 kHz      evening      6:15 - 6:30
Halam           Mon & Tue      13860 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
                   Tue          6040 kHz      morning      4:30 - 4:45
Haryanvi        Sat & Sun      15215 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
Hindi           Mon to Sun     13750 kHz      evening      9:45 - 10:00
                Mon to Fri     15215 kHz      evening      8:15 - 8:30
                Mon to Sun      9435 kHz      morning      6:45 - 7:00
BachonKDos t*   Sat & Sun      15215 kHz      evening      6:45 - 7:00
JawanhHm Safr** Sun & Mon      11695 kHz      evening      9:45 -10:00
Ho                 Fri          9640 kHz      morning      5:45 - 6:00
Kangri          Sat & Sun       9435 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:30
Kannada         Mon to  Fri     6145 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Karbi           Thu & Fri      13860 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
                Sat & Sun       9640 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:30
Kashmiri        Tue & Thu      15215 kHz      evening      6:00 - 6:15
                   Wed         15215 kHz      evening      6:00 - 6:30
Khariya            Wed          9435 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Khasi           Sat & Sun      13745 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
Khurukh         Wed & Thu       9640 kHz      morning      5:30 - 5:45
Kinnauri        Sat & Sun      15215 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
Kokborok        Mon & Tue       6040 kHz      morning      4:45 - 5:00
                Mon & Tue      13860 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
                Sat & Sun       6040 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
Konkani         Tue & Wed       6145 kHz      morning      5:30 - 5:45
Konyak          Thu & Fri      13745 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
Kotwali            Fri         15215 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
Koya            Sat & Sun      15215 kHz      evening      6:15 - 6:30
Kui             Mon & Tue      15215 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
Kukna              Fri         15215 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
Kumaoni            Sun         13860 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
Kupiya             Sun         15215 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Lepcha          Tue & Wed      13745 kHz      evening      8:30 - 8:45
Lhasaâ€"Tibetan    Fri          6040 kHz      morning      4:45 - 5:00
                   Sun          9640 kHz      morning      5:45 - 6:00
Limbu              Wed         13860 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
                   Sun          9640 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
Magahi          Thu to Sun     13745 kHz      evening      8:30 - 8:45
                   Wed          9435 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:30
Magar Kham         Wed         13860 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
                Sat & Sun      13745 kHz      evening      8:15 - 8:30
Maithili        Wed to Fri     13750 kHz      evening      9:00 - 9:15
Malayalam       Mon to Sun      6145 kHz      morning      5:45 - 6:00
                Mon to Sun     11695 kHz      evening      9:30 - 9:45
                Mon to Sun       882 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Marathi         Wed to Fri     15215 kHz      evening      6:45 - 7:00
                Fri to Sun      9435 kHz      morning      6:30 - 6:45
                Sat & Sun      13750 kHz      evening      9:30 - 9:45
Malto           Thu & Fri      15215 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
Marwari            Mon          9435 kHz      morning      6:30 - 6:45
                Mon & Tue      15215 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
Mauchi             Thu         15215 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
Meitei          Wed & Thu       6040 kHz      morning      4:45 - 5:00
                Mon to Wed     15215 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
Mising             Sat          6040 kHz      morning      4:30 - 4:45
                Fri to Sun      9640 kHz      morning      5:30 - 5:45
                Wed to Fri     13860 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
Mundari         Wed & Thu      13745 kHz      evening      8:45 - 9:00
Muslim Bengla   Thu & Fri       6040 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
                Fri to Sun     13745 kHz      evening      8:45 - 9:00
Nepali          Mon to Wed      9640 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
                Mon to Sun     15215 kHz      evening      6:30 - 6:45
Newari          Thu & Fri      13745 kHz      evening      8:15 - 8:30
Nockte          Mon & Tue      13860 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
                Thu & Fri       6040 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:30
Oriya           Mon & Tue      15215 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
                Fri to Sun     15215 kHz      evening      6:00 - 6:15
Punjabi         Mon & Tue      15215 kHz      evening      6:15 - 6:30
                Wed & Thu       9435 kHz      morning      6:30 - 6:45
Pushto             Tue         11695 kHz      evening      9:45 -10:00
                   Sun         13750 kHz      evening      9:15 - 9:30
Rajasthani         Mon          9435 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:30
                   Tue          9435 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:45
Sadri           Thu & Fri      13750 kHz      evening      9:30 - 9:45
Sambalpuri         Wed         15215 kHz      evening      8:00 - 8:15
Santhali        Mon & Tue      13860 kHz      evening      7:45 - 8:00
                Wed & Thu       9640 kHz      morning      5:45 - 6:00
Sarchopa        Mon to Wed     13745 kHz      evening      8:15 - 8:30
Sherpa             Mon         13745 kHz      evening      8:30 - 8:45
                   Sat          9640 kHz      morning      5:00 - 5:15
Sindhi          Sat & Sun      13750 kHz      evening      9:00 - 9:15
Sinhalese       Thu & Fri       6145 kHz      morning      5:30 - 5:45
                   Sat          6145 kHz      morning      5:15 - 5:45
Soura           Mon & Tue      15215 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Sumi               Sun         13860 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45
Thadou-Kuki     Wed & Thu       6040 kHz      morning      4:30 - 4:45
                Sat & Sun      13860 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
Tamang (West)   Mon & Tue      13745 kHz      evening      8:45 - 9:00
Tamil           Mon to Sun      6145 kHz      morning      6:30 - 7:00
                Mon to Fri       882 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:30
Tangkhul        Fri & Sat      13860 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
Tharu           Wed & Thu      13860 kHz      evening      7:00 - 7:15
Telugu          Mon to Sun      6145 kHz      morning      6:15 - 6:30
Tulu            Sat & Sun       6145 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Urdu            Mon & Tue      15215 kHz      evening      6:45 - 7:00
                Fri to Sun     15215 kHz      evening      7:15 - 7:30
Vasavi          Thu & Fri       9435 kHz      morning      6:00 - 6:15
Yerukala           Sat         15215 kHz      evening      7:30 - 7:45

3/27/2006 11:47:17 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



澳洲广播电台ABC—Radio Australia

ABC A-06 via VT Merlin: [means R. Australia]

freq sttim sptim days site pwr brg lang target

6120 0000 0030 smtwtfs Singapore 250 140 Indonesian SE AS
21780 0400 0430 smtwtfs Dhabbaya  250 120 Indonesian SE AS
11920 0500 0530 smtwtfs Singapore 250  13 Khmer      SE AS
11920 0530 0600 smtwtfs Singapore 250  13 Vietnamese SE AS
11550 0900 0930 smtwtfs Taipei    250 205 Indonesian SE AS
12010 1300 1430 smtwtfs Singapore 100  13 Mandarin   CHN
9770 1430 1500 ......s Rampisham  40  95 English    W EUR
11550 2130 2330 smtwtfs Taipei    250 205 Indonesian SE AS
9720 2300 2330 smtwtfs Singapore 100  13 Khmer      SE AS
15110 2330 2400 smtwtfs Taipei    250 225 Vietnamese SE AS

3/27/2006 11:50:33 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



波兰广播电台RP—Radio Polonia


1200 - 1259 11850 9525
1700 - 1759 7265 7220

1030 - 1059 7285 5965
1530 - 1630 6050
2100 - 2200 6050 7265

1130 - 1159 9525 5965
1530 - 1555 7270
1930 - 1955 6110 7240

1500 - 1525 7270 7285
1800 - 1825 7285

1100 - 1125 6180 7285
1300 - 1329 7275 6035
1430 - 1455 7180
1800 - 1829 6095
1900 - 1955 6050 7185

1330 - 1430 7180 6035
1630 - 1659 6060

1430 - 1459 6000
1830 - 1859 7210 6095

3/27/2006 11:54:14 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:33 :




A-06 relays via Sackville other than RCI:
   All 2603 to 291006; daily u.o.s.; analog unless N = DRM
   [gh added many languages based on previous usage, especially CRI]

kHz  frm UT to CIRAF      kW deg slew d N Language          station
5960 0000 0100 7,8,11W   250 240   0      Chinese         CAN CRI RTC
5960 0200 0500 6-8       250 240   0      Japanese        CAN NHK NHK
6010 0100 0200 7-11      250 240   0      Swedish/English CAN RSW RCI
6010 0200 0300 6-8,10    250 268   0      Swedish/English CAN RSW RCI
6040 1000 1200 7,8,11NW  250 240   0      Mandarin        CAN CRI RTC
6045 0600 0630 27        250  60   0      Spanish         CAN KBS RCI
6045 0600 0630 27S,37S   250  60   0      Spanish         KOR KBS KBS
6090 0400 0500 7,8N,11NW 250 277   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
6100 0000 0359 6E,7,8,10 250 277   0      German          CAN DWL DWL
6100 0400 0430 6-8       250 268   0  [R. Prague English] G   RPR MER
6110 0500 0600 6-8       250 268   0      English         CAN NHK NHK
6120 1000 1100 6-8       250 240   0      English         CAN NHK NHK
6120 1100 1200 6-8       250 240   0      English         CAN NHK NHK
6145 0000 0100 6-8       250 240   0      English         CAN NHK NHK
6145 2300 2400 7,8,11W   250 240   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
6175 0100 0430 6,10N     250 212   0      Eng/Viet/Span   G   VOV MER
6175 0430 0530 2,6       250 240   0      Vietnamese      G   VOV MER
6190 0500 0600 7,8N,8SW  250 277   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
9490 0000 0030 8,11-15   250 163 -13      Swedish         CAN RSW RCI
9525 2300 2357 11-13     250 189  13      Dutch           CAN RNW RNW
9560 0200 0300 6-8       250 277   0      English         CAN KBS RCI
9560 0200 0300 6-8       250 277   0      English         KOR KBS KBS
9560 0300 0400 11,12,14, 250 189   0      Spanish         CAN CRI RTC
9560 0400 0600 6,7,8NW   250 277   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
9560 1200 1300 7,8,11NW  250 240   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
9625 1045 0515 4,9       100 348   0   [CBC Northern Q]   CAN RCI RCI
9650 1000 1100 7N,8N     250 268   0      Spanish         CAN KBS RCI
9650 1200 1300 7,8       250 268   0      English         KOR KBS KBS
9650 1200 1300 7N,8N     250 268   0      English         CAN KBS RCI
9650 1300 1400 6,7,8NW   250 240   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
9650 1400 1500 7,8       250 268   0      Korean          KOR KBS KBS
9660 2330 2400 11W       250 212   0  [R. Prague Spanish] G   RPR MER
9790 0100 0200 7,8N      250 277   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
9800 1945 2030 7N,8N      70 268   0    N English         CAN VAT RCI
9800 2030 2057 4,8,9      70 268   0    N English         CAN RNW RNW
9800 2100 2200 7N,8N      70 268   0    N English         CAN RCI RCI
9800 2200 2230 7N,8N      70 268   0    N English         CAN DWL DWL
9800 2230 2300 7N,8N      70 268   0    N English         CAN RSW RCI
11705 1300 1500 6-8       250 240   0      Japanese        CAN NHK NHK
11750 1100 1200 6,7,8NW,1 250 272   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
11795 1100 1200 11-16     250 176   0      Spanish         CAN KBS RCI
11795 1100 1200 11-16     250 176   0      Spanish         KOR KBS KBS
11900 1600 1800 8          70 240   0  7 N English         CAN TDP TDP
11930 0000 0100 6,7,8NW   250 277   0      Chinese         CAN CRI RTC
12040 1200 1400 4,8,11    250 227 -13      German          CAN DWL DWL
13680 2300 2400 6,7N      250 285   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
13700 2200 2300 11,12E,13 250 176   0      Spanish         CAN CRI RTC
13710 1200 1300 7,8       250 240   0      Mandarin        CHN CRI RTC
13775 1500 1600 6-8       250 272 -13      German/English  CAN ORF ORS
15220 1400 1600 6,7,8NW,1 250 272   0      Mandarin        CAN CRI RTC
15240 1300 1400 6,7       250 272 -13      Swedish/English CAN RSW RCI
15260 1300 1400 6,7,8NW,1 250 272   0      English         CAN CRI RTC
15445 1500 1600 6,7,10N   250 272 -13      German          CAN DWL DWL
15595 1000 1200 12,13,15  250 176   0      German          CAN DWL DWL
17660 1900 2057 2,3,6,7,1 250 285   0 17   English         CAN RNW RNW

3/27/2006 11:55:53 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:33 :



联合国广播电台—UN RADIO

11715 1700 1715 .mtwtf. Meyerton   500 340 Non-Specific S C AF
6055 1700 1715 .mtwtf. Meyerton   100  76 Non-Specific S AF
11665 1700 1715 .mtwtf. Skelton    300 180 Non-Specific N AF
7150 1730 1745 .mtwtf. Meyerton   100   5 Non-Specific E AF
17810 1730 1745 .mtwtf. Ascension  250  65 Non-Specific W C AF
15495 1730 1745 .mtwtf. Skelton    300 110 Non-Specific ME
17560 1830 1845 .mtwtf. Rampisham  500 169 Non-Specific N AF
15105 1830 1845 .mtwtf. Skelton    300 110 Non-Specific ME

3/27/2006 11:59:17 AM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:20:56 :



俄罗斯之声广播电台VOR—Voice of Russia

English A06 March 26-October 28 2006

1600-1700 15540 11985
1700-1800 11985 11510
1800-1900 11510 9745

Australia New Zealand
0500-0700 21790 17635
0700-0900 21790 17495 17635

0200-0300 603
0300-0400 194 498 1548 603
0400-0500 (1431 from 1 April 06) 693 630 603
0500-0800 (1431 from 1 April 06) 1323 693 630 603
0800-0900 15780*** (1431 from 1 April 06) 1323 693 630 603
1200-1300 558**** (except Saturday)
1400-1500 7300
1500-1600 15455* 12040* 11980** 9810** 7300
1600-1700 7300
1700-1800 (11675** Sat Sun) 9890 (9820 Sat Sun) 7300 (7390** Sat Sun)
          (1494 Sat Sun)
1800-1900 11630* 9890 9820 9480** 7300
1900-2000 12070* 9890 7380 7310**
2000-2100 15455* 12070* 11980** 98907310**

* - from 26 March 06 till 02 Sept 06
** - from 03 Sept 06 till 28 Oct 06
*** - Broadcasting in the DRM system
**** - English Hour in London

Middle East
1400-1500 1251
1500-1600 4975 4965 (972 from 1530)
1600-1700 1554011985 12055 1251 684
1700-1800 1251

Latin America
2000-2200 15735

North America
0100-0200 15595 15555 9665 7250
0200-0300 15595 15555 9860 9665
0300-0400 15595 15555 15455 15425 9860 9880* 9665 5900**
0400-0500 15555 9860 9880* 9665 5900**

* - from 26 March 06 till 02 Sept 06
** - from 03 Sept 06 till 28 Oct 06

0700-0900 21251
1400-1500 17645 15605 11755 12055* 9745 7390 6205** 1251
1500-1600 9660 (972 from 1530)
1600-1700 12115 12055 11755 9405 6070 1251
1700-1800 9405 1269 1251

* - from 26 March 06 till 02 Sept 06
** - from 03 Sept 06 till 28 Oct 06
*** - DRM broadcast

Voice of Russia English Programs March 26 to October 28 2006

NEWS Every Hour on the Hour (11 minutes)
NEWS IN BRIEF On the Half Hour (1 1/2 minutes)

MYR: Music At Your Request
RPE: Russia People and Events

1731 Sun, Sat: MUSIC AND MUSICIANS continues. Mon: KALEIDOSCOPE. Tue:
     RPE. Fri: FOLK BOX.
1831 Sun: CHRISTIAN MESSAGE FROM MOSCOW. Mon-Fri: same as 1631. Sat:
1911 See 1411.

0331 Sun: MUSIC AND MUSICIANS continues. Mon: OUR HOMELAND. Tue,
     Tue: FOLK BOX. Wed, Fri: OUR HOMELAND. Thu: JAZZ SHOW. Sat:

(OVERSEAS BROADCASTING) [`Russian` meaning Russian language only??]

(TIMES — UTC/GMT; [Moscow Summer Time = UTC + 4 hrs]; FREQUENCIES kHz)

- 01.00-02.00 = 999, 1215;
- 02.00-03.00 = 936;
- 12.00-13.00 = 936, 999, 1431, 1548;
- 13.00-14.00 = 558, 9450;
- 17.00-19.00 = 603, 630, 693, 9480**, 11630*;
- 19.00-20.00 = 1215, 9480**, 11630*;
- 20.00-21.00 = 999, 1215 kHz.

To MOSCOW Region:
- 19.00-20.00 = 612 kHz.

- 01.00-02.00 = 648, 972, 1314, 1503, 5945;
- 12.00-13.00 = 1143;
- 13.00-14.00 = 15540;
- 15.00-16.00 = 1251, 1314, 7130**, 12055, 13685*;
- 17.00-18.00 = 13855, 15540;
- 19.00-20.00 = 7425**, 12055;
- 20.00-21.00 = 7425**, 12055* kHz.

- 12.00-14.00 = 11670 kHz.

- 01.00-02.00 = 5900**, 9725, 9860, 9880*, 15425, 15445;
- 02.00-03.00 = 5900**, 9725, 9880*, 15425, 15445 kHz.

- 01.00-02.00 = 5900*, 6180**, 7260**, 12070*;
- 02.00-03.00 = 5900*, 6180**, 7260**, 7330,
                  9445, 12070* kHz.

- 01.00-02.00 = 648, 972, 1503;
- 12.00-13.00 = 1143;
- 13.00-14.00 = 1251, 17645;
- 15.00-16.00 = 1251;
- 20.00-21.00 = 648 kHz.

- 12.00-13.00 = 7390, 11670;
- 13.00-14.00 = 7390, 11670, 17645 kHz.

To ASIA (including FAR EAST):
- 12.00-13.00 = 1143, 9745, 11670;
- 13.00-14.00 = 9745, 11670;
- 15.00-16.00 = 1251, 12055 kHz.

- 01.00-02.00 = 1314;
- 15.00-16.00 = 1314;
- 19.00-21.00 = 7425**, 12055* kHz.

- 01.00-03.00 = 936;
- 12.00-13.00 = 936, 999, 1431, 1548;
- 20.00-21.00 = 999 kHz.

- 17.00-18.00 = 9480**, 11630*;
- 19.00-20.00 = 9480**, 11630* kHz.

NOTES: *)  Till September, 2nd; **) Since [meaning From] September,
3rd. /Frequencies are subject to change/. 73! Pavel Mikhaylov, Moscow-

3/31/2006 11:03:11 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:33 :





DTK A-06 from March 26:
  frq startstop ciraf      azi     day   from to   loc pow broad
5975 0600 1600 27,28      290 1234567             JUL  40 DTK DRM Tentat.
9640 0030 0045 41          90       1             WER 125 PAB
15205 1400 1415 29SE,39N,40107      35             NAU 250 PAB
15205 1430 1445 41          95       1             NAU 250 PAB
15650 1430 1445 41          90       1             JUL 100 PAB
15650 1544 1629 39,40      100       1             JUL 100 PAB
15650 1600 1630 39,40      100       5             JUL 100 PAB
9430 2000 2015 37,38       ND       5             WER 250 PAB
9430 2000 2015 37,38       ND       1 0204-291006 WER 250 PAB
9430 2000 2030 37,38       ND       6             WER 250 PAB
9430 1930 2030 37,38       ND       7             WER 250 PAB
9490 2330 0030 41,49       75 1234567             WER 125 DVB
5975 2000 2100 37NW       230 1234567             NAU 100 RTI
9760 1600 1659 29,30W      60 1234567             JUL 100 RTI
13620 1600 1659 41         100 1234567             JUL 100 RMI
5910 2300 0400 11         285   23456             NAU 100 RMI
17550 1330 1400 48,39S     130       6             JUL 100 RWB RMI
5945 1300 1430 27,28       ND       1             JUL 100 RTR
9430 0500 0600 46SE       180 1234567             WER 125 CVC
15640 0600 0900 46SE       180 1234567             WER 125 CVC
15715 1500 1759 46SE       180 1234567             WER 125 CVC
13820 1800 2100 46SE       180 1234567             WER 125 CVC
6015 1530 1600 28,29S,39N 115       1             JUL 100 BCA
5945 1100 1115 27,28       ND       1             WER 250 MWA
11865 1630 1658 39,40      105       7             WER 250 FVM
5945 1100 1129 27,28       ND       7             WER 500 FVM
7295 0900 1700 27         275 1234567             NAU  40 BCE DRM
7315 0000 0100 41         105 1234567             WER 250 WRN
6015 1659 1759 27W,28      ND 1234567             WER 125 HCJ
6045 1200 1300 27,28       ND       1 JUL 100 MVB 1st Sun.of month only
6055 0900 0959 27,28      115       1             JUL 100 CHW
9440 1801 1859 28E,29      85       7             JUL 100 CHW
6055 1030 1059 27,28       ND      17             WER 125 EMG
11840 1100 1130 19ð26       20       7             NAU 250 EMG
11615 1500 1530 29,30       60       7             NAU 250 EMG
15675 1830 1859 52,53      160       5             JUL 100 RRP
13830 1700 1759 38E,39S,48 130   13467             JUL 100 SBO
11865 1630 1659 38E,39S,48 140      36             JUL 100 RHU FVM
15565 1900 1959 38E,39S,48 130      14             JUL 100 EFD
13830 1700 1759 38E,39S,48 130       5             JUL 100 ELF
9840 2000 2100 37,38      175   23456             JUL 100 IBR
15450 1730 1759 39S,47E,48 120 1234567             WER 125 IBR
9675 1900 2045 46N,46SE   190 1234567             JUL 100 IBR
11880 1730 1845 47,48,52   155 1234567             NAU 100 IBR
13840 1800 1900 47,48      150 1234567             WER 250 IBR
9480 0100 0129 41          90       1             WER 125 UNL
6055 1100 1159 27,28       ND       1             JUL 100 UNL
6055 1130 1159 27,28       ND       7             JUL 100 UNL
11880 1900 1929 39,40      125       1             NAU 100 UNL
6110 0900 1100 27,28W     290 1234567             JUL 100 TOM
6110 1100 1200 27,28W     290       7 JUL 100 TOM 1st Sat. of month only
6110 1200 1400 27,28W     290 1234567             JUL 100 TOM
9860 1900 1959 52,53E,57  160 1234567             JUL 100 TOM
13810 0900 1100 28,29SW,38E115 1234567             JUL 100 TOM
13810 1200 1400 28,29SW,38E115 1234567             JUL 100 TOM
5945 0700 0845 27,28N     290      17             JUL 100 BVB
5945 0715 0830 27,28N     290       6             JUL 100 BVB
6015 1815 1830 28,29       60    2346             JUL 100 BVB
6015 1815 1845 28,29       60       5             JUL 100 BVB
6015 1800 1930 28,29       60       1             JUL 100 BVB
6015 1800 1915 28,29       60       7             JUL 100 BVB
9430 1801 1916 39,40      120       1             WER 250 BVB *
9430 1815 1900 39,40      120       6             WER 250 BVB *
9430 1801 1901 39,40      120       7             WER 250 BVB *
9775 1930 1959 46,47      180       1             WER 125 BVB
9775 1900 1930 46,47      180       7             WER 125 BVB
13810 1630 1759 38S,39S,47,130 1234567             JUL 100 BVB
13810 1759 1830 38S,39S,47,130      17 0104-291006 JUL 100 BVB
9430 1630 1759 39,40      110      17             JUL 100 BVB
9430 1700 1735 39,40      110      35             JUL 100 BVB
9430 1615 1735 39,40      110     246             JUL 100 BVB
17595 0845 1015 38,39      135       6             WER 125 BVB
9605 2000 2030 38,39      135       5             WER 250 BVB
11710 1800 1859 39,40      100      17             JUL 100 BVB
11710 1800 1830 39,40      100     456             JUL 100 BVB
13590 1530 1759 39,40      115       1             JUL 100 BVB
13590 1540 1615 39,40      115     246             JUL 100 BVB
13590 1540 1815 39,40      115       3             JUL 100 BVB
13590 1545 1830 39,40      115       7             JUL 100 BVB
13590 1540 1645 39,40      115       5             JUL 100 BVB
13590 1730 1759 39,40      115       6             JUL 100 BVB
15680 1500 1559 40,41       90      37             JUL 100 BVB
15680 1530 1559 40,41       90   12456             JUL 100 BVB
13580 1630 1715 39,40      120       3             WER 250 BVB
13580 1630 1730 39,40      120    2456             WER 250 BVB
13840 1530 1600 41          90   23456             WER 250 BVB
13840 1500 1530 41NE        75      16             WER 250 BVB
15690 1400 1545 41          90       7             WER 250 BVB
15690 1400 1500 41          90       1             WER 250 BVB
9435 1800 1830 37NW       210       1             JUL 100 BVB
12005 1430 1459 43S,49      75       1             WER 250 BVB
12005 1415 1459 43S,49      75       7             WER 250 BVB
6140 0000 0200 39,40      105       6 2603-280406 WER 125 BVB
13860 1330 1429 41NE,43S,49 75 1234567             WER 250 GFA
13745 1430 1529 41NE,43S,49 75 1234567             WER 250 GFA
13750 1530 1630 40E,41NW    90 1234567             WER 250 GFA
9435 0030 0130 40E,41NW    90 1234567             WER 250 GFA
9640 2330 0030 41NE,43S,49 75 1234567             WER 250 GFA
13840 1700 1800 37,38      175 1234567             JUL 100 YFR1
9925 1600 1800 39N,40W    115 1234567             JUL 100 YFR2
9705 2000 2100 39,40      115 1234567             JUL 100 YFR1
11895 2000 2100 37,38,46,47190 1234567             JUL 100 YFR2
3955 1700 1800 27,28       ND 1234567             JUL 100 YFR1
15750 1500 1859 47,48      150 1234567             WER 500 YFR
9925 2200 0300 11ð16      240 1234567             WER 125 HRT
9925 2300 0300 6ð10       300 1234567             WER 125 HRT
9925 0100 0500 2ð10       325 1234567             NAU 100 HRT
9470 0400 0700 55,59,60   240 1234567             WER 125 HRT
13820 0600 1000 58,59,60   270 1234567             JUL 100 HRT
6140 0600 0959 27,28      175 1234567             JUL 100 DWL
6140 1000 1259 27,28      175 1234567             JUL  40 DWL DRM
6140 1300 1559 27,28      175 1234567             JUL 100 DWL
6140 1600 1900 27,28      175 1234567             JUL  40 DWL DRM
6015 1000 1400 27W,28S,36  ND       7             JUL  40 TDP DRM
7295 0500 0600 28E        120 1234567             WER 125 AWR
15265 0700 0830 37,38W     200 1234567             JUL 100 AWR
15130 0800 0900 37,38W     200 1234567             JUL 100 AWR
11775 0900 1000 27W        145       1             JUL 100 AWR
15265 1900 2100 37,38W     200 1234567             JUL 100 AWR
15130 1900 1959 37,38W     200 1234567             JUL 100 AWR
9515 2000 2030 40         105 1234567             WER 250 AWR
7210 0527 0545 28,29      100   23456             JUL 100 TWR
7210 0827 0845 28         100   34567             JUL 100 TWR
6105 0827 0845 28         105   34567             JUL 100 TWR
7225 1027 1100 28,29      105       7             JUL 100 TWR
9490 1027 1100 28,29      100       7             JUL 100 TWR
5910 1807 1840 28         130 1234567 2905-300706 JUL 100 TWR
5945 0100 0300 39,40      105 1234567             WER 125 VOR
15430 1400 1500 39,40      115 1234567             JUL 100 VOR
9825 1900 2100 39,40      100 1234567             JUL 100 VOR
5985 1900 2100 39,40      115 1234567             JUL 100 VOR
7260 2000 2100 39,40      120 1234567             JUL 100 VOR
6145 2200 2300 39,40      105 1234567             WER 125 VOR
9725 1500 1659 29          50 1234567             JUL 100 IBB
15205 1100 1200 39,40      105 1234567             WER 250 IBB
15205 1200 1300 29,30       60 1234567             WER 250 IBB
13815 1600 1659 30,31       75 1234567             WER 250 IBB
7170 1730 1759 29          90 1234567             WER 250 IBB
9770 1700 1859 39,40      105 1234567             WER 250 IBB
11975 0100 0300 42S,43W     75 1234567             WER 250 IBB

AWH Allerweltshaus Koeln e.V.
AWR Adventist World Radio
BVB Bible Voice Broadcasting
BCA Bible Christian Association
BCE Broadcasting Center Europe S.A.
CHW Christliche Wissenschaft
DTK Deutsche Telekom
DVB Democratic Voice of Burma
DWL Deutsche Welle
EMG Evangelische Missions Gemeinden in Deutschland
EVR Evangeliums Radio Hamburg
FVM Freie Volksmission Krefeld
GFA Gospel For Asia
HCJ Voice of the Andes
HLR Hamburger Lokal Radio
HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija
IBB International Broadcast Bureau
IBR IBRA Radio Sweden
MWA Missionswerk Arche
MVB Mecklenburg, Vorpommern Baltic Radio
PAB Pan Am Broadcasting
RMI Radio Miami International
RNW Radio Netherlands World Service
RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
RTB Radio Television Belge de la communaute Francaise
RTR Radio Traumland (Belgien)
RTI Radio Taiwan international
RWB Radio Waaberi (Somalia)
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
TDP Transmitter Documentation Project
TOM The Overcomer Broadcast
TWR Trans World Radio
UNL Universelles Leben
VOR Voice of Russia
WRN World Radio Network
YFR WYFR Family Radio

3/31/2006 11:11:21 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:03 :





(26 March 2006 - 28 October 2006; rev. 20 March 2006)

UTC   UTC  Freq. Power Azimuth Target Days   
Begin End (Khz.) (KW) (Degrees)Region SMTWTFS Site
1100 1130 6050 50 18/172 S. America      1111111 Ecuador
1100 1330 12005 250 352/128 N/S America    1111111 Ecuador
1100 1330 21455 1    35/225 Eur./S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
0300 0330 9780  100 324  Mexico         1111111 Ecuador
0630 0700 9740  100  42  Europe         1111111 Ecuador
1530 1600 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
2300 2400 12040 100 131  S.America      1111111 Ecuador
0230 0300 9780  100 324 Mexico          1111111 Ecuador
0600 0630 9740  100  42 Europe          1111111 Ecuador
1500 1530 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
2230 2300 12040 100 131 S. America      1111111 Ecuador
1030 1100 6050 50 18/172 S.America   1111111 Ecuador
2250 2300 11920 250 126     Brazil   1111111 Ecuador
0800 0930 9745  100 100  N.Brazil       1111111 Ecuador
0800 0930 21455 1 35/225 Eur./S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
1530 1800 15295 100 139  Brazil         1111111 Ecuador
2300 0230 11920 250 126  Brazil         1111111 Ecuador
2300 2400 12020 100 100  Brazil         1111111 Ecuador
2400 0230 12020 100 100  Brazil         1111111 Ecuador
0830 1000 6125  100 155        S.America 1111111 Ecuador
0800 1100 690   50  000/180    Ecuador   1111111 Ecuador
0830 1300 3220  10  90 (Vert.) S.America 1111111 Ecuador
0930 1100 21455 1 35/225 Eur./ S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
2100 0300 6080  10  90 (Vert.) S.America 1111111 Ecuador
2100 2300 9745  100 155        S.America 1111111 Ecuador
0000 0300 3220  10  90 (Vert.) S.America 1111111 Ecuador
0100 0500 9745  100 325     Mexico         1111111 Ecuador
1100 0500 690   50 000/180  Ecuador        1111111 Ecuador
1130 1500 6050  50  18/172  S.America      1111111 Ecuador
1100 1300 11960 100 355     Cuba           1111111 Ecuador
1100 1500 11690 100 150     S.America      1111111 Ecuador
1300 1500 9745  100 324     Mexico         1111111 Ecuador
1330 1500 21455 1  35/225   Eur./S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
1900 0500 6050  50 18/172   Ecuador        1111111 Ecuador
2000 0500 21455 1  35/225   Eur./S.Pacific 1111111 Ecuador
2100 2300 12000 100 150 S.  America        1111111 Ecuador
2300 0100 11720 100 160/330 N/S America    1111111 Ecuador

Note: HCJB's shortwave broadcast schedule also includes these programs transmitted from these locations.

0700 0900 11750 50  120 South Pacific 1111111 Australia
1030 1130 15400 100 340 SE Asia       1111111 Australia
1130 1200 15425 100 307 SE Asia       1111111 Australia
1400 1500 15390 100 307 South Asia    1111111 Australia
1500 1530 15425 100 307 South Asia    1111111 Australia
1330 1400 15405 100 307 South Asia    _111111 Australia
0930 1030 15400 100 340 East Asia   1111111 Australia
1200 1230 15425 100 307 SE Asia  1111111 Australia
1230 1245 15405 100 307 South Asia   1111111 Australia

1245 1300 15405 100 307 South Asia   1______ Australia

1245 1300 15405 100 307 South Asia   _111111 Australia

1300 1315 15405 100 307 South Asia   1_____1 Australia

1300 1315 15405 100 307 South Asia   _1_____ Australia

1300 1315 15405 100 307 South Asia   __1____ Australia

1300 1315 15405 100 307 South Asia   ___1___ Australia

1300 1315 15405 100 307 South Asia   ____1__ Australia

1300 1315 15405 100 307 South Asia   _____1_ Australia

1315 1330 15405 100 307 South Asia   1111111 Australia

1330 1400 15405 100 307 South Asia   1______ Australia

1330 1400 15405 100 307 South Asia   _111111 Australia
1700 1715 9805 500 62 Russia & CIS 11_1111 U.K.

1700 1730 9805 500 62 Russia & CIS __1____ U.K.

1715 1730 9805 500 62 Russia & CIS 1__1_11 U.K.

1715 1730 9805 500 62 Russia & CIS _1__1__ U.K.
1530 1600 1251 100  Central Asia 11__111

Southern Uzbek
1530 1545 1251 100  Central Asia  __11___

1545 1600 1251 100  Central Asia __11___

1600 1615 1251 100  Central Asia 1111111
2100 2200 12025 250 150 N. Africa   1111111 U.K. or Canada
Low German
1600 1629 3955 100 Omni  Europe   1111111 Germany

High German
1630 1659 3955 100 Omni  Europe   1111111 Germany

3/31/2006 11:14:52 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



澳大利亚广播电台(HCJB Australia)



11750 0700 0900 51,55,56,59,60,62  KNX 50 120 0 108 ENGLISH   

15400 0930 1030 43,44,50,54  KNX 100  340 0 148 CANTONESE
15400 1030 1130 43,44,50,54  KNX 100  340 0 148 ENGLISH

15425 1130 1200 41E,49,54    KNX 100  307 0 148 ENGLISH
15425 1200 1230 41E,49,54    KNX 100  307 0 148 INDONESIAN
15425 1230 1245 41E,49,54    KNX 100  307 0 148 NEPALI
15425 1245 1300 41E,49,54    KNX 100  307 0 148 TAMIL(SUN),BANGLA(MON-SAT)

15435 1300 1315 41,49,54     KNX 100  307 0 148 VARIOUS**
15435 1315 1330 41,49,54     KNX 100  307 0 148 HINDI
15435 1330 1400 41,49,54     KNX 100  307 0 148 ENGLISH(SUN),URDU(MON-SAT)

15390 1400 1500 41,49,54     KNX 100  307 0 148 ENGLISH


a) Freq's effective from 26/03/06 till 29/10/06.
b) Program schd is effective from 26/03/06 till 30/04/06.

3/31/2006 11:20:05 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:23:03 :



阿根廷对外广播电台RAE—Radio Argentina Exterior

B-06 26/03/06 al 29/10/06 B-06 26/03/06 to 29/10/06
6060 KHz Banda de 49 metros 11710 KHz Banda de 25 metros
9690 KHz Banda de 31 metros 15345 KHz Banda de 19 metros
09.00-12.00 CASTELLANO       6060             AMERICA
10.00-12.00 JAPONES          11710            LEJANO - ORIENTE
12.00-14.00 CASTELLANO       11710            AMERICA
18.00-19.00 INGLES           9690–15345       EUROPA
19.00-20.00 ITALIANO         9690-15345       EUROPA
20.00-21.00 FRANCES          9690-15345       EUROPA/N.AFRICA
21.00-22.00 ALEMAN           9690-15345       EUROPA/N.AFRICA
22.00-24.00 CASTELLANO       6060-11710-15345 EUROPA/N.AFRICA Y AMERICA
00.00-02.00 PORTUGUES       11710             AMERICA
02.00-03.00 INGLES          11710             AMERICA
03.00-04.00 FRANCES         11710             AMERICA
  - Transmisión LRA 1 Radio Nacional Buenos Aires, AM 870 KHz. –
* Transmisión de Lunes a Viernes (Mondays to Fridays).–
** Transmisión Sábados Fcias.: 6060 y 15345 KHz de 17.00 a 23.30 H.L (20.00 a 02.30 UTC) / FREC. 11710 de 17.00 a 19.00 (20.00 a 22.00 UTC)
Domingos Fcias.: 6060 y 15345 KHz, de 15.00 a 24.00 H.L (18.00 a 03.00 UTC) / señal Radio Nacional AM 870 KHz. / FREC. 11710 de 15.00 a 22.00 (18.00 a 01.00 UTC)
On the air Saturdays on 6060 & 15345 KHz: 17.00 & 23.30 (20.00 & 02.30 UTC) Fr. 11710: 17.00 & 19.00 (20.00& 23.00 UTC)
On the air Sundays on 6060 & 15345 KHz.: 14.00 a 03.00 UTC: signal Radio Nacional AM 870 KHz. Rr. 11710 15.00 & 22.00 (18.00 & 01.00 UTC)

3/31/2006 11:23:29 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:24:04 :



自由欧洲电台RFE/自由电台RL—Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty


Afghan (Pashto and Dari)
0230-0330 12140
0230-0630 17670
0330-0930 15615
0630-1230 17685
0930-1430 15090
1230-1330 19010

0300-0500 7155
0300-0500 9635
1500-1700 9725
1500-1900 15215
1700-1900 7195
1900-2100 7115
1900-2100 9750

0000-0100 5945 7200
0200-0400 9615 15205
1200-1300 11520 15120
1400-1600 7170 9815

North Caucasus languages
(Avar, Chechen, Circassian)
0400-0500 9855 11785
1700-1800 11705 15255

Persian (Farsi) - Radio Farda
0030-0200 7295
0030-0400 9805
0030-0600 9865
0200-0400 9775
0400-0800 9510
0400-0600 15225
0600-1000 15290
0600-0800 17845
0800-1400 15690 17755
1000-1400 7125
1400-1500 9435
1400-1700 13870
1400-1600 17745
1500-1700 15170
1600-1700 17670
1700-2000 7105
1700-1900 7180
1700-2100 9760
1900-2130 9505
2000-2130 7190
2100-2130 9960

Romanian (Moldova)
1500-1530 15380
1800-1900 11815 MoTuWeThFr

0000-0100 7120 7175 7220 9520
0200-0400 7175 15250
0200-0500 7220
0200-0300 9520
0300-0500 6105
0400-0700 9520 9760
0500-0800 11815
0700-0900 11855
0700-1000 15280
0700-1300 17730
0900-1100 11860
1000-1300 15130
1000-1200 21530
1100-1300 11705
1200-1300 15205
1400-1600 11725 11875
1400-1700 15130
1400-1500 15195
1500-1700 9520
1600-1700 7220 9565
1900-2400 7220
1900-2300 9520
1900-2000 9585
2200-2400 9590
2300-2400 7120

0100-0400 9760
0100-0200 13760
0200-0400 15525
1400-1700 9790
1400-1500 11895
1500-1600 11975
1600-1700 7190

0300-0400 11990
0500-0600 11990
1500-1600 11990
1900-2000 9650

0200-0400 9555
0200-0400 15120
1400-1600 15120
1400-1600 15255
1600-1800 11895
1600-1700 13815
1700-1800 9395

0300-0400 12110 15145 15460
1400-1500 13755 15145 15170
1600-1700 7555 9595 11875


3/31/2006 11:27:09 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



巴基斯坦广播电台PBC RP—Radio Pakistan (国内服务)


Home Services from Islamabad

API - 2 (100 KW )




Frequency Khz





Haya Alla Falah






Urdu News






Urdu News






Rawalpindi Programme






Urdu News






Rawalpindi Programme






English New






Rawalpindi Programme






Urdu News






Islamabad Programme






English News






Islamabad Programme






Rawalpindi Kashmiri Prog.






Islamabad Programme




API - 4 ( 100 KW )



Current Affairs Channel












Rawalpindi-II Prog.




Regional News

API - 2 ( 100 KW )



Punjabi News






Sindhi News






Pushto News






Balti News






Sheena News




Regional Services

Quetta ( 10 KW )







Peshawar ( 10 KW )



Chitrali Service




Rawalpindi - III
API - 8 ( 100 KW )



Pindi-III Programme
















API - 8 ( 100 KW )



Balti Service






Sheena Service




Rawalpindi ( 10 KW )



Pindi-III Programme










3/31/2006 11:29:44 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



新加坡国际广播电台RSI—Radio Singapore International


RSI English
6080 kHz / 49 mb
6150 kHz / 49 mb
Time of broadcast
1100 - 1400 UTC
1900 - 2200 S'pore time

RSI Chinese
6185 kHz / 49 mb
6000 kHz / 49 mb
Time of broadcast
1100 - 1400 UTC
1900 - 2200 S'pore time

RSI Malay
6120 kHz / 49 mb
7235 kHz / 41 mb
Time of broadcast
0900 - 1200 UTC
1700 - 2000 S'pore time

RSI Bahasa Indonesia
6120 kHz / 49 mb
7235 kHz / 41 mb
Time of broadcast
1200 - 1400 UTC
1900 - 2100 WIB

3/31/2006 11:34:18 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:20:20 :



南非转播台总频率表Sentech Meyerton


Start  End  kHz  kW  Days   Target Area    Language


17:00 18:00 9600  250 1234567 East Africa    Swah/Masai
18:00 18:30 3215  100 1234567 Namibia        English
18:00 18:30 3345  100 1234567 Zimbabwe       English
18:00 18:30 9600  250 1234567 East Africa    English
19:00 19:30 11860 250 1234567 West Africa    Fulfulde
20:00 20:30 9390  250 1234567 West Africa    French
20:00 20:30 9735  500 1234567 Central Africa French
20:00 20:30 7180  250 1234567 Central Africa English
20:30 21:00 7175  250 1234567 West Africa    Yoruba


03:00 03:30 6050  500 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
03:00 04:00 6035  500 1234567 West Africa  English
04:00 04:30 9835  250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
04:00 05:00 7120  250 1234567 West Africa  English
04:30 05:00 3390  100 1234567 S.Moz        Portuguese
04:30 05:00 6135  250 1234567 N.Moz        Portuguese
04:30 05:00 7205  500 1234567 Angola       Portuguese
05:00 07:00 11765 250 1234567 West Africa  English
05:30 06:00 15400 250      67 East Africa  Kirundi
07:00 07:30 17695 500 1234567 Central Africa French
15:00 17:00 11690 500 1234567 East Africa  Eng/Swahili
17:00 19:00 11945 250 1234567 East Africa  English
17:45 18:00 7230  500 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
18:00 18:30 5985  250 1234567 Indian Ocean Isles French
20:30 21:00 3390  100 1234567 S. Moz       Portuguese
20:30 21:00 6135  250 1234567 N. Moz       Portuguese
20:30 21:00 7370  500 1234567 Angola       Portuguese


03:00 06:00 3255  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
03:00 06:00 6190  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
06:00 16:00 6190  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
06:00 16:00 11940 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
16:00 22:00 3255  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
16:00 22:00 6190  100 1234567 Southern Afr English


03:00 05:00 3345  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
03:00 04:00 6120  250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
03:00 04:00 5960  500 1234567 East Africa  English
04:00 05:00 7305  500 1234567 Central Afr  French
05:00 06:00 9685  500 1234567 West Africa  English
05:00 08:00 7240  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
06:00 07:00 15255 250 1234567 West Africa  English
08:00 16:00 9620  100 1234567 Southern Afr Eng/Loz/Nya
15:00 16:00 17770 500 1234567 East Africa  English
15:00 16:00 17780 250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
16:00 17:00 15235 500 1234567 West Africa  French
17:00 18:00 15235 500 1234567 West Africa  English
19:00 22:00 3345  100 1234567 Southern Afr Port/English


15:00 19:00 6100 100 1234567 Southern Afr Eng/Chinese


05:15 15:45 9555 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
06:00 09:00 9805 100 1234567 Mozambique   Portuguese
19:05 22:05 9620 100 1234567 Southern Afr Portuguese


19:00 21:00 3230 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
21:00 22:00 6045 250 1234567 East Africa  English
19:02 20:02 5925 250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili


14:30 15:00 12125 250 1234567 Sudan        Nuer
15:30 15:45 12125 250 1234567 Sudan        Dinka
15:45 16:00 12125 250 1234567 Moz/Tanzania Makonde
16:00 17:00 12125 250 1234567 Ethiopia     Amharic


04:00 06:00 11690 250 1234567 Central Africa French/Various
16:00 17:00 11890 250 1234567 Central Africa French/Various


03:00 04:00 5925  250 1234567 East Africa    French
07:00 08:00 15170 250 1234567 West Africa    French
11:00 12:00 17525 250 1234567 Central Africa French
12:00 14:00 15160 250 1234567 West Africa    French
12:30 13:00 17525 250 1234567 West Africa    French
16:00 17:00 7170  100 1234567 Southern Afr   English
16:00 17:00 15160 250 1234567 West Africa    English
19:00 22:00 7160  250 1234567 Central Africa French


00:00 05:30 3320 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans
05:30 08:00 7185 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans
08:00 16:00 9650 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans
16:00 24:00 3320 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans


08:00 09:00 7205  100 7 Southern Afr    English
08:00 09:00 17695 250 7 East Africa     English
19:00 20:00 3215  100 1 Southern Africa English


03:27 03:57 7215  250       7 Ethiopia     Oromo
03:30 03:45 7215  250 123456  Ethiopia     Amha/Sidamo
06:00 06:45 11640 500 12345   Nigeria      English
06:00 06:15 11640 500      67 Nigeria      English
16:00 16:30 9675  250 1234567 Burundi      Kirundi
16:25 16:55 9660  500 1234567 Somalia      Somali
16:45 18:00 9930  250 1234567 Ethiopia     Amha/Oromo
16:57 17:12 9660  500  23456  S.Sudan      Juba
16:57 17:27 9660  500 1     7 S.Sudan      Juba
17:03 17:33 7265  250 1 346   Mozambique   Sena/Yao
17:03 17:48 7265  250  2  5 7 Mozambique   Sena/Yao
17:55 18:25 9620  500 1234567 Mali,S.Niger Pulaar/French
18:10 19:40 9720  250 1234567 West Africa  Various
18:30 19:30 9510  500    45   West Africa  Fulfulde/Yoruba
18:30 19:45 9510  500 123     West Africa  Various
18:30 20:00 9510  500      6  West Africa  Various
18:30 20:15 9510  500       7 West Africa  Various
18:30 19:15 9745  500 1234567 Nigeria      Hausa/Kanuri


17:00 17:15 6055  100 12345 Indian Ocean Isles French
17:00 17:15 11715 500 12345 Central Africa     French
17:30 17:45 7130  100 12345 Southern Afr       English

4/2/2006 9:24:37 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



孟加拉国广播电台Bangl—Bangladesh Betar

Winter Schedule 2005

            UTC      Days     Area    kHz
Arabic   1600-1630   daily     ME     7185
Bangla   1630-1730   daily     ME     7185
         1915-2000   daily     Eu     7185
English  1230-1300   daily  SAs, SEA  7185
         1815-1900   daily     Eu     7185
English  1745-1815   daily     Eu     7185 (VO Islam)
Hindi    1515-1545   daily     IND    7185
Nepali   1315-1345   daily     NPL    7185
Urdu     1400-1430   daily     PAK    7185



4/2/2006 9:29:42 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:20:20 :



非洲频道电台Channel Africa



0300-0355 6120 East & Central Africa Swahili
0300-0355 5960 East & Central Africa English
0300-0459 3345 Southern Africa English
0400-0455 7305 Central Africa French
0500-0555 9685 West Africa English
0500-0659 7240 Southern Africa English
0600-0655 15255 Far West Africa English
0800-0900 9620 Southern Africa Chinyanja
0900-1000 9620 Southern Africa Silozi

1000-1200 9620 Southern Africa English
1200-1300 9620 Southern Africa Chinyanja
1300-1400 9620 Southern Africa Silozi
1400-1559 9620 Southern Africa English

1500-1555 17780 East & Central Africa Swahili
1500-1555 17770 East & Central Africa English
1600-1655 15235 West Africa French
1700-1755 15235 West Africa English
1900-2000 3345 Southern Africa Portuguese
2000-2200 3345 Southern Africa English

4/2/2006 9:32:34 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



塞尔维亚和黑山国际广播电台International Radio Of Serbia and Montenegro

UTC Language Zones of areas Target Freq.(kHz)

1745-1800 ARAPSKI 1 39,40s ARABIA 6100

1800-1830 RUSKI 2 28ne,29,30n RUSIA/Mos. 6100

1830-1900 ENGLESKI 4 27,28w EVROPA/zap. 6100

1900-1930 SPANSKI 2 37nw SPANIA 7220

1930-2000 SRPSKI 3(osim subote) 27,28 EVROPA 6100

2000-2030 GERMAN 2(osim subote) 27,28w EVROPA/zap. 6100

1930-2030 SPSKI (spec.)(samo subotom) 27,28 EVROPA 6100

2030-2100 FRANCUSKI 2 27,28 EVROPA 6100

4/2/2006 9:36:56 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:00 :



罗马尼亚国际广播电台RRI—Radio Romania International

ARABIC    0730-0756    9770  11875  15340  17810          1500-1556    9595  11895  15240  17860AROMANIAN 1600-1626    6175          1800-1826    7130          2000-2026    6130CHINESE   0500-0526   15400  17780          1400-1426   11935  15225ENGLISH   0100-0156    9690  11825          0400-0456    9780  11820  15110  17870          0630-0656    9655  11830  15440  17770          1300-1356   11830  15105          1800-1856    9635  11830          2130-2156    7210   9535  11940  15465          2300-2356    6140   7265   9645  11940FRENCH    0200-0256    6135   9715          0600-0626    9655  11730          1100-1156   11830  11895  15250  15380          1700-1756    7135   9690          2100-2126    7260   9715GERMAN    0700-0726    7225   9790          1200-1256    9515  11775          1900-1956    7165   7215   9590   9770ITALIAN   1630-1656    7135          1830-1856    7135          2030-2056    7130ROMANAIN  0100-0156    9525  11970          0200-0256    9525  11970          0800-0856   11970  15270  15370  17805          0900-0956   11875  11945  15430  15450          1000-1056   11830  11990  15250  15380          1200-1256    7155  11920  15195          1400-1456    9760  11965          1600-1656    7195   9690          1700-1756    9625  11865                     1800-1856    7625  11765          2000-2056    9755  11785RUSSIAN   0530-0556    7285   9555          1430-1456    9690  11955          1600-1656    7210   9680SERBIAN   1530-1556    6175          1730-1756    6130          1930-1956    6110SPANISH   0000-0056    9760  11935  11970  15140          0300-0356    9700   9775  11725  11970          2000-2056   11940  15465          2200-2256   11940  15255UKRAINIAN 1500-1526    7210          1700-1726    7240          1900-1926    7175
4/3/2006 5:29:23 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



北美WHRI Cypress Creek电台

WHRI Angel 1 0100-0600 on  5860 Mon-Fri DXWC Mon 0330
             0100-0600 on  7315 Sun-Wed
             0600-0700 on  6125 Thu-Sat
             0700-1000 on  7315            
             1000-1200 on  9495
             1200-1400 on  7520 HMLR Sat 1200; Sun 1300
             1400-1600 on 11785 Mon-Fri
             1400-1600 on 15105 Sat/Sun DXWC Sun 1530
             1600-1900 on 15105
             1900-2100 on 15285 DXWC Sat 1930
             2100-2300 on 11885
             2300-0300 on  7315

WHRI Angel 2 0600-0900 on  5860
             0900-1200 on  7520
             1200-2200 on  9840 DXWC Sun 2030
             2200-0600 on  7490


DXWC=DX-ing With Cumbre 30 minutes
HMLR=Hmong Lao Radio in Lao 1 hour

4/3/2006 5:32:00 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



北美WHRA Greenbush电台

WHRA Angel 5 0500-0700 on  7555
             1200-1600 on 15665
             1600-1900 on 17650
             1900-2300 on 15665
             2300-0500 on  5850 DXWC Sun 0230; Mon 0230


DXWC=DX-ing With Cumbre 30 minutes
HMLR=Hmong Lao Radio in Lao 1 hour

4/3/2006 5:40:20 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :




KWHR Angel 3 0100-0500 on 17655 DXWC Sun 0330
             0500-0800 on 15610
             0800-1200 on  9930 DXWC Sun 1500
             1200-1400 on 11520
             1400-1800 on  9930

KWHR Angel 4 0500-1100 on 11565 DXWC Sat 0700; Sun 0500


DXWC=DX-ing With Cumbre 30 minutes
HMLR=Hmong Lao Radio in Lao 1 hour

4/5/2006 1:37:48 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:22:32 :



圣经之声电台BVB—Bible Voice Broadcasting

MIDDLE EAST All times in UTC (Universal Time)

Local times...
Jerusalem +2 W +3 S Amman  +2 W +3 S
Cairo     +2 W +3 S Ar Riyad  +3 W/S
Damascus  +2 W +3 S Dubai   +4 W/S
Tehran    +3.5 W +4.5 S Addis Ababa   +3 W/S
Baghdad   +3 W +4 S Asmera   +3 W/S

13.590 Khz; 22  meter band; 100 Kw Juelich

Day       Time      Language

Sunday    1530-1800 English
Monday    1540-1615 English
Tuesday   1540-1615 English
          1615-1645 Various
          1645-1700 English
          1700-1715 Russian
          1715-1800 Hebrew
          1800-1815 Hebrew/English
Wednesday 1540-1615 English
Thursday  1540-1615 English
          1615-1630 Hebrew/English
          1630-1645 English
Friday    1540-1615 English
          1730-1800 English
Saturday  1545-1730 English
          1730-1745 Tagalog
          1745-1800 Various
          1800-1830 English

9.430 Khz; 31 meter band; 250 Kw Nauen

Sunday   1800-1915 English
Friday   1815-1900 English
Saturday 1800-1900 English

15.460 Khz; 19 meter band (Mon & Weds) 200kw; 9.945 kHz; 31 meter band (Fri) 250 Kw Krasnodar

Monday    0500-0530 Arabic
Wednesday 0500-0530 Arabic
Friday    0500-0545 Arabic

9.430 Khz; 31 meter band; 100 Kw Juelich

Sunday    1630-1800 English
Monday    1615-1735 Arabic
Tuesday   1700-1735 Arabic
Wednesday 1615-1735 Arabic
Thursday  1700-1735 Arabic
Friday    1615-1735 Arabic
Saturday  1630-1800 English

13.580 Khz; 22 meter band; 250 Kw Wertachtal

Monday    1630-1730 Arabic
Tuesday   1630-1715 Arabic
Wednesday 1630-1730 Arabic
Thursday  1630-1730 Arabic
Friday    1630-1730 Arabic

6.140 Khz; 49 meter band; 125 Kw Wertachal

Friday 0000-0200 English

EGYPT All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times.
Cairo +2 W, +3 S

Egypt 1
17.595 Khz; 16 meter band; 125 Kw Wertachtal

Friday 0845-1015 Arabic

Egypt 2
9.605 Khz;  31 meter band;  250 Kw Wertachtal

Thursday 2000-2030 Arabic

IRAN All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Tehran +3.5 W +4.5 S

11.710 Khz; 25 meter band; 100 Kw Juelich

Sunday    1800-1900 Farsi
Wednesday 1800-1830 Farsi
Thursday  1800-1830 Farsi
Friday    1800-1830 Farsi
Saturday  1800-1815 English
          1815-1900 Farsi

EAST AFRICA All times in UTC (Universal Time)

Local times...
Addis Ababa +3 W/S
Asmera      +3 W/S
Khartoum    +3 W/S

13.810 Khz; 22 meter band; 100/250 Kw Juelich

Sunday    1630-1800 Amharic
          1800-1830 Somali
Monday    1630-1700 Amharic
          1700-1730 Tigringa
          1730-1800 Amharic
Tuesday   1630-1700 Amharic
          1700-1730 Tigringa
          1730-1800 Amharic
Wednesday 1630-1800 Amharic
Thursday  1630-1800 Amharic
Friday    1630-1700 Amharic
          1700-1730 Tigringa
          1730-1800 Amharic
Saturday  1630-1800 Amharic
          1800-1830 Somali

CENTRAL AFRICA All times in UTC (Universal Time)

Local times...
Lagos +1 W/S

9.775 Khz; 31 meter band; 100 Kw Juelich

Day Time Language
Sunday   1930-2000 English
Saturday 1900-1930 English

INDIAN SUBCONTINENT All times in UTC (Universal Time)

Local times...
Delhi +5.5 W/S Karachi +5 W/S 
Kolkata +5.5 W/S Kabul  +4.5 W/S
Dhaka +6 W/S Kathmandu +5.75 W/S

15.690 Khz; 19 meter band; 250 Kw Wertachtal

Day Time Language
Sunday   1400-1500 English
Saturday 1400-1545 English  
7.210 Khz; 41 meter band; 250 Kw UAE

Sunday    0030-0045 Bengali
Monday    0030-0045 Bengali
Tuesday   0030-0045 Bengali
Wednesday 0030-0045 Bengali
Thursday  0030-0045 Bengali
Friday    0030-0045 Bengali
Saturday  0030-0045 Bengali

9.605 Khz; 31 meter band; 250 Kw UAE

Sunday    0015-0030 Hindi
Monday    0015-0030 Hindi
Tuesday   0015-0030 Hindi
Wednesday 0015-0030 Hindi
Thursday  0015-0030 Hindi
Friday    0015-0030 Hindi
Saturday  0015-0045 Hindi

6.010 Khz; 49 meter band; 250 Kw UAE

Sunday    0030-0100 English
Monday    0030-0100 Hindi
Tuesday   0030-0100 Hindi
Wednesday 0030-0100 Hindi
Thursday  0030-0100 Hindi
Friday    0030-0100 English
Saturday  0030-0100 English

15.680 Khz; 19 meter band; 100 Kw Juelich

Sunday    1530-1600 Urdu
Monday    1530-1600 English
Tuesday   1500-1515 Various
          1515-1600 Urdu
Wednesday 1530-1545 Urdu
          1545-1600 Uigher
Thursday  1530-1600 English
Friday    1530-1600 Punjabi
Saturday  1500-1600 English

13.840 Khz; 22 meter band; 250 Kw Wertachtal

Monday    1530-1600 Hindi
Tuesday   1530-1600 Hindi
Wednesday 1530-1600 Hindi
Thursday  1530-1600 Hindi
Friday    1530-1600 Hindi

7.485 Khz; 41 meter band; 250 Kw Tashkent

Thursday 1400-1415 Bengali
         1415-1445 Hindi
         1445-1500 Nepali
Friday   1400-1415 Dzongkha
         1415-1500 Hindi

13.840 Khz; 22 meter band; 250 Kw Wertachtal

Sunday 1500-1530 Bengali
Friday 1500-1530 Bengali

WEST EUROPE All times in UTC (Universal Time)

Local times...
London 0 W +1 S  Stockholm +1 W +2 S
Lisbon 0 W +1 S  Oslo  +1W  +2 S
Paris                          +1W +2S

5.945 Khz; 49 meter band; 100 Kw Juelich

Sunday   0700-0845 English
Friday   0715-0800 English
         0800-0815 Urdu
         0815-0830 Punjabi
Saturday 0700-0845 English

9.435 Khz; 31meter band; 125 Kw Nauen

Sunday 1800-1830 Spanish

EAST EUROPE/RUSSIA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Moscow +3W/+4S Warsaw +1W/+2S
Prague +1W/+2S Kiev  +2W/+3S
Budapest +1W/+2S

6.015 Khz; 49 meter band; 100/125 Kw Juelich

Sunday    1800-1830 English
          1830-1900 Russian
          1900-1930 English
Monday    1815-1830 Russian
Tuesday   1815-1830 Russian
Wednesday 1815-1830 Russian
Thursday  1815-1845 Russian
Friday    1815-1830 Russian
Saturday  1800-1915 English

CHINA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...
Beijing +8W/S Shanghai +8W/S
Hong Kong +8W/S
Seoul +9W/S

12.065 Khz; 25 meter band; 100 Kw Khabarovsk

Sunday    1130-1200 English
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Cantonese
Monday    1130-1200 Mandarin
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Mandarin
Tuesday   1130-1200 Mandarin
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Cantonese
          1230-1245 Mandarin
Wednesday 1130-1200 Mandarin
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Cantonese
          1230-1245 Mandarin
Thursday  1130-1200 Mandarin
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Cantonese
          1230-1245 English
Friday    1130-1200 Mandarin
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Cantonese
Saturday  1130-1200 English
          1200-1215 Vietnamese
          1215-1230 Cantonese

KOREA All times in UTC (Universal Time)
Local times...

5.910 Khz; 49-meter band; 200 Kw Petropavlousk

Sunday   1030-1100 English
         1100-1130 Korean
         1130-1145 Japanese
Saturday 1045-1130 Korean

12.005 khz; 25 meter band;  250 Kw Nauen

Sunday 1430-1500 Vietnamese
Saturday 1415-1500 Vietnamese

4/5/2006 1:40:43 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:18:47 :



泰国广播电台RT—Radio Thailand

1575 1030-1100 BAK 1000 145         THAI
1575 1100-1130 BAK 1000 145 Mon-Fri THAI
1575 1200-1230 BAK 1000 145 Mon-Fri THAI
1575 1500-1530 BAK 1000 145 Mon-Fri THAI
1575 2230-2400 BAK 1000 145 Sun-Thu THAI
5890 0030-0100 GB   250 190         ENGL
5890 0100-0200 GB   250 190         THAI
5890 0300-0330 DL   250 180         ENGL
5890 0330-0430 DL   250 180         THAI
6030 1130-1145 UDO  250  30         LAO
6030 1145-1200 UDO  250 284         BURM
7155 1900-2000 UDO  250 329         ENGL  <<<
7260 1100-1115 UDO  250 144         VIET
7260 1115-1130 UDO  250 144         KHME
9570 0000-0030 UDO  250 276         ENGL
9680 1800-1900 UDO  250 300         THAI
9680 2000-2015 UDO  250 321         GERM
9680 2015-2030 UDO  250 321         FREN
9680 2030-2045 UDO  250 321         ENGL
9680 2045-2115 UDO  250 313         THAI
9830 1400-1430 UDO  250 132         ENGL
9835 1230-1300 UDO  250 132         ENGL
11685 1300-1315 UDO  250  54         JAPA
11685 1315-1330 UDO  250  30         MAND
11685 1330-1400 UDO  250  54         THAI
11870 1000-1100 UDO  250 138         THAI
11870 1200-1215 UDO  250 154         MALA
17655 0530-0600 UDO  250 321         ENGL

- morning sce to Moscow / Eastern Europe.

4/6/2006 10:22:49 PM
4/7/2006 4:22:06 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:24:40 :



斯堪的纳维亚半岛周末电台SWR—Scandinavian Weekend Radio


SWR's 1st of Aril transmission schedule

Even thought it is all fools day it still is true that Scandinavian
Radio is on whole day long from 00 hourslocal time (that's 21 hours
UTC). We
are transmitting with full 100 watts power on 1602 kHz MW as well on
our 48
(5980 and 6170) and 25 (11690 and 11720 kHz) meter band frequencies.

Here's our A06 schedule for this transmission day:

24 hours 1602 kHz

48 MB
00-01 (21-22 UTC) 6170 kHz
01-06 (22-03 UTC) 5980 kHz
06-19 (03-16 UTC) 6170 kHz
19-21 (16-18 UTC) 5980 kHz
21-24 (18-21 UTC) 6170 kHz

25 MB
00-09 (21-06 UTC) 11720 kHz
09-14 (06-11 UTC) 11690 kHz
14-21 (11-18 UTC) 11720 kHz
21-24 (18-21 UTC) 11690 kHz

Programe schedule (times local Finnish time)
00-03 Continental night shift
03-08 SWR Jukebox
08-10 Huomenta - Good Morning Virrat! by Häkä
10-11 SWR Crew
11-12 Rariojaskalla on asiaa. sitä sun tätä ja kuuntelijakilpailu
12-13 Studiossa dj Janne
13-14 Virrat Tänään - Virrat Today by Häkä
14-16 Pohjanmaa vuonna nolla. Ratkaisevat iskut, osa 2. Olavi Letku ja
16-17 Radiolehtikatsaus
17-18 Studiossa dj Janne
18-19 Progressive rock and other strange things by Esa
19-20 "Viinillä maustettua..." Studiossa Vaquerja ja Vikki
20-21 Kantoaaltoa Suomirokilla höystettynä by Esa
21-22 Saunan lämmitys - Warm up the Sauna by Häkä
22-23 SWR Crew
23-24 Closing ceremony by Häkä

Postal address for reports is SWR,  POBox 99, 34801 Virrat Finland. Do
forgot handlig cost  of 2 Euro for QSL's. More info can be found:

5/19/2006 9:53:27 PM
引用此帖:原文由 Radio 发表于 2006-3-21 18:19:36 :



利比亚广播公司LIBYAN BC

Radio of The Great Jamahiriya
1200-1400 Arabic  on 17660 to WeNoAf

Radio The Voice of Africa
1700-1857 Arabic  on 11615 to NoWeAf
1900-2157 Arabic  on  9590 to NoWeAf
2200-2357 Arabic  on  7320 to NoWeAf
1400-1557 English on 17725 to EaCeAf >>> from May 7 till Sep.2
1400-1557 English on 17850 to NoCeAf
1400-1557 English on 21695 to EaCeAf >>> till May 6/from Sep.3
1600-1757 French  on 15660 to NoWeAf
1600-1757 French  on 17870 to NoCeAf
1800-1957 Hausa   on 11835 to WeNoAf >>> from Sep.3
1800-1957 Hausa   on 15660 to WeNoAf >>> till Sep.2
1200-1357 Swahili on 17610 to NoCeAf
1200-1357 Swahili on 17725 to EaCeAf >>> from May 7 till Sep.2
1200-1357 Swahili on 21695 to EaCeAf >>> till May 6/from Sep.3
1200-1400 Various*on 17670 to NoWeAf >>> (alt.17675/85/90)
1200-1400 Various*on 17680 to EaCeAf >>> (alt.17675/85/90)

* nx in Swahili/French/English/Arabic

5/24/2006 5:04:50 PM
10/21/2006 8:44:25 PM
10/30/2006 9:25:08 AM


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